Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

How to Use the Tera Raid Damage Calculator

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This is our guide on how to use Game8's Tera Raid Damage Calculator for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Read on to learn how to use the damage calculator for Tera Raid Battles and the different settings and options you can use when calculating damage sources against Tera Raid Bosses.

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The Damage Calculator results are based on 4 to 7 Star Raids Currently or Previously Available In-Game.

Tera Raid Attacker

Select the Pokemon

Pokemon SV - Tera Raid Damage Calc Pokemon Choose.png
When entering a Pokemon's name, select an effort value button to automatically load the EVs and nature in the calculator.

0 Sets the Pokemon's Attack or Special Attack Effort Values to 0.
4 Sets the Pokemon's Attack or Special Attack Effort Values to 4.
252 Sets the Pokemon's Attack or Special Attack Effort Values to 252.
252 ↑ Sets the Pokemon's Attack or Special Attack Effort Values to 252 with a beneficial Nature.

Attacking Pokemon Stats

Pokemon SV - Tera Raid Damage Calc Pokemon Stats

Change Type

The Change Type function is used for Pokemon that can change their own regular typing through the use of certain moves like Reflect Type or abilities like Protean.


Toggle this button to change your attacking Pokemon's Tera Type. After selecting your Tera Type, just click out of the pop-up window to go back to calculating your Pokemon's Stats.

Attack (EVs) / Sp. Atk (EVs)

Use this to set your attacking Pokemon's offensive EVs. The stat will automatically change once you choose an attacking move.

Nature Modifier

The Nature Modifier directly affects the offensive or defensive stats of the Pokemon. Make sure to pick the right nature modifier to get accurate results!

1.1x Sets a Beneficial Nature to the Pokemon's stats, such as Adamant or Modest.
1.0x Sets a Neutral Nature to the Pokemon's stats.
0.9x Sets a Hindering Nature to the Pokemon stats.

Attacker Moves and Abilities

Pokemon SV - Tera Raid Damage Calc Pokemon Moves and Abilities


Select a Move from the drop down list, the moves listed will be the ones currently available in the Pokemon's known moveset. Click the button with the Terastal symbol to the right of the move dropdown to automatically change the Pokemon to the Tera Type of that move. Note that this will overwrite any previously-selected Tera Type.


Tick off this check box if your inflict yourself with a Status Condition, this is for moves like Facade and Abilities like Guts which interact when the user is afflicted with a Status Condition.


Select your Pokemon's Ability from the drop down list. The Pokemon's natural Abilities will be listed at the top of the list, but you can select other Abilities on the list if you get hit with moves like Skill Swap or an ability like Mummy.

If an ability like Neutralizing Gas is active on the field, you can choose an ability that does not affect your damage in any way like Anticipation.

Stat Changes

Stat Changes are changes that affect your currently chosen attacking move. For example, using Swords Dance will give you a +2 in Attack Stats, so you will enter +2 in the calculator.

Held Item

Held Item is self-explanatory; use the drop down menu to choose your chosen Pokemon's Held Item. If your item does not affect your damage in any way, just choose the Select an Item option.

The Type-enhancing Item option is a collective term used for all Items which boost attacking power for moves of a specific type by 20%. The option assumes that the Item matches the type of the move selected (for example, if you selected a Fire-type Move and the Type-enhancing Item option, the calculator assumes that you have Charcoal or the Flame Plate).

Certain Items, like the Metronome, can change how much damage you deal when you perform specific conditions. A special drop down menu will appear which you can use to specify which condition you have reached.

Attack Cheer and Helping Hand

Tick the check boxes under these options if you recieve either of these buffs in a Tera Raid. These effects don't stack with themselves, so there is no option listed for multiple layers.

Steely Spirit

Choose how many Pokemon with this ability are active on field. If you chose Steely Spirit as an ability in the Ability Option, this will not affect the calculations, so simply enter the total number of Pokemon with Steely Spirit including your own.

Tera Raid Boss

Select the Pokemon

Non-Event Raid Pokemon Scarlet Non-Event Raid Seviper Calculation.png
7-Star Event Raid Pokemon Scarlet Event Raid Chesnaught Calculation.png

If the Pokemon you selected from the dropdown has previously appeared in a 7-Star Event Raid, the calculator will show in its 7-Star form by default, with adjustments from Nature, EVs, IVs, and other modifiers already included. If you don't want the Event Raid, you can also change the number of Stars manually.

Otherwise, it will show as a 4-star Raid Boss by default, and the user can adjust the number of Stars to 4, 5, or 6.

Stars (Raid Level)

Select how many Stars the Raid Boss you challenged currently has. This can be viewed in the waiting screen before a Tera Raid. The Stars detemine how many times the Raid Boss' HP is multiplied.

4~6 Stars are supported for non-Event Pokemon, and 4~7 stars are supported for 7-Star Event Pokemon.

Change Type and Terastal

Just like the one you chose for your own attacking Pokemon, you can change the Tera Type of the Raid Boss. You don't need to worry much about the Change Type option as abilities like Libero and Protean will always fail when a Tera Raid boss uses these.

HP, Defense, and Special Defense (IV)s

These are the defensive IVs of the Tera Raid Boss you are currently facing. All Tera Raid Bosses will have 1-6 perfect IVs depending on their Raid Level, but which ones will be perfect is randomly determined. If you are unsure, just set them up to the max value to guarantee the worst-case scenario.

Tera Raid Boss Damage Modifiers

Pokemon SV - Tera Raid Damage Calc Raid Boss Damage Modifiers


Tick off this check box to determine your damage when the Raid Boss puts up its shield. You will know when this is as the game tells you when the raid boss does so.


Just like the one you chose for your own attacking Pokemon, you can change the Ability of the Raid Boss. Useful for Raid Bosses that have abilities that affect the damage taken like Solid Rock.

Stat Changes

Stat Changes are changes that affect how much damage you deal to the raid boss. For example, using Acid Spray will decrease the Special Defense of the Raid Boss by 2 stages, so you enter -2 in the calculator.

Recurring Damage

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Game8 Calculator Recurring Damage

Selecting recurring damage in the calculator such as Poison will factor in and calculate the residual damage during the battle. You may select multiple recurring damage sources that stack such as Burn, Curse, and Sandstorm damage.


Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Game8 Calculator Environment

You may also set Environment effects in the calculator that may factor in the overall damage calculation. Weather and Terrain that affects or activates Pokemon Abilities, such as Sunny Day for Protosynthesis and Electric Terrain for Quark Drive, will automatically reflect in the calculator.

Additional environmental effects are also selectable, such as Reflect, Light Screen, and Helping Hand for Doubles.

Resulting Damage

Pokemon SV - Tera Raid Damage Calc Resulting Damage

The Resulting Damage will display the damage results from the selected Attack, Defender, as well as any recurring and environmental damage sources.

Save Saves the current damage results in the Damage Log.
Critical Hit Calculates the damage with the move dealing a Critical Hit.

Damage Log and Total

Pokemon SV - Tera Raid Damage Calc Damage Total

The Damage Log keeps a record of the moves and their damage calculations on the same or different Pokemon. This is useful for items like the Metronome to see how much damage you do in consecutive turns.

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