Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

All Gift Pokemon Locations in Teal Mask

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SV Teal Mask - Gift Pokemon
Several Gift Pokemon become available as part of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)'s Teal Mask DLC. Check out all the free gift Pokemon you can get, where to find them, and how to get the different Gift Pokemon, such as Hisuian Growlithe or the Sinnoh Starters, during your Teal Mask adventure.

List of All Gift Pokemon

Shiny Munchlax with the Crafty Mark

The Crafty Mark that grants the Opportunist Title
Munchlax ImageMunchlax
Tera Type: Normal
Ability: Gluttony [Hidden]
Level: 1
Nature: Impish
- Tackle
- Lick

Note: Nature and Gender seem to be fixed.

If you are lucky and/or skilled enough to beat all 10 rounds of Ogre Oustin' on Hard Difficulty, the lady at the counter will reward you with a Shiny Munchlax that has the Crafty Mark. Applying this mark grants Muchlax the Opportunist title.

Ogre Oustin' Minigame Rewards and How to Play

Perrin's Hisuian Growlithe

After completing Perrin's Photography Quest Line and catching Bloodmoon Ursaluna, Perrin will ask to speak with you one last time just outside Mossui where you first met.

She will thank you for helping capture Bloodmoon Ursaluna's photo, and how she reignited her passion for photography. Before you part ways, she will gift you a Choice Scarf, and a Hisuian Growlithe.

Perrin's Hisuian Growlithe Stats

Hisuian Growlithe ImageHisuian Growlithe
Tera Type: Rock
Ability: Rock Head [Hidden]
Level: 15
Nature: Jolly
- Ember
- Howl
- Bite
- Flame Wheel

Note: Nature and Gender not confirmed to be fixed.

Perrin mentions that this Hisuian Growlithe is her Hisuian Growlithe's younger brother. This is likely another of her many references to Pokemon Legends: Arceus. In that game, The Cobalt Coastlands was the domain of the Noble Pokemon, Hisuian Arcanine. When it had passed away, it also had a weaker younger brother who eventually took its place.

Perrin requests that you raise the younger Hisuian Growlithe to eventually be strong, evoking the same emotion of the brothers from Hisui.

Photography with Perrin Side Quest Guide

Sinnoh Starter Egg

Overworld Location Map Location
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Jacq Location

After reaching Kitakami, exit through the east side of Mossui Town until you cross a bridge and find a red arch. Under a nearby tree, you'll find Jacq who will gift you an egg with a random Sinnoh Starter.

The egg that you receive from Jacq will hatch into one of three starters from the Sinnoh Region. The starter you receive will random, from either Turtwig, Chimchar, or Piplup.

Sinnoh Starters

Sinnoh Starters
Turtwig ImageTurtwig Chimchar ImageChimchar Piplup ImagePiplup

Turtwig evolves into the Grass/Ground-type Torterra, Chimchar evolves into the Fire/Fighting-type Infernape, and Piplup evolves into the Water/Steel-type Empoleon. These starters come ahead of the return of all partner Pokemon in part 2 of the SV DLC: Indigo Disk.

Sinnoh Starter Egg Location

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Teal Mask Useful NPCs and Their Locations

Game Information


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