Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Elite Four Larry: Best Team and Strategy

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Elite Four Larry - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV

Larry, the Flying Type specialist, is the 3rd member of the Pokemon League's Elite Four in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Read on for strategies to beat his initial team and rematch team, including the best Pokemon, moves and more.

Elite Four Rika - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SVNo.1: Rika Poppy Elite Four Pokemon Scarlet and VioletNo. 2: Poppy
Elite Four Larry - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SVNo.3: Larry Elite Four Hassel Pokemon Scarlet and VioletNo. 4: Hassel
Champion Geeta Pokemon Scarlet and VioletChampion Geeta

Elite Four Larry's Pokemon Team and Types

Type and Suggested Level

Type Specialty Pokemon Flying Type Icon
Best Team Level Lv. 60 ~ Lv. 65

Larry's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Moves
Tropius ImageTropius
Pokemon Flying Type Icon Pokemon Grass Type Icon Air Slash
Solar Beam
Dragon Pulse
Sunny Day
Staraptor ImageStaraptor
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Brave Bird
Close Combat
Altaria ImageAltaria
Pokemon Flying Type Icon Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Moonblast
Ice Beam
Dragon Pulse
Oricorio (Pom-Pom Style) ImageOricorio (Pom-Pom Style)
Pokemon Flying Type Icon Pokemon Electric Type Icon Air Slash
Teeter Dance
Icy Wind
Flamigo ImageFlamigo
Pokemon Flying Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon
(Tera Type) Pokemon Flying Type Icon
Close Combat
Brave Bird
Throat Chop

Best Team to Beat Larry

Best Pokemon to Beat Larry

Pokemon Recommended Moves
Gyarados ImageGyarados
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon (Lv. 60)
Waterfall (learns at Lv. 21)
Dragon Dance (learns at Lv. 36)
Ice Fang (learns at Lv. 8)
Crunch (learns at Lv. 24)
Baxcalibur ImageBaxcalibur
Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon (Lv. 62)
Dragon Dance (TM 100)
Glaive Rush (upon evolution)
Dragon Claw (Lv. 35)
Icicle Crash (learns at Lv. 62)
Tinkaton ImageTinkaton
Pokemon Fairy Type Icon Pokemon Steel Type Icon (Lv. 60)
Gigaton Hammer (upon evolution)
Play Rough (learns at Lv. 35)
Stone Edge (TM 150)
Skitter Smack (learns at Lv. 47)

Best Strategy to Beat Larry

Use Ice and Rock Type moves

Larry's Flying Type Pokemon are weak to Ice and Rock Type moves, which he counters with Fighting type moves from Staraptor and Flamigo. Using Pokemon like Gyarados and Tinkaton who can use Ice and Rock type moves despite having different typings can make the battle easier since they will not be vulnerable to Fighting type moves.

Utilizing Ice Types will be your safest bet, especially against Tropius and Altaria who are 4x weak against Ice. Ice Types will also be very useful in the next battle against the final Elite Four member Hassel's Dragon Type team.
Elite Four: Best Team and Strategy

Larry Story Role

Medali Normal Gym Leader

Secret Menu Item Order Challenge - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)
Before facing against Larry as part of the Elite Four, you will first encounter Larry as the Medali Gym Leader, where he specializes in Normal types. During this battle, Larry can also be seen using the same Staraptor, but at a lower level, and is used as Larry's Ace Pokemon, with a Normal Tera Type.
Medali Gym Leader Guide

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Story Walkthrough Banner
Story Walkthrough

Victory Road Walkthroughs

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Victory Road.pngVictory Road Walkthrough
Cortondo Gym Test Artazon Gym Test
Levincia Gym Test Cascarrafa Gym Test
Medali Gym Test Montenevera Gym Test
Alfornada Gym Test Glaseado Gym Test
Other Victory Road Walkthroughs
All Gym Tests All Gym Leaders
Gym Rematch Teams Elite Four and Champion
Elite Four Rika Elite Four Poppy
Elite Four Larry Elite Four Hassel
Champion Geeta Rival Nemona
Academy Ace Tournament

Starfall Street Walkthroughs

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Starfall Street.pngStarfall Street Walkthrough
Giacomo and the Dark Segin Squad Mela and the Fire Schedar Squad
Atticus and the Poison Navi Squad Ortega and the Fairy Ruchbah Squad
Eri and the Fighting Caph Squad Clavell the Academy Director
Penny the Team Star Founder Team Star Rematch Battles: All STC Rematch Teams Guide
Starmobile Guide: All Types, Abilities, Moves and Counters

Path of Legends Walkthroughs

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Path of Legends.pngPath of Legends Walkthrough
Klawf the Stony Cliff Titan Bombirdier the Open Sky Titan
Orthworm the Lurking Steel Titan Great Tusk/Iron Treads the Quaking Earth Titan
Tatsugiri and Dondozo the False Dragon Titan Arven

The Way Home Walkthrough

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - The Way HomeThe Way Home Walkthrough
Professor Sada
(Pokemon Scarlet)
Professor Turo
(Pokemon Violet)

Post Game Content: What to Do After the Story

DLC Story Walkthroughs

DLC Story Guides
The Teal Mask The Indigo Disk


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