Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Things to Do in Blueberry Academy

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★ The DLC Epilogue is now available! ▶︎ How to Start

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Blueberry Academy.png

Blueberry Academy serves as the central location for the events of the Indigo Disk DLC in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Explore the Terarium, complete BBQs, and get snacks from Snacksworth and more during your stay in the Blueberry Academy!

List of Blueberry Academy School Store Items

Evolution Items

Item Effect / Location
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dragon Scale ImageDragon Scale Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. When held by Seadra and traded, it will evolve.
• Blueberry Academy School Store
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dubious Disc ImageDubious Disc Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. When held by Porygon and traded, it will evolve.
• Blueberry Academy School Store
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Electirizer ImageElectirizer Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. When held by Electabuzz and traded, it will evolve.
• Blueberry Academy School Store
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Magmarizer ImageMagmarizer Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. When held by Magmar and traded, it will evolve.
• Blueberry Academy School Store
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Metal Alloy ImageMetal Alloy Effect
An item used to evolve Duraludon into Archaludon.
• Blueberry Academy School Store
• Terarium
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Protector ImageProtector Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. When held by Rhydon and traded, it will evolve.
• Blueberry Academy School Store
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Upgrade ImageUpgrade Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. When held by Porygon and traded, it will evolve.
• Blueberry Academy School Store

List of Evolution Items

What to Do in Blueberry Academy

Visit the Terarium

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Indigo Disk - Terarium.png

The Terarium is an undersea artificial ecosystem that is cleanly divided into four major habitats, with a central plaza in the middle. These four are the Savannah, Coastal, Canyon, and Polar Biomes, where we will likely see many returning Pokemon.

Aside from having certain specific terrain, we can also expect that these Biomes will have unique weathers that will likely affect Pokemon spawns. Similar to the Wild Area in Sword and Shield!

Terarium: Biomes, Pokemon, and Trainers

Challenge the BB League Elite Four in Biome Plaza

Pokemon SV The Indigo Disk DLC - Biome Plaza
This is the main hub for each biome is and where you will be signing up to challenge and perform a small trial for each respective Biome's BB League Elite Four member. This is akin to the Gym Challenges in Paldea.

BB League Elite Four Members

Outdoor Classes

Pokemon SV The Indigo Disk DLC - Outdoor Classes
Due to the amazing ecosystem provided by the Terarium, it seems Blueberry Academy prefers to conduct some of its classes outdoors!

ComicBook's early look at the game had them take one of these classes at the Coastal biome that housed several Pokemon from the Alola region. They were then tasked by their teacher to catch an Alolan Pokemon for this class.

The Indigo Disk DLC Story Walkthrough

BB League Club

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV The Indigo Disk - League Club.png

The League Club is the player's home base in the Blueberry Academy! It's mentioned that players can deepen their bonds with other characters here, implying that new Friendship Events will be available.

League Club Features

Complete Blueberry Quests

Blueberry Quests are mini tasks you can do while exploring the Blueberry Academy. Completing BBQs will reward you with BP, which can be used as currency for most of the unlockables in the Blueberry Academy.

Blueberry Quests (BBQs)

Catch Legendary Pokemon Using Snacks

Pokemon SV Indigo Disk - Snacksworth

After completing certain BBQs, you can talk to Snacksworth, to obtain Snacks that attract specific Legendary Pokemon from previous generations!

All DLC Legendary Pokemon

Pokemon in Blueberry Academy

Lots of Starter Pokemon are Around Mossui Town

Pokemon SV - Returning Starter Pokemon

All the Starter Pokemon from previous generations can be caught within the Terarium!

These starter Pokemon are also accompanied by a plethora of returning Pokemon from previous generations, as well as new evolutions such as Archaludon!

Pokemon Type Abilities
Bulbasaur ImageBulbasaur Grass TypePoison Type Overgrow
Chlorophyll (HA)
Ivysaur ImageIvysaur Grass TypePoison Type Overgrow
Chlorophyll (HA)
Venusaur ImageVenusaur Grass TypePoison Type Overgrow
Chlorophyll (HA)
Charmander ImageCharmander Fire Type Blaze
Solar Power (HA)
Charmeleon ImageCharmeleon Fire Type Blaze
Solar Power (HA)
Charizard ImageCharizard Fire TypeFlying Type Blaze
Solar Power (HA)
Squirtle ImageSquirtle Water Type Torrent
Rain Dish (HA)
Wartortle ImageWartortle Water Type Torrent
Rain Dish (HA)
Blastoise ImageBlastoise Water Type Torrent
Rain Dish (HA)
Alolan Sandshrew ImageAlolan Sandshrew Ice TypeSteel Type Snow Cloak
Alolan Sandslash ImageAlolan Sandslash Ice TypeSteel Type Snow Cloak
Alolan Vulpix ImageAlolan Vulpix Ice Type Snow Cloak
Alolan Ninetales ImageAlolan Ninetales Ice TypeFairy Type Snow Cloak
Snow Warning (HA)
Oddish ImageOddish Grass TypePoison Type Chlorophyll
Run Away (HA)
Gloom ImageGloom Grass TypePoison Type Chlorophyll
Stench (HA)
Vileplume ImageVileplume Grass TypePoison Type Chlorophyll
Effect Spore (HA)
Alolan Diglett ImageAlolan Diglett Ground TypeSteel Type Sand Veil
Tangling Hair
Sand Force (HA)
Alolan Dugtrio ImageAlolan Dugtrio Ground TypeSteel Type Sand Veil
Tangling Hair
Sand Force (HA)
Tentacool ImageTentacool Water TypePoison Type Clear Body
Liquid Ooze
Rain Dish (HA)
Tentacruel ImageTentacruel Water TypePoison Type Clear Body
Liquid Ooze
Rain Dish (HA)
Alolan Geodude ImageAlolan Geodude Rock TypeElectric Type Magnet Pull
Galvanize (HA)
Alolan Graveler ImageAlolan Graveler Rock TypeElectric Type Magnet Pull
Galvanize (HA)
Alolan Golem ImageAlolan Golem Rock TypeElectric Type Magnet Pull
Galvanize (HA)
Galarian Slowpoke ImageGalarian Slowpoke Psychic Type Gluttony
Own Tempo
Galarian Slowbro ImageGalarian Slowbro Poison TypePsychic Type Quick Draw
Own Tempo
Doduo ImageDoduo Normal TypeFlying Type Run Away
Early Bird
Tangled Feet (HA)
Dodrio ImageDodrio Normal TypeFlying Type Run Away
Early Bird
Tangled Feet (HA)
Seel ImageSeel Water Type Thick Fat
Ice Body (HA)
Dewgong ImageDewgong Water TypeIce Type Thick Fat
Ice Body (HA)
Alolan Grimer ImageAlolan Grimer Poison TypeDark Type Poison Touch
Power of Alchemy (HA)
Alolan Muk ImageAlolan Muk Poison TypeDark Type Poison Touch
Power of Alchemy (HA)
Exeggcute ImageExeggcute Grass TypePsychic Type Chlorophyll
Harvest (HA)
Exeggutor ImageExeggutor Grass TypePsychic Type Chlorophyll
Harvest (HA)
Alolan Exeggutor ImageAlolan Exeggutor Grass TypeDragon Type Frisk
Harvest (HA)
Hitmonlee ImageHitmonlee Fighting Type Limber
Unburden (HA)
Hitmonchan ImageHitmonchan Fighting Type Keen Eye
Iron Fist
Inner Focus (HA)
Rhyhorn ImageRhyhorn Ground TypeRock Type Lightning Rod
Rock Head
Reckless (HA)
Rhydon ImageRhydon Ground TypeRock Type Lightning Rod
Rock Head
Reckless (HA)
Horsea ImageHorsea Water Type Swift Swim
Damp (HA)
Seadra ImageSeadra Water Type Poison Point
Damp (HA)
Electabuzz ImageElectabuzz Electric Type Static
Vital Spirit (HA)
Magmar ImageMagmar Fire Type Flame Body
Vital Spirit (HA)
Tauros ImageTauros Normal Type Intimidate
Anger Point
Sheer Force (HA)
Lapras ImageLapras Water TypeIce Type Water Absorb
Shell Armor
Hydration (HA)
Porygon ImagePorygon Normal Type Trace
Analytic (HA)
Chikorita ImageChikorita Grass Type Overgrow
Leaf Guard (HA)
Bayleef ImageBayleef Grass Type Overgrow
Leaf Guard (HA)
Meganium ImageMeganium Grass Type Overgrow
Leaf Guard (HA)
Cyndaquil ImageCyndaquil Fire Type Blaze
Flash Fire (HA)
Quilava ImageQuilava Fire Type Blaze
Flash Fire (HA)
Typhlosion ImageTyphlosion Fire Type Blaze
Flash Fire (HA)
Totodile ImageTotodile Water Type Torrent
Sheer Force (HA)
Croconaw ImageCroconaw Water Type Torrent
Sheer Force (HA)
Feraligatr ImageFeraligatr Water Type Torrent
Sheer Force (HA)
Chinchou ImageChinchou Water TypeElectric Type Volt Absorb
Water Absorb (HA)
Lanturn ImageLanturn Water TypeElectric Type Volt Absorb
Water Absorb (HA)
Bellossom ImageBellossom Grass Type Chlorophyll
Healer (HA)
Galarian Slowking ImageGalarian Slowking Poison TypePsychic Type Curious Medicine
Own Tempo
Snubbull ImageSnubbull Fairy Type Intimidate
Run Away
Rattled (HA)
Granbull ImageGranbull Fairy Type Intimidate
Quick Feet
Rattled (HA)
Hisuian Qwilfish ImageHisuian Qwilfish Dark TypePoison Type Poison Point
Swift Swim
Skarmory ImageSkarmory Steel TypeFlying Type Keen Eye
Weak Armor (HA)
Kingdra ImageKingdra Water TypeDragon Type Swift Swim
Damp (HA)
Porygon2 ImagePorygon2 Normal Type Trace
Analytic (HA)
Smeargle ImageSmeargle Normal Type Own Tempo
Moody (HA)
Tyrogue ImageTyrogue Fighting Type Guts
Vital Spirit (HA)
Hitmontop ImageHitmontop Fighting Type Intimidate
Steadfast (HA)
Elekid ImageElekid Electric Type Static
Vital Spirit (HA)
Magby ImageMagby Fire Type Flame Body
Vital Spirit (HA)
Treecko ImageTreecko Grass Type Overgrow
Unburden (HA)
Grovyle ImageGrovyle Grass Type Overgrow
Unburden (HA)
Sceptile ImageSceptile Grass Type Overgrow
Unburden (HA)
Torchic ImageTorchic Fire Type Blaze
Speed Boost (HA)
Combusken ImageCombusken Fire TypeFighting Type Blaze
Speed Boost (HA)
Blaziken ImageBlaziken Fire TypeFighting Type Blaze
Speed Boost (HA)
Mudkip ImageMudkip Water Type Torrent
Damp (HA)
Marshtomp ImageMarshtomp Water TypeGround Type Torrent
Damp (HA)
Swampert ImageSwampert Water TypeGround Type Torrent
Damp (HA)
Plusle ImagePlusle Electric Type Plus
Lightning Rod (HA)
Minun ImageMinun Electric Type Minus
Volt Absorb (HA)
Trapinch ImageTrapinch Ground Type Hyper Cutter
Arena Trap
Sheer Force (HA)
Vibrava ImageVibrava Ground TypeDragon Type Levitate
Flygon ImageFlygon Ground TypeDragon Type Levitate
Beldum ImageBeldum Steel TypePsychic Type Clear Body
Light Metal (HA)
Metang ImageMetang Steel TypePsychic Type Clear Body
Light Metal (HA)
Metagross ImageMetagross Steel TypePsychic Type Clear Body
Light Metal (HA)
Turtwig ImageTurtwig Grass Type Overgrow
Shell Armor (HA)
Grotle ImageGrotle Grass Type Overgrow
Shell Armor (HA)
Torterra ImageTorterra Grass TypeGround Type Overgrow
Shell Armor (HA)
Chimchar ImageChimchar Fire Type Blaze
Iron Fist (HA)
Monferno ImageMonferno Fire TypeFighting Type Blaze
Iron Fist (HA)
Infernape ImageInfernape Fire TypeFighting Type Blaze
Iron Fist (HA)
Piplup ImagePiplup Water Type Torrent
Competitive (HA)
Prinplup ImagePrinplup Water Type Torrent
Competitive (HA)
Empoleon ImageEmpoleon Water TypeSteel Type Torrent
Competitive (HA)
Cranidos ImageCranidos Rock Type Mold Breaker
Sheer Force (HA)
Rampardos ImageRampardos Rock Type Mold Breaker
Sheer Force (HA)
Shieldon ImageShieldon Rock TypeSteel Type Sturdy
Soundproof (HA)
Bastiodon ImageBastiodon Rock TypeSteel Type Sturdy
Soundproof (HA)
Rhyperior ImageRhyperior Ground TypeRock Type Lightning Rod
Solid Rock
Reckless (HA)
Electivire ImageElectivire Electric Type Motor Drive
Vital Spirit (HA)
Magmortar ImageMagmortar Fire Type Flame Body
Vital Spirit (HA)
Porygon-Z ImagePorygon-Z Normal Type Adaptability
Analytic (HA)
Snivy ImageSnivy Grass Type Overgrow
Contrary (HA)
Servine ImageServine Grass Type Overgrow
Contrary (HA)
Serperior ImageSerperior Grass Type Overgrow
Contrary (HA)
Tepig ImageTepig Fire Type Blaze
Thick Fat (HA)
Pignite ImagePignite Fire TypeFighting Type Blaze
Thick Fat (HA)
Emboar ImageEmboar Fire TypeFighting Type Blaze
Reckless (HA)
Oshawott ImageOshawott Water Type Torrent
Shell Armor (HA)
Dewott ImageDewott Water Type Torrent
Shell Armor (HA)
Samurott ImageSamurott Water Type Torrent
Shell Armor (HA)
Blitzle ImageBlitzle Electric Type Lightning Rod
Motor Drive
Sap Sipper (HA)
Zebstrika ImageZebstrika Electric Type Lightning Rod
Motor Drive
Sap Sipper (HA)
Drilbur ImageDrilbur Ground Type Sand Rush
Sand Force
Mold Breaker (HA)
Excadrill ImageExcadrill Ground TypeSteel Type Sand Rush
Sand Force
Mold Breaker (HA)
Cottonee ImageCottonee Grass TypeFairy Type Prankster
Chlorophyll (HA)
Whimsicott ImageWhimsicott Grass TypeFairy Type Prankster
Chlorophyll (HA)
Scraggy ImageScraggy Dark TypeFighting Type Shed Skin
Intimidate (HA)
Scrafty ImageScrafty Dark TypeFighting Type Shed Skin
Intimidate (HA)
Minccino ImageMinccino Normal Type Cute Charm
Skill Link (HA)
Cinccino ImageCinccino Normal Type Cute Charm
Skill Link (HA)
Solosis ImageSolosis Psychic Type Overcoat
Magic Guard
Regenerator (HA)
Duosion ImageDuosion Psychic Type Overcoat
Magic Guard
Regenerator (HA)
Reuniclus ImageReuniclus Psychic Type Overcoat
Magic Guard
Regenerator (HA)
Joltik ImageJoltik Bug TypeElectric Type TBD
Swarm (HA)
Galvantula ImageGalvantula Bug TypeElectric Type TBD
Swarm (HA)
Golett ImageGolett Ground TypeGhost Type Iron Fist
No Guard (HA)
Golurk ImageGolurk Ground TypeGhost Type Iron Fist
No Guard (HA)
Chespin ImageChespin Grass Type Overgrow
Bulletproof (HA)
Quilladin ImageQuilladin Grass Type Overgrow
Bulletproof (HA)
Chesnaught ImageChesnaught Grass TypeFighting Type Overgrow
Bulletproof (HA)
Fennekin ImageFennekin Fire Type Blaze
Magician (HA)
Braixen ImageBraixen Fire Type Blaze
Magician (HA)
Delphox ImageDelphox Fire TypePsychic Type Blaze
Magician (HA)
Froakie ImageFroakie Water Type Torrent
Protean (HA)
Frogadier ImageFrogadier Water Type Torrent
Protean (HA)
Greninja ImageGreninja Water TypeDark Type Torrent
Protean (HA)
Espurr ImageEspurr Psychic Type Keen Eye
Own Tempo (HA)
Meowstic (Male) ImageMeowstic (Male) Psychic Type Keen Eye
Prankster (HA)
Meowstic (Female) ImageMeowstic (Female) Psychic Type Keen Eye
Competitive (HA)
Inkay ImageInkay Dark TypePsychic Type Contrary
Suction Cups
Infiltrator (HA)
Malamar ImageMalamar Dark TypePsychic Type Contrary
Suction Cups
Infiltrator (HA)
Rowlet ImageRowlet Grass TypeFlying Type Overgrow
Long Reach (HA)
Dartrix ImageDartrix Grass TypeFlying Type Overgrow
Long Reach (HA)
Decidueye ImageDecidueye Grass TypeGhost Type Overgrow
Long Reach (HA)
Litten ImageLitten Fire Type Blaze
Intimidate (HA)
Torracat ImageTorracat Fire Type Blaze
Intimidate (HA)
Incineroar ImageIncineroar Fire TypeDark Type Blaze
Intimidate (HA)
Popplio ImagePopplio Water Type Torrent
Liquid Voice (HA)
Brionne ImageBrionne Water Type Torrent
Liquid Voice (HA)
Primarina ImagePrimarina Water TypeFairy Type Torrent
Liquid Voice (HA)
Pikipek ImagePikipek Normal TypeFlying Type Keen Eye
Skill Link
Pickup (HA)
Trumbeak ImageTrumbeak Normal TypeFlying Type Keen Eye
Skill Link
Pickup (HA)
Toucannon ImageToucannon Normal TypeFlying Type Keen Eye
Skill Link
Sheer Force (HA)
Dewpider ImageDewpider Water TypeBug Type Water Bubble
Water Absorb (HA)
Araquanid ImageAraquanid Water TypeBug Type Water Bubble
Water Absorb (HA)
Comfey ImageComfey Fairy Type Flower Veil
Natural Cure (HA)
Minior (Meteor Form) ImageMinior (Meteor Form) Rock TypeFlying Type Shields Down
Minior (Core) ImageMinior (Core) Rock TypeFlying Type Shields Down
Grookey ImageGrookey Grass Type Overgrow
Grassy Surge (HA)
Thwackey ImageThwackey Grass Type Overgrow
Grassy Surge (HA)
Rillaboom ImageRillaboom Grass Type Overgrow
Grassy Surge (HA)
Scorbunny ImageScorbunny Fire Type Blaze
Libero (HA)
Raboot ImageRaboot Fire Type Blaze
Libero (HA)
Cinderace ImageCinderace Fire Type Blaze
Libero (HA)
Sobble ImageSobble Water Type Torrent
Sniper (HA)
Drizzile ImageDrizzile Water Type Torrent
Sniper (HA)
Inteleon ImageInteleon Water Type Torrent
Sniper (HA)
Milcery ImageMilcery Fairy Type Sweet Veil
Aroma Veil (HA)
Alcremie ImageAlcremie Fairy Type Sweet Veil
Aroma Veil (HA)
Duraludon ImageDuraludon Steel TypeDragon Type Heavy Metal
Light Metal
Stalwart (HA)
Kleavor ImageKleavor Bug TypeRock Type Swarm
Sheer Force
Sharpness (HA)
Overqwil ImageOverqwil Dark TypePoison Type Poison Point
Swift Swim
Intimidate (HA)

Trainers in Blueberry Academy

New Friend/Professor, Lacey and Cyrano!

Cyrano and Lacey New DLC Characters Indigo Disc

Cyrano is the Professor of the Blueberry Academy, and the one who invited you to the exchange trip. Lacey is a second year student who is handy at battling.
The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC: Release Date and Everything We Know

Battle the BB League Elite Four

Pokemon Scarlet BB League Elite Four.jpg

Each of the four biomes of the Terarium hosts one of the members of the BB League Elite Four. Travel to each of the four areas and fight the Elite Four member there to progress the Indigo Disk's storyline.

BB League Elite Four Members and Pokemon

Related Guides

The Indigo Disk DLC

Pokemon SV The Indigo Disk DLC - Top Partial Banner
The Indigo Disk DLC Front Page

Epilogue Guides and Walkthroughs

How to Start the Epilogue
Epilogue Walkthrough Things to Do After the Epilogue
Trainer Rematches
Arven Penny
New Epilogue Pokemon Articles
Mythical Pecha Berry How to Catch Pecharunt
Pecharunt Best Build Pecharunt Best Tera Build
Poison Puppeteer Malignant Chain

Indigo Disk News

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC Epilogue is Now Available!

Pokemon SV - Epilogue
Release Date January 11, 2024 (14:00 UTC)
How to Unlock ・Complete The Way Home
・Complete the Teal Mask DLC
・Complete the Indigo Disk DLC

A new epilogue for both the Teal Mask and Indigo Disk DLC is now available! In this epilogue, you'll return to Kitakami with your friends Nemona, Arven, and Penny!

How to Start the Indigo Disk DLC Epilogue

The Indigo Disk Guides and Walkthroughs

Indigo Disk Guides and Walkthroughs
Story Walkthrough How to Start Indigo Disk
Poke Ball Throwing Styles Blueberry Quests (BBQs)
Stellar Type Explained League Club
All Coach Trade Pokemon and Battle Guides The Synchro Machine
Best Team for Indigo Disk The Indigo Disk DLC Post Game Content
What to Do With Briar's Book Stellar Form Terapagos Boss Guide
Blueberry League Trials and Battles
Crispin's Elite Trial Elite Four Crispin's Battle
Lacey's Elite Trial Elite Four Lacey's Battle
Amarys' Elite Trial Elite Four Amarys' Battle
Drayton's Elite Trial Elite Four Drayton's Battle

The Indigo Disk Tips and Tricks

Indigo Disk Tips and Tricks
The Indigo Disk DLC Tips and Tricks All Wild Stellar Tera Type Pokemon
Snacksworth and Legendary Locations Are Indigo Disk Legendary Pokemon Shiny Locked?
How Long is The Indigo Disk DLC? How to Unlock Item Printer
How to Unlock Poke Ball Lotto All Ditto Block Locations
How to Farm BP All Support Board Requests
How to Unlock Lock-On Feature How to Complete the Blueberry Pokedex
All League Club Trainer Locations and Rewards Indigo Disk Shiny Ditto Blocks!
How to Unlock Flying All New Indigo Disk Clothes and Hairstyles
How to Farm Stellar Tera Shards All Pokemon Hints for Group Quests
Shiny Blitzle Cyrano Coach Trade How to Find Meloetta
Secrets and Hidden Areas Tutor Team Star Secret Quest and Answers Guide
TM Machine Location and How to Make TMs Union Circle Group Quest Guide
How to Unlock All New Indigo Disk Emotes All Rare Mass Outbreaks in The Indigo Disk DLC
All New Meals All Photo Club Effects
How to Get 200 Pokemon Fast Terarium Day Night Cycle
All Indigo Disk Easter Eggs All New Indigo Disk Mass Outbreaks
Best Materials to Farm for Indigo Disk All Indigo Disk Trainer Locations and Rewards
All New Tera Raids in the Terarium How to Get Special Partner Ribbon
All Minior Color Locations 0 Attack IV Pecharunt Reroll Guide
Item Printer RNG Exploit

The Indigo Disk Tier Lists

Indigo Disk Tier Lists
Best Pokemon to Terastallize Stellar for Tera Raids Best Synchro Pokemon Tier List
Best Pokemon Tier List Best Stellar Tera Pokemon for Ranked Battles

The Indigo Disk New Pokemon

New Pokemon
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pecharunt Pecharunt Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TerapagosTerapagos Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - ArchaludonArchaludon Hydrapple.pngHydrapple
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Paradox RaikouRaging Bolt Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SVGouging Fire Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Paradox CobalionIron Crown Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron BoulderIron Boulder

The Indigo Disk Pokemon Lists

Indigo Disk Pokedex New Pokemon
Returning Pokemon Indigo Disk Starter Pokemon Locations
DLC Legendary Pokemon Indigo Disk Version Exclusives
New and Returning Pokemon How to Evolve All Indigo Disk Pokemon
How to Get Alolan Pokemon Pokemon HOME Transferables
All Indigo Disk Pokemon Locations -

The Indigo Disk Maps and Locations

Terarium Map Blueberry Academy
Savannah Biome Coastal Biome
Canyon Biome Polar Biome

The Indigo Disk Moves

Indigo Disk New TMs New DLC Moves
Returning DLC Moves -

The Indigo Disk Items

All New DLC Items Metal Alloy
Stellar Tera Shards Mark Charm
Synchro Machine All Alcremie Sweets
Meteorite Briar's Book
Indigo Style Card Sport Ball
Mythical Pecha Berry -

The Indigo Disk New Characters

BB League Elite Four
Pokemon SV - Character Portrait - Lacey Lacey Pokemon SV - Character Portrait - Crispin Crispin Pokemon SV - Character Portrait - Amarys Amarys Pokemon SV - Character Portrait - Drayton Drayton
The Indigo Disk Characters
Pokemon SV - Character Portrait - Cyrano Cyrano Pokemon SV - Character Portrait - Briar Briar Pokemon SV - Character Portrait - Carmine Carmine Pokemon SV - Character Portrait - Kieran Kieran
Pokemon SV - Character Portrait - Snacksworth Snacksworth Pokemon SV - Character Portrait - Perrin Perrin
Other Useful Characters

The Indigo Disk Message Boards

Blueberry Quests Union Circle Message Board
Indigo Disk Rare Pokemon Trade Codes Board


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