Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

7-Star Quaquaval Tera Raid Event Codes Board

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Pokemon SV - Quaquaval Tera Raid Event Top Banner

This is Game8's Quaquaval Tera Raid Code Sharing Board for its raid event in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Find Quaquaval Raids hosted by generous players, or host them yourself here!

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7-Star Unrivaled Quaquaval Raid Event Links
7-Star Unrivaled QuaquavalImageEvent Details and Counters Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) - 7-Star Unrivaled Quaquaval HostingRaid Code Board

Tera Raid Code Sharing and Groups

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Tera Raid Codes and Groups!

Quaquaval Tera Raid Code Board Rules

  • No submissions that are offensive toward other users.
  • No slander.
  • No posting of images that violate public standards.
  • No refrain from submissions irrelevant to this board.
  • No posting of the same contents repeatedly.
  • No advertising for other sites or apps.
  • No posting for financial gain (via RMT, etc.)

Note: If you violate any of these conditions, your submission may be deleted and you may be banned from posting.

Posting Format

Please include the following information in your Raid Recruitment requests!

  • Link Code (6 digits)
  • The Raid you are hosting
  • Which Pokemon you recommend the other players in the group to use (optional)

Jump to the Raid Codes!

Quaquaval Tera Raid Tips

Tips on How to Defeat Quaquaval

Best Quaquaval Counters

Eelektross ImageEelektross Victreebel ImageVictreebel Miraidon ImageMiraidon
  • Bring Pokemon who can resist most of their moves, and can also deal super-effective damage against them.
  • Make sure you have level 100 Pokemon.

7-Star Quaquaval Tera Raid Event: Best Counters and Rewards

Message Board

Submissions: 12146
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12146 Anonymous6 daysReport

I need help on quaquaval b10x1w

12145 Anonymous6 daysReport

code for a Quaquaval raid JH8BYG

12144 Toon Link Gaming649 daysReport

the code now won't work for the raid, anyways i might play something else while waiting for people that actually help in tera raids

12143 Toon Link Gaming649 daysReport

Howdy code for a Quaquaval raid i'm doing in RPY55K

12142 Anonymous12 daysReport


12141 Anonymous19 daysReport

Anyone have any codes for the Meowscarada raid?

12140 Anonymous25 daysReport

Those are still going

12139 Anonymous25 daysReport


12138 Anonymous26 daysReport

FYI, if you're looking to do the Walking Wake raid, you can't have connected to the Internet after midnight UTC today

12137 Anonymous26 daysReport

too late for walking wake / iron leaves? :(

12136 Anonymous26 daysReport

Later to the party walking wake code?

12135 Anonymous27 daysReport

like everyone else, need a walking wake code ASAP

12134 Anonymous27 daysReport

Looking for an offline walking wake raid :)

12133 Anonymous27 daysReport

I’m also looking for a walking wake code, it was visible for a second then disappeared from the battle search

12132 Anonymous27 daysReport

Looking to join a walking wake raid

12131 Anonymous28 daysReport

I really need to do this anyone wanna run it?

12130 Anonymous29 daysReport

Anyone got a code for walking wake?

12129 Anonymous29 daysReport


12128 Anonymous29 daysReport

are you still around? I can help you out

12127 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

Any walking wakes with timid nature?

12126 Rae <3about 1 monthReport

Anyone have walking wake codes?? I’m a violet player and I really want a waking wake. Thanks in advance!! :3

12125 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

Walkinwake Mknrby

12124 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

Any doing raids please send code

12123 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport


12122 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

Any walking wake codes?

12121 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

had to cancel it

12120 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

Iron leaf raid code 31TDBN.

12119 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

are there two other numbers? It's asking for 6 digits...

12118 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

I have a walking wake code it’s 5441

12117 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

Any walking wake raids happening?

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