Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

List of Evolution Items

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Evolution Items available in Delibird Presents

Evolution Items are unique items used in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) to evolve certain Pokemon. Read on to learn all about the Evolution Items in the base game and The Teal Mask, their effects, and where to find them!

All Evolution Item Locations
Kitakami Evolution Item MapKitakami Evolution Items Indigo Disk Evolution ItemsIndigo Disk Evolution Items

List of Evolution Items

All Evolution Items
The Indigo Disk The Teal Mask Base Game

The Indigo Disk Evolution Items


The Terarium in in The Indigo Disk DLC features new and returning pokemon with several different ways of evolving.

Item Effect / Location
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Berry Sweet ImageBerry Sweet Effect
An item to used by Milcery to evolve into Alcremie.
• Terarium
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Clover Sweet ImageClover Sweet Effect
An item to used by Milcery to evolve into Alcremie.
• Terarium
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dragon Scale ImageDragon Scale Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. When held by Seadra and traded, it will evolve.
• Blueberry Academy School Store
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dubious Disc ImageDubious Disc Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. When held by Porygon and traded, it will evolve.
• Blueberry Academy School Store
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Electirizer ImageElectirizer Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. When held by Electabuzz and traded, it will evolve.
• Blueberry Academy School Store
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Flower Sweet ImageFlower Sweet Effect
An item to used by Milcery to evolve into Alcremie.
• Terarium
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Galarica Cuff ImageGalarica Cuff Effect
An item used by Galarian Slowpoke to evolve into Galarian Slowbro.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Galarica Wreath ImageGalarica Wreath Effect
An item used by Galarian Slowpoke to evolve into Galarian Slowking.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Love Sweet ImageLove Sweet Effect
An item to used by Milcery to evolve into Alcremie.
• Terarium
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Magmarizer ImageMagmarizer Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. When held by Magmar and traded, it will evolve.
• Blueberry Academy School Store
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Metal Alloy ImageMetal Alloy Effect
An item used to evolve Duraludon into Archaludon.
• Blueberry Academy School Store
• Terarium
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Protector ImageProtector Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. When held by Rhydon and traded, it will evolve.
• Blueberry Academy School Store
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ribbon Sweet ImageRibbon Sweet Effect
An item to used by Milcery to evolve into Alcremie.
• Terarium
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Star Sweet ImageStar Sweet Effect
An item to used by Milcery to evolve into Alcremie.
• Terarium
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Strawberry Sweet ImageStrawberry Sweet Effect
An item to used by Milcery to evolve into Alcremie.
• Terarium
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Upgrade ImageUpgrade Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. When held by Porygon and traded, it will evolve.
• Blueberry Academy School Store

The Indigo Disk: DLC Part 2

The Teal Mask Evolution Items

Several new and returning evolution items were added in The Teal Mask DLC, which allowed players to obtain Pokemon evolutions native to Kitakami.

Item Effect / Location
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Masterpiece Teacup ImageMasterpiece Teacup Effect
An item used to evolve an Artisan Form Poltchageist into a Masterpiece Form Sinistcha.
• Timeless Woods
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Prism Scale ImagePrism Scale Effect
An item used to evolve Feebas into Milotic.
• Fellhorn Gorge
• Kitakami Pokedex Progress Reward
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Razor Fang ImageRazor Fang Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. Increases the chance of opponent flinching by 10%. When held by Gligar and leveled up at night, it will evolve into Gliscor.
• Wistful Fields
Ogre Oustin' Reward
• Kitakami Pokedex Progress Reward
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Reaper Cloth ImageReaper Cloth Effect
An item used to evolve Dusclops into Dusknoir.
• Kitakami Pokedex Progress Reward
• Timeless Woods
• Kitakami Pokedex Progress Reward
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Syrupy Apple ImageSyrupy Apple Effect
An item used to evolve Applin into Dipplin.
• Mossfell Confluence
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Unremarkable Teacup ImageUnremarkable Teacup Effect
An item used to evolve a Counterfeit Form Poltchageist into an Unremarkable Form Sinistcha.
• Oni Mountain

The Teal Mask DLC

Base Game Evolution Items

Item Effect / Location
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Auspicious Armor ImageAuspicious Armor Effect
An item used to evolve Charcadet into Armarouge.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Chipped Pot ImageChipped Pot Effect
An item to used by Sinistea to evolve into Polteageist.
• Porto Marinada Auction
• Porto Marinada
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - KingKing's Rock Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. The holder has a 10% chance of causing the opponent to flinch whenever it attacks. When held by Slowpoke and traded, it will evolve into Slowking.
• Mesagoza Delibird Presents
• Porto Marinada Auction
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Leader’s Crest ImageLeader’s Crest Effect
An item held by wild Bisharp that are leading a group of Pawniards.
• Held Item from: Bisharp
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Malicious Armor ImageMalicious Armor Effect
An item used to evolve Charcadet into Ceruledge.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Metal Coat ImageMetal Coat Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. Increases the damage of Steel type moves known by the holder by 20%. When held by Scyther and traded, it will evolve into Scizor.
• Levincia Delibird Presents
• Porto Marinada Auction
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Oval Stone ImageOval Stone Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. When held by Happiny it will evolve into Chansey when leveling up during the daytime.
Casseroya Lake / North Province (Area Two)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pink Nectar ImagePink Nectar Effect
An item used to change Oricorio into its Pa'u Style.
• Mesagoza Delibird Presents
• Levincia Delibird Presents
• Cascarrafa Delibird Presents
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Purple Nectar ImagePurple Nectar Effect
An item used to change Oricorio into its Sensu Style.
• Mesagoza Delibird Presents
• Levincia Delibird Presents
• Cascarrafa Delibird Presents
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Razor Claw ImageRazor Claw Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. Increases the critical-hit ratio of the user by one stage. When held by Sneasel and leveled up at night, it will evolve into Weavile.
• Mesagoza Delibird Presents
• Porto Marinada Auction
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Red Nectar ImageRed Nectar Effect
An item used to change Oricorio into its Baile Style.
• Mesagoza Delibird Presents
• Levincia Delibird Presents
• Cascarrafa Delibird Presents
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Sweet Apple ImageSweet Apple Effect
An item to used by Applin to evolve into Appletun.
• Mesagoza Delibird Presents
• Levincia Delibird Presents
• Cascarrafa Delibird Presents
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Tart Apple ImageTart Apple Effect
An item to used by Applin to evolve into Flapple.
• Mesagoza Delibird Presents
• Levincia Delibird Presents
• Cascarrafa Delibird Presents
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Yellow Nectar ImageYellow Nectar Effect
An item used to change Oricorio into its Pom-Pom Style.
• Mesagoza Delibird Presents
• Levincia Delibird Presents
• Cascarrafa Delibird Presents

List of Pokemon that Evolve with Evolution Items

Pokemon that Evolve with Evolution Items
The Indigo Disk The Teal Mask Base Game

The Indigo Disk Pokemon

Pre-Evolution Evolution Evolution Condition
Rhydon ImageRhydon Rhyperior ImageRhyperior Trade a Rhydon to another player while it is holding a Protector
Electabuzz ImageElectabuzz Electivire ImageElectivire Trade a Electabuzz to another player while it is holding an Electirizer
Magmar ImageMagmar Magmortar ImageMagmortar Trade a Magmar to another player while it is holding a Magmarizer.
Milcery ImageMilcery Alcremie ImageAlcremie Spin around with your trainer with Milcery holding a Sweet item.
Seadra ImageSeadra Kingdra ImageKingdra Trade a Seadra to another player while it is holding a Dragon Scale
Cottonee ImageCottonee Whimsicott ImageWhimsicott Use a Sun Stone on Cottonee to have it evolve.
Gloom ImageGloom Vileplume ImageVileplume Use a Leaf Stone on a Gloom.
Bellossom ImageBellossom Use a Sun Stone on a Gloom
Inkay ImageInkay Malamar ImageMalamar Have an Inkay level up to at least Lv. 30 after a fight while the console is upside down.
Tyrogue ImageTyrogue Hitmontop ImageHitmontop Evolves from Tyrogue when it levels up to level 20 and its Attack and Defense are equal.
Hitmonlee ImageHitmonlee Evolves from Tyrogue when it levels up to level 20 and its Attack is higher than its Defense.
Hitmonchan ImageHitmonchan Evolves from Tyrogue when it levels up to level 20 and its Defense is higher than its Attack.
Minccino ImageMinccino Cinccino ImageCinccino Use a Shiny Stone on Minccino to have it evolve.
Porygon ImagePorygon Porygon2 ImagePorygon2 Trade a Porygon to another player while it is holding an Upgrade.
Porygon-Z ImagePorygon-Z Trade a Porygon to another player while it is holding a Dubious Disc.
Duraludon ImageDuraludon Archaludon ImageArchaludon Trade a Duraludon to another player while it is holding a Metal Alloy.
Galarian Slowpoke ImageGalarian Slowpoke Galarian Slowbro ImageGalarian Slowbro Use a Galarica Cuff on a Galarian Slowpoke.
Galarian Slowking ImageGalarian Slowking Use a Galarica Wreath on a Galarian Slowpoke

Blueberry Pokedex: List of All Indigo Disk Pokemon

The Teal Mask Pokemon

Pre-Evolution Evolution Evolution Condition
Applin ImageApplin Dipplin ImageDipplin Evolve from Applin using a Syrupy Apple
Dusclops ImageDusclops Dusknoir ImageDusknoir Evolve from Dusclops by trading it with another player while it's holding a Reaper Cloth
Feebas ImageFeebas Milotic ImageMilotic Evolve from Feebas by trading it with another player while it's holding a Prism Scale
Gligar ImageGligar Gliscor ImageGliscor Evolve from Gligar at night while holding a Razor Fang
Poltchageist ImagePoltchageist Sinistcha ImageSinistcha Evolve from Poltchageist using a Masterpiece Teacup or Unremarkable Teacup

Kitakami Pokedex: List of All Teal Mask DLC Pokemon

Base Game Pokemon

Pre-Evolution Evolution Evolution Condition
Applin ImageApplin Flapple ImageFlapple Evolve from Applin using a Tart Apple
Appletun ImageAppletun Evolve from Applin using a Sweet Apple
Charcadet ImageCharcadet Armarouge ImageArmarouge Evolve from Charcadet using Auspicious Armor (Obtained by trading 10 Bronzor Fragments with a man from Zapapico)
Ceruledge ImageCeruledge Evolve from Charcadet using Malicious Armor (Obtained by trading 10 Sinistea Chips with a man from Zapapico)
Scyther ImageScyther Scizor ImageScizor Evolve from Scyther by trading it with another player while it's holding a Metal Coat
Sinistea ImageSinistea Polteageist ImagePolteageist Evolve from Sinistea using a Cracked Pot or a Chipped Pot
Slowpoke ImageSlowpoke Slowking ImageSlowking Evolve from Slowpoke by trading it with another player while it's holding King's Rock
Sneasel ImageSneasel Weavile ImageWeavile Evolve from Sneasel at night while holding a Razor Claw

Nectar Style Changes

Oricorio Style Type Nectar to Use
Oricorio Baile Style Oricorio
Baile Style
Pokemon Fire Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Red Nectar
Oricorio Pa Oricorio
Pa'u Style
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Pink Nectar
Oricorio Pom-Pom Style Oricorio
Pom-Pom Style
Pokemon Electric Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Yellow Nectar
Oricorio Sensu Style Oricorio
Sensu Style
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Purple Nectar

All Special Evolution Conditions

What are Evolution Items?

Allow Certain Pokemon to Evolve

There are certain Pokemon that require evolutionary items to evolve. It does not matter if the method is by trading, leveling up, or other means, Pokemon that require these items must be holding the appropriate item to evolve.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Items Banner

List of All Items and Effects

List of All Item Categories

Item Categories
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Poke BallsPoke Balls Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Evolution Stones Evolution Stones Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TMs.pngTMs Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Medicine (Recovery Items) Medicine
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - BerriesBerries Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - VitaminsVitamins Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Held ItemsHeld Items Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Battle ItemsBattle Items
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Key ItemsKey Items Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Evolution ItemsEvolution Items Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Treasures (Valuable Items)Treasures Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Training ItemsTraining Items
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Mints.pngMints Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Tera ShardsTera Shards Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - MaterialsTM Materials Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Sandwiches IngredientsIngredients
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Picnic Items.pngPicnic Items


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