Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Elite Four Rika: Best Team and Strategy

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Elite Four Rika - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV

Rika, the Ground Type specialist, is the 1st member of the Pokemon League's Elite Four in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Read on for strategies to beat her team, including the best Pokemon, moves and more.

Elite Four Rika - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SVNo.1: Rika Poppy Elite Four Pokemon Scarlet and VioletNo. 2: Poppy
Elite Four Larry - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SVNo.3: Larry Elite Four Hassel Pokemon Scarlet and VioletNo. 4: Hassel
Champion Geeta Pokemon Scarlet and VioletChampion Geeta

Elite Four Rika's Pokemon Team and Types

Type and Suggested Level

Type Specialty Pokemon Ground Type Icon
Best Team Level Lv. 58 ~ Lv. 62

Rika's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Moves
Whiscash ImageWhiscash
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Muddy Water
Earth Power
Future Sight
Camerupt ImageCamerupt
Pokemon Fire Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Earth Power
Fire Blast
Flash Cannon
Donphan ImageDonphan
Pokemon Ground Type Icon Earthquake
Stone Edge
Iron Head
Poison Jab
Dugtrio ImageDugtrio
Pokemon Ground Type Icon Earthquake
Rock Slide
Sucker Punch
Clodsire ImageClodsire
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon
(Tera Type) Pokemon Ground Type Icon

Best Team to Beat Rika

Best Pokemon to Beat Rika

Pokemon Recommended Moves
Gyarados ImageGyarados
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon (Lv. 58)
Waterfall (learns at Lv. 21)
Dragon Dance (learns at Lv. 36)
Ice Fang (learns at Lv. 8)
Crunch (learns at Lv. 24)
Baxcalibur ImageBaxcalibur
Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon (Lv. 62)
Dragon Dance (TM 100)
Glaive Rush (upon evolution)
Brick Break (TM 58)
Icicle Crash (learns at Lv. 62)
Rotom ImageRotom (Wash Form)
Pokemon Electric Type Icon Pokemon Water Type Icon (Lv. 58)
Hex (learns at Lv. 35)
Hydro Pump (TM 142)
Protect (TM 7)
Shadow Ball (TM 114)

Best Strategy to Beat Rika

Use Water or Ice Type moves

Rika's Ground Type Pokemon are weak to Water and Ice Type moves, which she counters with Fire and Steel moves from Camerupt and Donphan. Using Pokemon like Gyarados and Rotom who are Immune to Ground type attacks, while dealing STAB super effective damage with their Water Type moves can make the battle easier. Watch out for Rika's Clodsire though, as it has the Ability Water Absorb, which negates damage from Water Type moves, restoring HP instead. Utilizing Ice Types will be your safest bet.

Rika Story Role

Interview Exam Proctor

As the first member of the Elite Four, Rika has the added responsibility of conducting the preliminary interview test, to assess whether each challenger is ready and worthy of attempting the Elite Four Challenge

Passing the Interview Exam

All Questions and Correct Answers

Question Answer
1 How did you get here today? You can answer this one however you like
2 Please tell me the name of the school you are enrolled in. Naranja Academy(Scarlet)
Uva Academy(Violet)
3 So what brings you to the Pokemon League today? To Become the Champion
4 Now, what do you intend to do if and when you do become a Champion? You can answer however you like.
(Remember your answer for later!)
5 Tell me: which of the 8 Gyms gave you the most difficulty? Choose any of the eight gyms.
(For example: Levincia)
6 And what was the name of the Gym Leader you faced there? Choose the correct Gym Leader.
(For the previous example: Iono)
7 But do you remember which type of Pokemon the Gym Leader used? Choose the correct type for Gym you selected
(For the example: Electric)
8 What was the category of the first Pokemon you chose to be your partner?
(This refers to your starter Pokemon)
The Grass Cat Pokemon
The Fire Croc Pokemon
The Duckling Pokemon
9 Remind me, what do you intend to do if and when you do become a Champion? Choose the same answer as you did for the 4th question
10 Do you like Pokemon? Yes

※ Choose the correct academy for your version of the game.

If You Get a Single Question Wrong You Fail

In the first part of the Champions test (the interview), if you get a question wrong, the interview will end immediately and you will be forced out of the room. There is no limit on the amount of attempts you can take, however if you pass on your first attempt there is a special dialogue, so if you would like to see it, you should study up for the test!

Elite Four: Best Team and Strategy

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Post Game Content: What to Do After the Story

DLC Story Walkthroughs

DLC Story Guides
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