Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Version Differences: Scarlet vs. Violet

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Scarlet and Violet Differences
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) may have the most version differences out of any mainline series Pokemon game yet. Read on for all the differences including the Legendary Pokemon, version-exclusive Pokemon, academy and uniforms, characters, professors, and more!

Summary of Version Differences

Version Exclusive Differences
Exclusive Pokemon Ride Pokemon
Books Academies
Professors Player Uniforms
Clavell Outfits Arven Outfits
Team Star Outfits Team Star Boss Outfits

In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet there are a plethora of differences between the 2 versions. Just like previous games, the version exclusive Pokemon and Box Legendary will depend on the game you choose.

Where the version differences are especially noticeable, however, are the finer details. Everything from the Academy you enroll in, your Professor and the uniforms for you, the other students, and Team Star vary depending on which version you play. This makes Pokemon Scarlet and Violet the pair of games with the most version differences in the franchise to date!

Pokemon Version Differences

There are a total of 48 version-exclusive Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet. Each game has 24 version exclusive Pokemon including the legendaries Koraidon and Miraidon.

Pokemon Scarlet Exclusives

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon Scarlet LogoPokemon Scarlet Exclusives
New Pokemon
Koraidon ImageKoraidon Armarouge ImageArmarouge Great Tusk ImageGreat Tusk
Scream Tail ImageScream Tail Brute Bonnet ImageBrute Bonnet Flutter Mane ImageFlutter Mane
Slither Wing ImageSlither Wing Sandy Shocks ImageSandy Shocks Roaring Moon ImageRoaring Moon
Paldean Tauros (Fighting/Fire Form) ImagePaldean Tauros (Fighting/Fire Form) - -
Returning Pokemon Drifloon ImageDrifloon Drifblim ImageDrifblim Oranguru ImageOranguru
Stunky ImageStunky Skuntank ImageSkuntank Stonjourner ImageStonjourner
Larvitar ImageLarvitar Pupitar ImagePupitar Tyranitar ImageTyranitar
Deino ImageDeino Zweilous ImageZweilous Hydreigon ImageHydreigon
Skrelp ImageSkrelp Dragalge ImageDragalge -

Pokemon Violet Exclusives

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon Violet LogoPokemon Violet Exclusives
New Pokemon
Miraidon ImageMiraidon Ceruledge ImageCeruledge Iron Treads ImageIron Treads
Iron Bundle ImageIron Bundle Iron Hands ImageIron Hands Iron Jugulis ImageIron Jugulis
Iron Moth ImageIron Moth Iron Thorns ImageIron Thorns Iron Valiant ImageIron Valiant
Paldean Tauros (Fighting/Water Form) ImagePaldean Tauros (Fighting/Water Form) - -
Returning Pokemon Misdreavus ImageMisdreavus Mismagius ImageMismagius Passimian ImagePassimian
Gulpin ImageGulpin Swalot ImageSwalot Eiscue (Ice Face) ImageEiscue (Ice Face)
Bagon ImageBagon Shelgon ImageShelgon Salamence ImageSalamence
Dreepy ImageDreepy Drakloak ImageDrakloak Dragapult ImageDragapult
Clauncher ImageClauncher Clawitzer ImageClawitzer -

Version Exclusives List

Your Ride Pokemon Varies Depending on the Game you Choose!

Koraidon, the Pokemon Scarlet exclusive Legendary Ride Pokemon, runs on all fours while Miraidon, the Pokemon Violet exclusive Legendary Ride Pokemon, seems to hover above the ground.

Both Koraidon and Miraidon can glide high in the sky to easily travel greater distances just like Hisuian Braviary in Pokemon Legends Arceus
Legendary Types and How to Get All Legendary Pokemon

The Scarlet and Violet Books

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Scarlet Book Scarlet Book Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Great Tusk Sketch.png
Great Tusk
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Violet Book Violet Book Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron Treads Sketch.png
Iron Treads

The Scarlet Book and the Violet Book are records of the exploits of a researcher named Heath, who was among the first to explore the Great Crater of Paldea or Area Zero in recent memory.

In the book, Heath talks about the dangerous Pokemon they encountered in the crater, as well as mysterious events such as his drawing of a diagram he had no memory of ever making.

We also get to learn the origins of Herba Mystica, as well as the earliest evidence of Paradox Pokemon like Great Tusk and Iron Treads.

At the end of the book is what appears to be damaged or smudged writings about a "Disk Pokemon", which might be encountered by the player in the future.

Imagined Pokemon Differences

The Legendary Beasts The Swords of Justice

View Full Image

View Full Image

Though both the Scarlet and Violet books are largely similar to each other (except for the drawings/pictures of Great Tusk and Iron Treads), there is a stark difference between the "An Imagined Pokemon" pages between both games.

A drawing of what looks like a fusion of Entei, Suicune, and Raikou can be found in the Scarlet book while a fusion of Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion was found in the Violet book. The two artworks are reminiscent of Iron Valiant who appears to be a fusion of Gardevoir and Gallade.

This could imply the appearance of these Pokemon in the future, possibly through a DLC for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Will There Be DLC?

Academy Version Differences

Naranja Academy and Uva Academy

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Naranja and Uva Academy

Differences Between Naranja and Uva Academy
Naranja Academy Uva Academy
Name Meaning Spanish word for "Orange" Spanish word for "Grape"
Emblem Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Naranja Academy Emblem
Orange on emblem
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Uva Academy Emblem
Grapes on emblem
Uniform Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Naranja Academy Short Sleeves and Shorts
Naranja Academy Short Sleeves and Shorts
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Naranja Academy Long Sleeves and Pants.png
Naranja Academy Long Sleeves and Pants
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Uva Academy Short Sleeves and Shorts
Uva Academy Short Sleeves and Shorts
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Grey Long Sleeved Uniform
Uva Academy Long Sleeves and Pants

Depending on which version you pick, the academy you attend will differ. Pokemon Scarlet players will attend the Naranja Academy where the emblem is an orange, the player and other students wear scarlet-colored uniforms and Director Clavell wears a scarlet-colored suit.

Pokemon Violet players will attend the Uva Academy where the emblem is grapes, the player and other students wear violet-colored uniforms and Director Clavell wears a violet-colored suit.

Naranja and Uva Academy: Locations and Characters

Professor Version Differences

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon Scarlet LogoPokemon Scarlet Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon Violet LogoPokemon Violet
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Professor SadaProfessor Sada Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Professor TuroProfessor Turo

For the first time in the Pokemon series, Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet have version exclusive Professors. Pokemon Scarlet players will get to meet Professor Sada while Pokemon Violet players will see Professor Turo instead.

Professor Sada

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Professor Sada Pokemon Scarlet
Professor Sada has a very rough, prehistoric looking outfit and hairstyle. Coupled with her name being the latter part of the word 'Pasada' (Spanish feminine word for “past”) and Pokemon Scarlet's Ride Legendary, Koraidon, also sharing these characteristics (Korai is Japanese for Ancient times, and Koraidon is a very prehistoric looking Pokemon), Pokemon Scarlet and Professor Sada would appear to have some connection to the past or time-travel.

Professor Turo

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Professor Turo Pokemon Violet
Professor Turo has a very sleek, modern looking outfit and hairstyle. Combined with his name being the latter part of the word 'Futuro' (Spanish masculine word for “future”) and Pokemon Violet's Ride Legendary, Miraidon, also sharing these characteristics (Mirai is Japanese for future, and Miraidon is a very futuristic looking Pokemon), Pokemon Violet and Professor Turo would appear to have some connection to the future or time-travel.

Professor Sada and Turo Profile

Characters and Uniform Version Differences

Version Exclusive Player Uniform

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon Scarlet LogoPokemon Scarlet Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon Violet LogoPokemon Violet
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Scarlet Version Exclusive Outfit Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Violet Version Exclusive Outfit

It's confirmed that the player character's outfit will vary depending on the version you play. Pokemon Scarlet players will don a brighter, scarlet-colored uniform while Pokemon Violet players will wear a muted violet-colored uniform.

Main Characters: Who Are the Protagonists?

Version Exclusive Clavell Outfit

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon Scarlet LogoPokemon Scarlet Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon Violet LogoPokemon Violet
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Clavell Outfit Scarlet Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Clavell Outfit Violet

In the Pokemon Presents August 3rd video, Clavell is seen wearing a different colored suit corresponding to the version you play. Players with Pokemon Scarlet will have Clavell wearing a scarlet-colored suit while players with Pokemon Violet will have him wearing a violet-colored suit instead.

Professor Clavell: Is Clavell a Tree?

Version Exclusive Arven Outfit

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon Scarlet LogoPokemon Scarlet Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon Violet LogoPokemon Violet

In the November 8 trailer, Arven is shown to wear a blue vest paired with the traditional scarlet-colored uniform in Pokemon Scarlet, and a yellow vest paired with the violet-colored uniform in Pokemon Violet.

Arven Name Meaning: Who Is Arven?

Version Exclusive Team Star Outfit

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon Scarlet LogoPokemon Scarlet Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon Violet LogoPokemon Violet
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Male Team Star Grunt Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Female Team Star Grunt

Much like the students and Clavell, the members of Team Star are seen to wear different colored uniforms depending on the version you play. Pokemon Scarlet players will see Team Star members with scarlet-colored ties and bottoms, while players with Pokemon Violet will see violet-colored neckties and bottoms.

Team Star: Who is Team Star?

Version Exclusive Team Star Boss Outfit

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon Scarlet LogoPokemon Scarlet Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon Violet LogoPokemon Violet

Mela, the leader of Team Star's Fire crew, the Schedar Squad, also has a different colored outfit depending on the version you play! In Pokemon Scarlet, Mela has a scarlet-colored outfit while in Pokemon Violet, she dons a violet-colored look!

Mela Name Meaning: Who is Mela?

Pokemon Scarlet Vs. Pokemon Violet: Which Version Should You Buy?

Choose Pokemon Scarlet for Competitive Viable Pokemon

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Choose Pokemon Scarlet for Competitive Viable Pokemon
If you are basing your decision purely on the overall competitive viability of the exclusive Pokemon, Pokemon Scarlet just barely comes out on top.

The returning Pokemon in Scarlet are mainstays in the competitive scene such as Tyranitar and Hydreigon. Both of these Pokemon have received new additions to their movesets, namely Power Gem for Tyranitar and Stealth Rock for Hydreigon.

Two of the Scarlet-exclusive Paradox Pokemon, Roaring Moon and Flutter Mane, are also shaping the metagame as one of the best setup physical sweeper and special special attacker in a hyper-offense team, respectively.

In addition, competitive players find it easier to setup Sunny Day using Torkoal's Drought and activate the Scarlet-exclusive Paradox Pokemon's Protosynthesis. In contrast, the only Pokemon that can instantly setup Electric Terrain to activate the Violet-exclusive Paradox Pokemon's Quark Drive is Pincurchin, which is not a competitive viable Pokemon.

Competitive Battle Guide

Choose Based on the Professor

Professor Sada and Professor Turo Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)
Do you like the idea of a hyper-modern, futuristic, Giga-Chad as your professor? If so then Pokemon Violet, with Professor Turo, may be the game for you!

Alternatively, if you would prefer a fierce, Jurassic-esque, Jungle-Queen as your professor, Professor Sada awaits you in Pokemon Scarlet!

Choose Based on the Box Legendary

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon Scarlet LogoPokemon Scarlet Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon Violet LogoPokemon Violet
Koraidon ImageKoraidon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dragon Type Icon Miraidon ImageMiraidon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Electric Type Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dragon Type Icon

As this is a Pokemon you'll be spending a lot of time with as your Ride Pokemon, it could be a good idea to choose the game that has the Legendary you like best. Do you prefer the sleek, futuristic look of Miraidon; or the fierce, pre-historic aesthetic of Koraidon?

Choose Based on the New Gen 9 Version Exclusive Pokemon

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon Scarlet LogoPokemon Scarlet Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon Violet LogoPokemon Violet
Armarouge ImageArmarouge Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fire Type Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Psychic Type Icon Ceruledge ImageCeruledge Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fire Type Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ghost Type Icon

Armarouge and Ceruledge both have excellent designs and typings. As such, many players are sure to make their decision on which game to get purely based on which one has the Pokemon they like best. As evident from their appearance, Armarouge is exclusive to Pokemon Scarlet, and Ceruledge is exclusive to Pokemon Violet.

Choose Based on the Exclusive Pseudo-Legendary

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon Scarlet LogoPokemon Scarlet Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon Violet LogoPokemon Violet
Tyranitar ImageTyranitar Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Rock Type Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dark Type Icon Salamence ImageSalamence Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dragon Type Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Flying Type Icon

Tyranitar and Salamence are two very powerful and popular Pokemon. With the addition of the Terastal Phenomenon, both are tipped to see extreme buffs and a renewed competitive viability. Choosing the version based on ease of access to the pre-evolved stages of these two version exclusive Pokemon is not a bad idea.

Tyranitar's pre-evolved form, Larvitar can be obtained in Pokemon Scarlet, while Bagon, the pre-evolved form of Salamence, can be found in Pokemon Violet.

Best Tera Types: Best Pokemon to Terastallize

Choose Based on the Exclusive Paradox Pokemon

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon Scarlet LogoPokemon Scarlet Paradox Pokemon
Great Tusk ImageGreat Tusk Scream Tail ImageScream Tail Brute Bonnet ImageBrute Bonnet
Flutter Mane ImageFlutter Mane Slither Wing ImageSlither Wing Sandy Shocks ImageSandy Shocks
Roaring Moon ImageRoaring Moon
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon Violet LogoPokemon Violet Paradox Pokemon
Iron Treads ImageIron Treads Iron Bundle ImageIron Bundle Iron Hands ImageIron Hands
Iron Jugulis ImageIron Jugulis Iron Moth ImageIron Moth Iron Thorns ImageIron Thorns
Iron Valiant ImageIron Valiant

You can also choose which verrsion to buy based on the Paradox Pokemon exclusives. Do you prefer these powerful Pokemon to have a prehistoric look or a futuristic aesthetic?

How to Get All Paradox Pokemon

Which Version Will You Purchase?

Pokemon Scarlet! 326
Pokemon Violet! 399
Double Pack all the way!! 179

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Links

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - News Banner

Latest News and Game Info

DLC Epilogue

DLC Story Epilogue
Pokemon SV The Indigo Disk - DLC Story Epilogue DLC Story Epilogue
The story epilogue for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's
The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC is now live!
How to Start ・Complete Base Game, Teal Mask, Indigo Disk
・Complete Academy Ace Tournament
・Get Mythical Pecha Berry Mystery Gift

Current & Upcoming Tera Raid Events

Tera Raid Events
Pokemon SV - Tyranitar Raid Banner7☆ Unrivaled Tyranitar Raid Event Round 1!
Start Date Mar 28, 2025 (Fri) at 00:00 UTC
End Date Mar 30, 2025 (Sun) at 11:59 UTC
Other Tera Raid Events
Event Description
Pokemon SV - Tyranitar Raid Banner7☆ Tyranitar Raid Event Round 2 Featured Pokemon:
Level 100 Tyranitar with the Unrivaled Mark
Duration: 04/04/2025 (12:00 AM) ~ 1/06/2025 (11:59 PM)
Pokemon Scarlet Violet - Blissey Raid Banner.png5-Star Blissey Tera Shard Event Featured Pokemon:
Blissey with increased odds to drop Tera Shards and Candies
Duration: 04/04/2025 (12:00 AM) ~ 1/06/2025 (11:59 PM)

Current & Upcoming Mass Outbreak Events

Mass Outbreak Events
Event Description
No active Mass Outbreak Events!

Current & Upcoming Tournaments, Online Competitions and Ranked Battle Season

Event Description
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Series GRanked Battle Regulation G
Ruleset: Paradox, Sub-Legendary, and Legendaries are allowed in Regulation G again!

Current Mystery Gift Codes

All Mystery Gift Codes
Code/Method Reward Start / End
Book Cover Rotom Phone CaseBook Cover Rotom Phone Case Feb 27, 2025
ELEMENTST0NES Fire StoneEvolution Stones Set 1 Nov 18, 2024
Dec 31, 2025
C0SM1CST0NES Sun StoneEvolution Stones Set 2 Nov 18, 2024
Dec 31, 2025
V1TAM1NS VitaminsVitamins Set Nov 18, 2024
Dec 31, 2025
Collect Serial Codes From Merchandise
Deoxys Normal FormeKeldeo OrdinaryZarude
Mythical Pokemon Campaign
Nov 22, 2024
April 30, 2025
NE0R0T0MC0VER Pokemon SV Neo-Kitakami Case Rotom Phone Icon.pngNeo-Kitakami Rotom Phone Case Jan 15, 2024
Pokemon HOME Dex Completion Reward Shiny MeloettaPokemon HOME Shiny Meloetta Permanent
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Mythical Pecha BerryMythical Pecha Berry N/A
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Gen 9 HA Starters
May 3, 2023
No Expiration

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Server Maintenance Status (November 2024)
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1 Anonymousabout 2 years

Miraidon is a electric/dragon type, not electric/fighting


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