Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

All New Pokemon in the DLC

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★ The DLC Epilogue is now available! ▶︎ How to Start

Pokemon Scarlet Violet - Legendaries DLC

The Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) DLC adds all new Pokemon, including new legendaries, new Paradox Pokemon, and New Evolutions. Learn about all the new Pokemon and everything we know about them here, and which Pokemon you can find in the Teal Mask and the Indigo Disk respectively.

DLC Related Guides
The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC Part 1: The Teal Mask Part 2: The Indigo Disk
DLC Preorder Bonuses New DLC Pokemon Returning DLC Pokemon
Game8 Exclusive! Early Play Review of The Teal Mask DLC!

Indigo Disk Pokemon


Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pecharunt

Pecharunt is a Poison/Ghost-type Mythical Pokemon that can be encountered in The Indigo Disk Epilogue. Pecharunt serves as the leader of the The Loyal Three in Kitakami, where the epilogue takes place.

Pecharunt has the signature move Malignant Chain, a damaging special move which has the chance to badly poison a target. This synergizes with its Poison Puppeteer ability, which allows Pecharunt to confuse a target if it manages to poison it.

To encounter Pecharunt, you need to complete the base game's story, clear the Academy Ace Tournament, and finish both The Teal Mask and The Indigo Disk's stories. You also need to get the Mythical Pecha Berry item via Mystery Gift, which is available starting January 11, 2024.

Pecharunt is the only new Pokemon added in the Mochi Mayhem Epilogue.

How to Get Pecharunt in The Indigo Disk Epilogue


Pokemon SV - Terastal Form terapagos.png
Terapagos is the Indigo Disk DLC's flagship legendary Pokemon. Terapagos has multiple abilities like Tera Shell that reduces damage taken when its in full health and Teraform Zero that removes weather and terrain in battle once it activates and Tera Shift that lets it transform to its Terastal Form.

Tera Starstorm is Terapagos' signature move which has 100 accuracy and will deal massive damage to all opposing Pokemon in the field if Terapagos is in its Terastal Form.

Terapagos Type and Info

Terapagos Forms

Normal Form

Terastal Form

Stellar Form

Terapagos will transform into its Terastal Form every time it is sent out to battle and changes its ability to Tera Shell, which makes any attack not effective when its at full HP.

It then transforms into its Stellar Form after Terastallizing and changes its ability to Teraform Zero, which removes any weather effect and Terrain effects from the field.

New Evolutions

Hydrapple - Dipplin's New Evolution

Pokemon SV - Hydrapple Evolution

Dipplin, which evolves from Applin with a Syrupy Apple, now has Hydrapple as its new, next stage evolution.

Evolve your Dipplin to a Hydrapple by leveling it up while it currently has Dragon Cheer as one of its moves.

Hydrapple: How to Evolve Dipplin into Hydrapple

Archaludon - Duraludon's New Evolution

Pokemon Scarlet Archaludon

Duraludon now evolves into Archaludon by using a Metal Alloy on it. The new evolution keeps Duraludon's Steel-Dragon typing and gives it either the Stamina or the Sturdy ability.

Archaludon boasts a new exclusive move Electro Shot which takes a turn to charge up, but boosts its Special Attack on the first turn. During rainy weather, Archaludon can fire the attack during the same turn it used the move.

Archaludon: How to Evolve Duraludon Into Archaludon

New Paradox Legendary Pokemon

Legendary Beast and Swords of Justice Paradox Legendaries

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Raging BoltRaging Bolt Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron CrownIron Crown
Gouging Fire.Gouging Fire Iron Boulder.pngIron Boulder

Raikou, Cobalion, Entei and Terrakion appears as Paradox Pokemon in the Indigo Disk DLC. These new four additions to the legendary Paradox lineup completes the Legendary Beasts trio from Generation 2 and Swords of Justice lineup from Generation 5 in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

The Legendary Beasts are exclusive to Pokemon Scarlet while the Swords of Justice are exclusive to Pokemon Violet.

All Version Exclusives: New, Returning, Paradox, Legendary and DLC

Raging Bolt: Thunderclap

Pokemon SV - Thunderclap
Raging Bolt, just like Walking Wake with Hydro Steam, also receives a new signature move called Thunderclap. It is a priority move that deals Electric type damage that otherwise fails when the opponent uses a non-damaging Move; similar to that of Sucker Punch.
Thunderclap Effect and Pokemon That Learn It

Iron Crown: Tachyon Cutter

Pokemon SV - Tachyon Cutter
Iron Crown, just like Iron Leaves with Psyblade, also receives a new signature move called Tachyon Cutter which is a multi-hit Steel type move.
Tachyon Cutter Effect and Pokemon That Learn It

Gouging Fire: Burning Bulwark

Gouging Fire also receives a new signature move called Burning Bulwark which protects Gouging Fire from attacks and burns any attacker if they perform a direct contact move.

Burning Bulwark Effect and Pokemon That Learn It

Iron Boulder: Mighty Cleave

Iron Boulder is the only Paradox Pokemon capable of learning Mighty Cleave which damages an enemy even if they protected themselves.

Mighty Cleave Effect and Pokemon That Learn It

Teal Mask Pokemon


Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Terastallized Ogerpon.jpg

Ogerpon is a new Pokemon that appears in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's DLC The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Part 1: The Teal Mask.

Depending on which mask it wears, Ogerpon is shown to have multiple new Terastallized forms that is unlike the Tera Forms we have seen from other Pokemon!

Ogerpon Type and Info

Ogerpon Forms

Form Ability Type Embody Aspect
Ogerpon ImageOgerpon Defiant Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Grass Type Moves + Speed
Ogerpon (Wellspring Mask) ImageOgerpon (Wellspring Mask) Water Absorb Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Grass Type Moves Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Water Type Moves + Sp. Def
Ogerpon (Hearthflame Mask) ImageOgerpon (Hearthflame Mask) Mold Breaker Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Grass Type Moves Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fire Type Moves + Attack
Ogerpon (Cornerstone Mask) ImageOgerpon (Cornerstone Mask) Sturdy Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Grass Type Moves Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Rock Type Moves + Defense

Ogerpon changes forms depending on what mask it is holding. Its signature move, Ivy Cudgel, will also change its type depending on its current form.

When Ogerpon Terastallizes, it activates its second ability, Embody Aspect, and raises one of its stats depending on its held mask.

The Loyal Three

Okidogi, Munkidori, and Fezandipiti

The_Hidden_Treasure_of_Area_Zero_Okidogi_ArtworkOkidogi The_Hidden_Treasure_of_Area_Zero_Munkidori_ArtworkMunkidori The_Hidden_Treasure_of_Area_Zero_Fezandipiti_ArtworkFezandipiti

Okidogi, Munkidori and Fezandipiti appears in Part 1 of the DLC, The Teal Mask. In Mossui Town, there is a Park called Loyalty Square. Here, the Momotaro Trio are depicted in statue form and treated with affection and respect by the locals, acquiring the nickname, The Loyal Three.
Mossui Town: Teal Mask DLC Base Town

New Ability: Toxic Chain

Pokemon SV Teal Mask - Momotaro Trio Toxic Chain 2

The Loyal Three's new Ability is Toxic Chain. This is a new Ability, which has a chance to badly poison the opponent every time they are hit with a damaging move.

Toxic Chain Effect and Pokemon With This Ability

New Form for Ursaluna

Bloodmoon Form

Pokemon SV Teal Mask - Bloodmoon Ursaluna Dex 1

Bloodmoon Ursaluna is a new form of Ursaluna in the Teal Mask DLC. Bloodmoon Ursaluna can be caught during Perrin's Photo Survey questline, which is unlocked after catching 150 species in the Kitakami Dex.
How to Get and Catch Bloodmoon Ursaluna

New Signature Move: Blood Moon

Blood Moon is a new exclusive move this form of Ursaluna has. The user unleashes the full brunt of its spirit from a full moon that shines as red as blood. This move can't be used twice in a row.

Blood Moon Move Damage and Effect

New Convergent Pokemon

Poltchageist and Sinistcha

Poltchageist ImagePoltchageist Sinistcha ImageSinistcha

Poltchageist and Sinistcha are the new Grass/Ghost-type Pokemon in the Teal Mask DLC. Poltchageist evolves into Sinistcha with either the Unremarkable Teacup or Masterpiece Teacup depending on its form.

How to Evolve Poltchageist into Sinistcha

Signature Move: Matcha Gotcha

Matcha Gotcha is an exclusive move that Sinistcha learns upon evolving from Poltchageist. The user heals half of the damage dealt as HP. It also has a chance to burn.

Matcha Gotcha Move Damage and Effect

Signature Ability: Hospitality

Poltchageist Ability Hospitality - Pokemon SV Teal Mask DLC

Ability Effect
Hospitality Heals ally Pokémon in Double Battles when it is sent into battle

Poltchageist and Sinistcha's new Ability, Hospitality is similar to Regenerator, but for Allies! This Ability heals an ally in battle upon Poltchageist switching in.
Hospitality Effect and Pokemon With This Ability

New Evolution for Applin

Dipplin - Applin's New Evolution

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dipplin Candied Apple.png
Dipplin is a new evolution of Applin in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Teal Mask DLC. A Syrupy Apple is an item that is used on an Applin to evolve it to a Dipplin.
How to Evolve Applin into Dipplin

New Move: Syrup Bomb

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Syrup Bomb

Dipplin has a signature move called Syrup Bomb, a Grass-type Special attack which causes an explosion of syrup, lowering the target's Speed stat to decrease each turn for three turns.

Syrup Bomb Effect and Pokemon That Learn It

New Ability: Supersweet Syrup

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Supersweet Syrup

Dipplin also has an exclusive Ability called Supersweet Syrup. The scent of its syrup lowers the evasiveness of opposing Pokemon everytime it first enters a battle.

Supersweet Syrup Effect and Pokemon With This Ability

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Related Links

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - News Banner

Latest News and Game Info

DLC Epilogue

DLC Story Epilogue
Pokemon SV The Indigo Disk - DLC Story Epilogue DLC Story Epilogue
The story epilogue for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's
The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC is now live!
How to Start ・Complete Base Game, Teal Mask, Indigo Disk
・Complete Academy Ace Tournament
・Get Mythical Pecha Berry Mystery Gift

Current & Upcoming Tera Raid Events

Tera Raid Events
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Skeledirge Tera Raid Event7-Star Skeledirge Tera Raid Event [LIVE]
Start Date March 7, 2025 (Fri) at 00:00 UTC
End Date March 13, 2025 (Thu) at 23:59 UTC
Upcoming Tera Raid Events
Event Description
Pokemon Scarlet Violet - Quaquaval Raid Banner7-Star Quaquaval Tera Raid Event Featured Pokemon:
Level 100 Quaquaval with the Unrivaled Mark
Duration: 03/14/2025 (12:00 AM)~ 03/20/2025 (11:59 PM)

Current & Upcoming Mass Outbreak Events

Mass Outbreak Events
Red Green Blue Pokemon Mass Outbreak Red, Green, and Blue Mass Outbreak Event[LIVE]
Start Date Feb 28, 2025 (Fri) at 00:00 UTC
End Date March 20, 2025 (Thu) at 23:59 UTC

Current & Upcoming Tournaments, Online Competitions and Ranked Battle Season

Event Description
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Series GRanked Battle Regulation G
Ruleset: Paradox, Sub-Legendary, and Legendaries are allowed in Regulation G again!

Current Mystery Gift Codes

All Mystery Gift Codes
Code/Method Reward Start / End
Book Cover Rotom Phone CaseBook Cover Rotom Phone Case Feb 27, 2025
ELEMENTST0NES Fire StoneEvolution Stones Set 1 Nov 18, 2024
Dec 31, 2025
C0SM1CST0NES Sun StoneEvolution Stones Set 2 Nov 18, 2024
Dec 31, 2025
V1TAM1NS VitaminsVitamins Set Nov 18, 2024
Dec 31, 2025
Collect Serial Codes From Merchandise
Deoxys Normal FormeKeldeo OrdinaryZarude
Mythical Pokemon Campaign
Nov 22, 2024
April 30, 2025
NE0R0T0MC0VER Pokemon SV Neo-Kitakami Case Rotom Phone Icon.pngNeo-Kitakami Rotom Phone Case Jan 15, 2024
Pokemon HOME Dex Completion Reward Shiny MeloettaPokemon HOME Shiny Meloetta Permanent
Get via Internet
Mythical Pecha BerryMythical Pecha Berry N/A
Connect to Pokemon HOME
Gen 9 HA Starters
May 3, 2023
No Expiration

Server Maintenance Status

Server Maintenance Status (November 2024)
No Scheduled Server Maintenance!

Latest News

Pre-Release News

All Gen 9 Pre-Release Trailers


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