Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

PP Up Location and How to Get

★ Upcoming: 7☆ Tyranitar Tera Raid Event
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PP Up is a Training Item in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). See the effects of PP Up as well as how to find and obtain it.

PP Up Effect

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - PP Up ImagePP Up
Effect An item used to increase the maximum PP of any move by 20% of the original amount. Can be used up to three times per move and increases the Pokemon's Happiness as well.
Buy Price 10,000
Sell Price 2,500

How to Get PP Up

Available at Chansey Supply Shops

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Chansey Supply
PP Up can be bought at the Chansey Supply shops around Paldea for ₽10,000. This item will be available post-credits, which is when you finish the entire game.

Chansey Supply Locations
Mesagoza Cascarrafa
Levincia Montenevera

Chansey Supply Locations and All Items

Available at Porto Marinada Auctions

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Porto Marinada Auctions
You can obtain PP Up from auctions that take place in the market area in Porto Marinada. You need to make the highest bid to obtain the item successfully.

Auctions in Porto Marinada are unlocked after clearing Cascarrafa's Gym Challenge, and the featured items will change daily both in-game and in real-time but can be manually rerolled by closing the game and advancing the time of your console by 72 minutes.

If the merchant doesn't sell any items, make sure to change the date on your Switch's system to refresh their inventory.
How to Win Porto Marinada Auctions

Obtain as Reward in Academy Ace Tournament

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) - Entering the Academy Ace Tournament

You can obtain PP Up as a reward for completing the Academy Ace Tournament. The Academy Ace Tournament is unlocked after completing the game and defeating all 8 Gym Leaders in a rematch..

A variety of items are rewarded to the player for each successful run at the tournament, with PP Up included in the reward pool.

Academy Ace Tournament

Obtain as Tera Raid Battle Reward

Appears as a Reward for Tera Raids
Raid Level Pokemon
6-Star Raids
Dragonite 6★ Tera Raid Poliwrath 6★ Tera Raid Ninetales 6★ Tera Raid Clefable 6★ Tera Raid Gengar 6★ Tera Raid Paldean Tauros (Fighting Form) 6★ Tera Raid Paldean Tauros (Fighting/Fire Form) 6★ Tera Raid Paldean Tauros (Fighting/Water Form) 6★ Tera Raid Gyarados 6★ Tera Raid Ditto 6★ Tera Raid Vaporeon 6★ Tera Raid Jolteon 6★ Tera Raid Flareon 6★ Tera Raid Golem 6★ Tera Raid Espeon 6★ Tera Raid Umbreon 6★ Tera Raid Slowking 6★ Tera Raid Scizor 6★ Tera Raid Heracross 6★ Tera Raid Blissey 6★ Tera Raid Tyranitar 6★ Tera Raid Pelipper 6★ Tera Raid Gardevoir 6★ Tera Raid Breloom 6★ Tera Raid Torkoal 6★ Tera Raid Dusknoir 6★ Tera Raid Sinistcha 6★ Tera Raid Basculegion (Female) 6★ Tera Raid Basculegion (Male) 6★ Tera Raid Morpeko 6★ Tera Raid Kommo-o 6★ Tera Raid Trevenant 6★ Tera Raid Mandibuzz 6★ Tera Raid Mienshao 6★ Tera Raid Chandelure 6★ Tera Raid Leavanny 6★ Tera Raid Conkeldurr 6★ Tera Raid Salamence 6★ Tera Raid Mamoswine 6★ Tera Raid Gliscor 6★ Tera Raid Yanmega 6★ Tera Raid Ambipom 6★ Tera Raid Milotic 6★ Tera Raid Crawdaunt 6★ Tera Raid Shiftry 6★ Tera Raid Ludicolo 6★ Tera Raid Quagsire 6★ Tera Raid Politoed 6★ Tera Raid Snorlax 6★ Tera Raid Klawf 6★ Tera Raid Farigiraf 6★ Tera Raid Dondozo 6★ Tera Raid Revavroom 6★ Tera Raid Orthworm 6★ Tera Raid Maushold 6★ Tera Raid Cetitan 6★ Tera Raid Baxcalibur 6★ Tera Raid Cyclizar 6★ Tera Raid Pawmot 6★ Tera Raid Kilowattrel 6★ Tera Raid Bombirdier 6★ Tera Raid Dragapult 6★ Tera Raid Garganacl 6★ Tera Raid Glimmora 6★ Tera Raid Grafaiai 6★ Tera Raid Dachsbun 6★ Tera Raid Mabosstiff 6★ Tera Raid Tinkaton 6★ Tera Raid Armarouge 6★ Tera Raid Ceruledge 6★ Tera Raid Toedscruel 6★ Tera Raid Kingambit 6★ Tera Raid Clodsire 6★ Tera Raid Talonflame 6★ Tera Raid Staraptor 6★ Tera Raid Garchomp 6★ Tera Raid Hippowdon 6★ Tera Raid Magnezone 6★ Tera Raid Leafeon 6★ Tera Raid Glaceon 6★ Tera Raid Gallade 6★ Tera Raid Amoonguss 6★ Tera Raid Haxorus 6★ Tera Raid Hydreigon 6★ Tera Raid Volcarona 6★ Tera Raid Annihilape 6★ Tera Raid Dragalge 6★ Tera Raid Clawitzer 6★ Tera Raid Sylveon 6★ Tera Raid Goodra 6★ Tera Raid Avalugg 6★ Tera Raid Lycanroc 6★ Tera Raid Toxapex 6★ Tera Raid Mimikyu 6★ Tera Raid Corviknight 6★ Tera Raid Pincurchin 6★ Tera Raid Frosmoth 6★ Tera Raid
5-Star Raids
Annihilape 5★ Tera Raid Kingambit 5★ Tera Raid Ceruledge 5★ Tera Raid Armarouge 5★ Tera Raid Tinkaton 5★ Tera Raid Brambleghast 5★ Tera Raid Mabosstiff 5★ Tera Raid Glimmora 5★ Tera Raid Garganacl 5★ Tera Raid Bombirdier 5★ Tera Raid Pawmot 5★ Tera Raid Tatsugiri 5★ Tera Raid Baxcalibur 5★ Tera Raid Cetitan 5★ Tera Raid Orthworm 5★ Tera Raid Revavroom 5★ Tera Raid Arboliva 5★ Tera Raid Palafin 5★ Tera Raid Dondozo 5★ Tera Raid Dragapult 5★ Tera Raid Copperajah 5★ Tera Raid Indeedee (Female) 5★ Tera Raid Indeedee (Male) 5★ Tera Raid Pincurchin 5★ Tera Raid Falinks 5★ Tera Raid Grimmsnarl 5★ Tera Raid Hatterene 5★ Tera Raid Polteageist 5★ Tera Raid Toxtricity (Amped Form) 5★ Tera Raid Appletun 5★ Tera Raid Flapple 5★ Tera Raid Coalossal 5★ Tera Raid Corviknight 5★ Tera Raid Greedent 5★ Tera Raid Mimikyu 5★ Tera Raid Passimian 5★ Tera Raid Oranguru 5★ Tera Raid Tsareena 5★ Tera Raid Mudsdale 5★ Tera Raid Noivern 5★ Tera Raid Avalugg 5★ Tera Raid Goodra 5★ Tera Raid Clawitzer 5★ Tera Raid Dragalge 5★ Tera Raid Florges 5★ Tera Raid Talonflame 5★ Tera Raid Volcarona 5★ Tera Raid Hydreigon 5★ Tera Raid Braviary 5★ Tera Raid Haxorus 5★ Tera Raid Eelektross 5★ Tera Raid Amoonguss 5★ Tera Raid Gothitelle 5★ Tera Raid Zoroark 5★ Tera Raid Krookodile 5★ Tera Raid Rotom 5★ Tera Raid Froslass 5★ Tera Raid Gallade 5★ Tera Raid Magnezone 5★ Tera Raid Weavile 5★ Tera Raid Abomasnow 5★ Tera Raid Hippowdon 5★ Tera Raid Garchomp 5★ Tera Raid Bronzong 5★ Tera Raid Honchkrow 5★ Tera Raid Mismagius 5★ Tera Raid Drifblim 5★ Tera Raid Luxray 5★ Tera Raid Delibird 5★ Tera Raid Salamence 5★ Tera Raid Glalie 5★ Tera Raid Altaria 5★ Tera Raid Camerupt 5★ Tera Raid Sableye 5★ Tera Raid Hariyama 5★ Tera Raid Slaking 5★ Tera Raid Breloom 5★ Tera Raid Gardevoir 5★ Tera Raid Tyranitar 5★ Tera Raid Blissey 5★ Tera Raid Houndoom 5★ Tera Raid Delibird 5★ Tera Raid Scizor 5★ Tera Raid Slowking 5★ Tera Raid Dragonite 5★ Tera Raid Eevee 5★ Tera Raid Ditto 5★ Tera Raid Gyarados 5★ Tera Raid Paldean Tauros (Fighting/Water Form) 5★ Tera Raid Paldean Tauros (Fighting/Fire Form) 5★ Tera Raid Scyther 5★ Tera Raid Gengar 5★ Tera Raid Cloyster 5★ Tera Raid Slowbro 5★ Tera Raid Arcanine 5★ Tera Raid Raichu 5★ Tera Raid Ninetales 5★ Tera Raid Poliwrath 5★ Tera Raid Victreebel 5★ Tera Raid Golem 5★ Tera Raid Snorlax 5★ Tera Raid Politoed 5★ Tera Raid Ludicolo 5★ Tera Raid Shiftry 5★ Tera Raid Milotic 5★ Tera Raid Ambipom 5★ Tera Raid Yanmega 5★ Tera Raid Gliscor 5★ Tera Raid Mamoswine 5★ Tera Raid Probopass 5★ Tera Raid Dusknoir 5★ Tera Raid Conkeldurr 5★ Tera Raid Chandelure 5★ Tera Raid Mienshao 5★ Tera Raid Mandibuzz 5★ Tera Raid Trevenant 5★ Tera Raid Vikavolt 5★ Tera Raid Kommo-o 5★ Tera Raid Basculegion (Male) 5★ Tera Raid Basculegion (Female) 5★ Tera Raid Sinistcha 5★ Tera Raid
4-Star Raids
Not available on this raid level.
3-Star Raids
Not available on this raid level.
2-Star Raids
Not available on this raid level.
1-Star Raids
Not available on this raid level.

How to Increase Tera Raid Star Level

Catch and Register 90 Pokemon in the Kitakami Pokedex

Pokemon SV - Kitakami Pokedex Rewards

You can get PP Up as a reward for filling up the Kitakami Pokedex and catching 90 Pokemon.

You can get this item on the Pokedex app's rewards menu by pressing the X button.
Kitakami Pokedex: List of All Teal Mask DLC Pokemon

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Items Banner

List of All Items and Effects

List of All Item Categories

Item Categories
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Poke BallsPoke Balls Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Evolution Stones Evolution Stones Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TMs.pngTMs Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Medicine (Recovery Items) Medicine
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - BerriesBerries Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - VitaminsVitamins Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Held ItemsHeld Items Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Battle ItemsBattle Items
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Key ItemsKey Items Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Evolution ItemsEvolution Items Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Treasures (Valuable Items)Treasures Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Training ItemsTraining Items
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Mints.pngMints Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Tera ShardsTera Shards Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - MaterialsTM Materials Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Sandwiches IngredientsIngredients
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Picnic Items.pngPicnic Items

Training Item List

Ability Capsule Ability Patch Bottle Cap Destiny Knot
Everstone Exp. Candy L Exp. Candy M Exp. Candy S
Exp. Candy XL Exp. Candy XS Gold Bottle Cap Lucky Egg
Power Anklet Power Band Power Belt Power Bracer
Power Lens Power Weight PP Max PP Up
Rare Candy Soothe Bell

Other Item Lists


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