Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Best Defense EV Training Locations

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Best Defense EV Training Locations

The best locations to Defense EV train Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) are in Area Zero, East Province (Area Three), and Poco Path. Read on for more information about the best locations and Pokemon to beat for Defense EV training, a list of Pokemon that yield Defense EVs, and more!

Best Defense EV Training Locations

Best Locations to EV Train Defense
Area Zero East Province (Area Three) Poco Path

Best Locations and Pokemon

EV Yield Pokemon Location
+3 Defense Garganacl ImageGarganacl Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) - Defense EV Area Zero Area Zero
+2 Defense Orthworm ImageOrthworm East Province (Area Three)
Carkol ImageCarkol East Province (Area Three)
+1 Defense Tarountula ImageTarountula Poco Path,
at South Province (Area One)
Rolycoly ImageRolycoly East Province (Area Three)

EV Training in Area Zero

Area Zero Pokemon
EV Yields
Def Corviknight ImageCorviknight
2 Def EV Yield
Naclstack ImageNaclstack
2 Def EV Yield

It may also be a good idea to EV Train in Area Zero where there are a variety of Pokemon of high EV Yields that can be encountered. For your reference, listed above are commonly found Pokemon in Area Zero that yield Defense EVs.

Granted, you'll have to have completed all three questlines before you can access Paldea's crater.

The Way Home: Area Zero Walkthrough

Use Power Belt When EV Training Defense

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Power Belt ImagePower Belt
+8 Defense EV Yield
EV Yield and Power Belt Bonus
+1 Base Yield
= +9 Total Defense EVs
+2 Base Yield
= +10 Total Defense EVs
+3 Base Yield
= +11 Total Defense EVs

Power Belt is a useful Training Item that you can let a Pokemon hold while you are EV training its Defense.

This item will give you +8 Defense EVs after defeating wild Pokemon. This will speed up the process of EV training if you only defeat Pokemon that yield Defense EVs.

For example, if you defeat a Pokemon that will give you 1 Defense EV, you will get 8 additional Defense EVs, totalling to 9 EVs after the battle.

If you defeat a Pokemon that yield other EVs, you will still get 8 Defense EVs, plus the regular EV yield of that Pokemon.

This method is slower than using Iron, but will save you money as it is less expensive compared to buying a lot of Vitamins.

How to EV Train Fast

Purchase Power Belt at Delibird Presents

Delibird Presents Map Locations




Power Belt can be bought from Delibird Presents shops for ₽10,000. The branches are located at Mesagoza, Levincia, and Cascarrafa.

Delibird Presents Locations and All Items

Use Qualot Berry to Decrease EV

Item Effect
Qualot Berry ImageQualot Berry Using it on a Pokemon makes it more friendly towards the trainer but lowers its Defense EV by 10 points.

If you accidentally add excess Defense EVs to your Pokemon, you can feed them Qualot Berries to reduce their Defense EVs by 10. This is useful if you really want to fine-tune your Pokemon's EV spread.

How to Farm EV-Reducing Berries

Defense +3 Yields: Area Zero

Defeat Garganacl and Iron Treads

Pokemon to Defeat
Garganacl ImageGarganacl
+3 Defense
Iron Treads ImageIron Treads
+3 Defense

Garganacl and Iron Treads both yield +3 Defense when defeated and can be found at Area Zero.

Since Iron Treads is exclusive to Pokemon Violet, players with Pokemon Scarlet can hunt for Garganacl in Area Zero, or connect to another player who has the other version of the game and hunt for Iron Treads. Alternatively, players could also opt to hunt other Pokemon that yield +2 Defense EVs.

Area Zero Map and Pokemon List

Defense +2 Yields: East Province (Area Three)

Defeat Orthworm, Carkol, and Rolycoly

Pokemon to Defeat
Orthworm ImageOrthworm
+2 Defense
Carkol ImageCarkol
+2 Defense
Rolycoly ImageRolycoly
+1 Defense

Orthworm and Carkol yield 2 Defense EVs after defeating them, and they can be found all around East Province (Area Three). If you need to fine-tune your spread, you can knock out Rolycoly who yields 1 Defense.

East Province (Area Three) Map and Pokemon List

Defense +1 Yields: Poco Path at South Province (Area One)

Defeat Tarountula and Scatterbug

Pokemon to Defeat
Tarountula ImageTarountula
+1 Defense
Scatterbug ImageScatterbug
+1 Defense

You can EV train your Pokemon in their Defense stat by defeating Tarountula and Scatterbug at Poco Path located at South Province (Area One). If you need to fine-tune Defense EVs, you can train your Pokemon here.

Poco Path Map and Pokemon List

List of Pokemon with Defense EV Yields

No. Pokemon Defense
Pokemon SV - ApplinApplin
+1 Defense
Pokemon SV - BergmiteBergmite
+1 Defense
Pokemon SV - BonslyBonsly
+1 Defense
Pokemon SV - BronzongBronzong
+1 Defense
Pokemon SV - BronzorBronzor
+1 Defense
Pokemon SV - DonphanDonphan
+1 Defense
Pokemon SV - HippopotasHippopotas
+1 Defense
Pokemon SV - KlefkiKlefki
+1 Defense
Pokemon SV - KricketotKricketot
+1 Defense
Pokemon SV - MareanieMareanie
+1 Defense
Pokemon SV - NacliNacli
+1 Defense
Pokemon SV - PinecoPineco
+1 Defense
Pokemon SV - RellorRellor
+1 Defense
Pokemon SV - RolycolyRolycoly
+1 Defense
Pokemon SV - SableyeSableye
+1 Defense
Pokemon SV - SandygastSandygast
+1 Defense
Pokemon SV - ScatterbugScatterbug
+1 Defense
Pokemon SV - ShellderShellder
+1 Defense
Pokemon SV - SilicobraSilicobra
+1 Defense
Pokemon SV - SpiritombSpiritomb
+1 Defense
Pokemon SV - TarountulaTarountula
+1 Defense
Pokemon SV - VespiquenVespiquen
+1 Defense
Pokemon SV - AvaluggAvalugg
+2 Defense
Pokemon SV - CarkolCarkol
+2 Defense
Pokemon SV - CloysterCloyster
+2 Defense
Pokemon SV - Eiscue (Ice Face)Eiscue (Ice Face)
+2 Defense
Pokemon SV - Eiscue (Noice Face)Eiscue (Noice Face)
+2 Defense
Pokemon SV - ForretressForretress
+2 Defense
Pokemon SV - HippowdonHippowdon
+2 Defense
Pokemon SV - KlawfKlawf
+2 Defense
Pokemon SV - LeafeonLeafeon
+2 Defense
Pokemon SV - NaclstackNaclstack
+2 Defense
Pokemon SV - OrthwormOrthworm
+2 Defense
Pokemon SV - PalossandPalossand
+2 Defense
Pokemon SV - PelipperPelipper
+2 Defense
Pokemon SV - SandacondaSandaconda
+2 Defense
Pokemon SV - ShelgonShelgon
+2 Defense
Pokemon SV - SlowbroSlowbro
+2 Defense
Pokemon SV - SpewpaSpewpa
+2 Defense
Pokemon SV - SpidopsSpidops
+2 Defense
Pokemon SV - StonjournerStonjourner
+2 Defense
Pokemon SV - SudowoodoSudowoodo
+2 Defense
Pokemon SV - TorkoalTorkoal
+2 Defense
Pokemon SV - ToxapexToxapex
+2 Defense
Pokemon SV - CoalossalCoalossal
+3 Defense
Pokemon SV - CorviknightCorviknight
+3 Defense
Pokemon SV - GarganaclGarganacl
+3 Defense
Pokemon SV - Iron TreadsIron Treads
+3 Defense
Pokemon SV - Ting-LuTing-Lu
+3 Defense

List of Pokemon by EV Yield

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Train and Breed Banner

Training and Breeding

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Nature and IV Breeding Guide How to Increase IVs
How to Check IVs (Judge Function) How to Check EVs
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How to Change a Pokemon's Nature How to Soft Reset for the Best Nature and IVs
How to Get and Breed for Hidden Abilities How to Learn Egg Moves
Is There Pokerus? How to Reset EVs
How to Increase Friendship How to Get 6IV Dittos
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Calculators for Training
Stat Calculator IV Calculator
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Best EV Training Locations
Best HP EV Training Locations Best Attack EV Training Locations
Best Defense EV Training Locations Best Special Attack EV Training Locations
Best Special Defense EV Training Locations Best Speed EV Training Locations


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