Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

All Status Effects and Conditions

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Pokemon Scarlet Violet - Status
This is a list of all status effects and conditions in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Read on to learn how to cure status effects, if a Pokemon can have multiple status effects, and what items prevent status conditions.

Major Status Effects and Conditions

A Pokemon can only have one major status condition at a time. For instance, a Pokemon cannot be burned and asleep at the same time. There are strategic applications for this, like inflicting burn on a Special Attacker to protect it from more debilitating status conditions such as sleep or paralysis.

These major status conditions are represented with graphics in-game that show what status condition a Pokemon is afflicted with.

List of All Major Status Conditions
Poison Paralysis Burn
Sleep Freeze


A Pokemon that is poisoned has HP reduced at the end of every turn. The amount of HP reduction is 1/8 of the maximum HP of the Pokemon. If it doesn't faint, the poisoned Pokemon will still have its Poison condition after the battle is over.

Badly Poisoned

A badly poisoned Pokemon loses 1/16 of its maximum HP with cumulative damage for every succeeding turn that it is badly poisoned. Each instance of Poison damage this way will have 1/16 added to the total damage.

The Pokemon loses 1/16 its max HP for the first turn, 2/16 on the second turn, 3/16 on the third turn until the Pokemon is knocked out.

How to Cure Poison

Items That Cure Poison
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Antidote ImageAntidote Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pecha Berry ImagePecha Berry

Other Factors that Affect Poison

Poison and Steel-type Pokemon are generally immune from being poisoned. The following Abilities also affect the Poison status condition:

Ability Description
Immunity Prevents the Pokemon from getting poisoned.
Magic Guard Protects the Pokemon from indirect damage.
Poison Heal Restores HP if the Pokemon is poisoned.


A paralyzed Pokemon has significantly reduced Speed and a 1/4 chance of being unable to perform a move.
Electric-type Pokemon cannot get paralyzed.

How to Cure Paralysis

Items That Cure Poison
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Paralyze Heal ImageParalyze Heal Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Cheri Berry ImageCheri Berry

Abilities that Prevent Paralysis

Ability Description
Limber The Pokemon is protected from paralysis.


A burned Pokemon loses 1/16 of its maximum HP at the end of every turn. The Pokemon's Attack stat is also reduced while it's burned.

How to Cure Burn

Items That Cure Burn
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Burn Heal ImageBurn Heal Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Rawst Berry ImageRawst Berry

Other Factors that Affect Burn

Fire-type Pokemon can't be afflicted with the burn status condition. Additionally, a Pokemon (excluding Fire Types) holding a Flame Orb will receive the same effects as the Burn status condition. Lastly, below are Abilities that affect Burn:

Ability Description
Water Veil Prevents the Pokemon from getting a burn.
Heatproof Weakens the power of Fire-type moves.
Flare Boost Powers up special attacks when burned.


A Pokemon that falls asleep will be unable to move until they wake up again. It will take about 2-5 turns for the Pokemon to wake up.

How to Cure Sleep

You can wait for the Pokemon to wake up by spending turns with it in battle until it wakes up, or you can use/do any of the following to wake it up immediately:

Factors That Can Wake Up Sleeping Pokemon
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Awakening ImageAwakening Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Chesto Berry ImageChesto Berry

Other Factors that Affect Sleep

Name Description
Insomnia Prevents the Pokemon from falling asleep.
Vital Spirit Prevents the Pokemon from falling asleep.
Worry Seed A seed that causes worry is planted on the target. It prevents sleep by making the target's Ability Insomnia.
Sleep Talk While it is asleep, the user randomly uses one of the moves it knows.
Snore This attack can be used only if the user is asleep. The harsh noise may also make the target flinch.


A frozen Pokemon will be unable to move until they thaw out of the freeze. It will take a random amount of turns for the Pokemon to get out of being frozen.

How to Cure Freeze

You can wait for the Pokemon to get out of being frozen by spending turns with it in battle until it thaws. Alternatively, you can hit a frozen Pokemon with a Fire Type attack or use any of the following items on it in order to thaw it out immediately:

Items That Cure Burn
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ice Heal ImageIce Heal Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Aspear Berry ImageAspear Berry

Fire Type Moves that Cure Freeze

Move Description
Flame Wheel The user cloaks itself in fire and charges at the target. This may also leave the target with a burn.
Flare Blitz The user cloaks itself in fire and charges the target. This also damages the user quite a lot. This may leave the target with a burn.
Sacred Fire The target is razed with a mystical fire of great intensity. This may also leave the target with a burn.

Other Factors that Prevent Freeze

Ice-type Pokemon can't be frozen. When present in battle, harsh sunlight also prevents Pokemon in the battle from being frozen.

Name Description
Magma Armor Prevents the Pokemon from becoming frozen.
Sunny Day The user intensifies the sun for five turns, powering up Fire-type moves. It lowers the power of Water-type moves.

Hidden Status Effects and Conditions

The following are status conditions that are not listed on your Pokemon's HP bar during battle. These status conditions can occur simultaneously with any of the 5 status conditions listed above.


A confused Pokemon has the possibility of attacking and dealing damage to itself during battle. A Pokemon is capable of making itself feint due to attacking itself. Confusion is automatically recovered from after a few turns.

Abilities that Affect Confusion

Ability Description
Own Tempo Prevents the Pokemon from becoming confused.
Tangled Feet Raises evasion if the Pokemon is confused.


When a Ghost-type Pokemon uses the move Curse, the target will be Cursed and take damage equivalent to 1/4 of its maximum HP every turn. No status condition is inflicted if a non-Ghost Type uses the move Curse.

Curse is cured if the cursed Pokemon switches out of battle or when the battle ends.

Curse Effect and Pokemon That Learn It


When a Pokemon uses the move Attract on a target of the opposite gender, the target Pokemon will become infatuated. Infatuated Pokemon sometimes refuse to attack the opposing Pokemon due to being immobilized by love.

Infatuation ends when either the infatuated Pokemon or the Pokemon it's infatuated with is switched out of battle.

Attract Location and Pokemon That Learn it

Other Factors that Affect Infatuation

Name Description
Oblivious Prevents it from becoming infatuated.
Cute Charm Contact with the Pokemon may cause infatuation.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Destiny Knot ImageDestiny Knot An item to be held by a Pokemon. If the holder becomes infatuated, the opposing Pokemon will be, too.


A Pokemon that flinches doesn't attack during that turn. It's never the first Pokemon that moves in a turn that flinches.

Other Factors that Affect Flinching

Name Description
Inner Focus The Pokemon is protected from flinching.
Steadfast Raises Speed each time the Pokemon flinches.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - KingKing's Rock An item to be held by a Pokemon. When the holder successfully inflicts damage, the target may also flinch.

Bind and Trap

When a Pokemon is Bound or trapped (in a whirlpool or vortex), the Pokemon is unable to be switched out for up to 5 turns and, if it's a wild encounter, you are unable to flee. The Pokemon also takes damage at the end of every turn.

The Pokemon is able to perform moves normally when bound or trapped.

Other Factors that Affect Being Bound and Trapped

Name Description
Run Away Enables a sure getaway from wild Pokemon.
Rapid Spin A spin attack that can also eliminate such moves as Bind, Wrap, and Leech Seed. This also raises the user's Speed stat.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Smoke Ball ImageSmoke Ball An item to be held by a Pokemon. It enables the holder to flee from any wild Pokemon encounter without fail.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Shed Shell ImageShed Shell An item to be held by a Pokemon. This discarded carapace enables the holder to switch out of battle without fail.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Grip Claw ImageGrip Claw An item to be held by a Pokemon. It extends the duration of multi-turn attacks like Bind and Wrap.

Salt Cure

Salt Cure is a status condition exclusive to the Garganacl evolutionary line. It inflicts 1/8 of the target's maximum HP as damage per turn in addition to the damage dealt when it is used. If a Steel and/or Water type is affected by Salt Cure, the amount of damage per turn is ¼ of its maximum HP.

The effect is removed when the afflicted Pokémon is switched out.
Salt Cure Effect and Pokemon That Learn It

How to Cure All Status Effects and Conditions

Items That Cure All Status Effects and Conditions

Item Description
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Full Restore ImageFull Restore A medicine that can be used to fully restore the HP of a single Pokemon and heal any status conditions it has.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Full Heal ImageFull Heal A spray-type medicine that is broadly effective. It can be used once to heal all the status conditions of a Pokemon.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Lum Berry ImageLum Berry A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can recover from any status condition during battle.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Heal Powder ImageHeal Powder A very bitter medicinal powder. It can be used once to heal all the status conditions of a Pokémon.

The above items also heal Confusion.

Moves That Cure All Status Effects and Conditions

Move Status Condition Cured
Heal Bell All status conditions in user's party
Rest All, but puts Pokemon to sleep

Abilities That Cure All Status Effects and Conditions

Ability Description
Natural Cure All status problem heal when the Pokemon switches out.
Shed Skin The Pokemon may heal its own status problems.
Hydration Heals status problem if it is raining.

Some Abilities Require a Status Condition to Take Effect

Ability Description
Guts Boosts Attack if there is a status problem.
Marvel Scale Ups Defense if there is a status problem.
Quick Feet Boosts Speed if there is a status problem.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

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All Game Mechanics

List of All Game Mechanics

Beginner Game Mechanics
Type Chart: All Matchups and Effectiveness All Status Conditions and Effects
How to Use STAB Effectively Nature Chart and How to Check Natures
Moves Explained Abilities Explained
Speed Explained: How Does Speed Work? Explanation of Pokemon Stats
Advanced Game Mechanics
EXP Growth Rates Explained Damage Explained: How is Damage Calculated?
EVs, IVs, and Natures Explained -
Move-Related Mechanics
List of Priority Moves High-Critical Hit Moves
Moves that Change Weather Moves that Change Terrain
Moves with Recoil Damage Moves that Set Entry Hazards
Trapping Moves Critical Hit Chance
List of Move and Ability Changes


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