Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

All Indigo Disk Pokemon Locations

★ Upcoming: 7☆ Tyranitar Tera Raid Event
✬ Pokemon HOME Dex Completion Shiny Rewards:
Meloetta | Manaphy | Enamorus | Keldeo | Meltan
Regulation G is now back! ▶︎ Indigo Disk Tier List
▶︎ Game8 Tera Raid Damage Calculator | Game8 Discord
★ The DLC Epilogue is now available! ▶︎ How to Start

A list of all Terarium Pokemon Locations in the Indigo Disk DLC of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). See an interactive map of all Pokemon locations, Tera Pokemon, wild Stellar Tera Pokemon, Paradox Pokemon, and Legendary Pokemon.

Regional Maps
Pokemon Scarlet Paldea Map.jpgPaldea Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Kitakami Region MapKitakami Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Terarium MapTerarium

Interactive Map of Terarium Pokemon Fixed Locations

Map Key Icons

Wild Pokemon Spawns Wild Tera Pokemon Stellar Tera Pokemon
Pokemon Scarlet Wild Pokemon Pin Pokemon Scarlet Wild Tera Pokemon Scarlet Stellar Tera Pin

This is a map of all Fixed Pokemon Locations. Click one of the icons on the right side to filter the map. You can also click on the magnifying glass icon and type in a specific Pokemon you want to find.

Note that Pokemon can also spawn randomly across specific ranges. For details on all random Pokemon spawns, see our list below. Visit their individual pages for complete habitat maps and more detailed guides on how to get or evolve each Pokemon.

List of All Terarium Pokemon Habitat Locations

Wild Encounter Locations

Blueberry Dex # Pokemon Habitat Map
1 Doduo ImageDoduo
2 Dodrio ImageDodrio
3 Exeggcute ImageExeggcute
4 Exeggutor ImageExeggutor
4.1 Alolan Exeggutor ImageAlolan Exeggutor
5 Rhyhorn ImageRhyhorn
6 Rhydon ImageRhydon
7 Rhyperior ImageRhyperior
8 Venonat ImageVenonat
9 Venomoth ImageVenomoth
10 Elekid ImageElekid
11 Electabuzz ImageElectabuzz
12 Electivire ImageElectivire
13 Magby ImageMagby
14 Magmar ImageMagmar
15 Magmortar ImageMagmortar
16 Happiny ImageHappiny
17 Chansey ImageChansey
18 Blissey ImageBlissey
19 Scyther ImageScyther
20 Scizor ImageScizor
21 Kleavor ImageKleavor
22 Tauros ImageTauros
23 Blitzle ImageBlitzle
24 Zebstrika ImageZebstrika
25 Girafarig ImageGirafarig
26 Farigiraf ImageFarigiraf
27 Sandile ImageSandile
28 Krokorok ImageKrokorok
29 Krookodile ImageKrookodile
30 Rellor ImageRellor
31 Rabsca ImageRabsca
32 Rufflet ImageRufflet
33 Braviary ImageBraviary
34 Vullaby ImageVullaby
35 Mandibuzz ImageMandibuzz
36 Litleo ImageLitleo
37 Pyroar ImagePyroar
38 Deerling ImageDeerling
39 Sawsbuck ImageSawsbuck
40 Smeargle ImageSmeargle
41 Rotom ImageRotom
42 Milcery ImageMilcery
43 Alcremie ImageAlcremie
44 Trapinch ImageTrapinch
45 Vibrava ImageVibrava
46 Flygon ImageFlygon
47 Pikipek ImagePikipek
48 Trumbeak ImageTrumbeak
49 Toucannon ImageToucannon
50 Tentacool ImageTentacool
51 Tentacruel ImageTentacruel
52 Horsea ImageHorsea
53 Seadra ImageSeadra
54 Kingdra ImageKingdra
55 Bruxish ImageBruxish
56 Cottonee ImageCottonee
57 Whimsicott ImageWhimsicott
58 Comfey ImageComfey
59 Slakoth ImageSlakoth
60 Vigoroth ImageVigoroth
61 Slaking ImageSlaking
62 Oddish ImageOddish
63 Gloom ImageGloom
64 Vileplume ImageVileplume
65 Bellossom ImageBellossom
66 Alolan Diglett ImageAlolan Diglett
67 Alolan Dugtrio ImageAlolan Dugtrio
68 Alolan Grimer ImageAlolan Grimer
69 Alolan Muk ImageAlolan Muk
70 Zangoose ImageZangoose
71 Seviper ImageSeviper
72 Crabrawler ImageCrabrawler
73 Crabominable ImageCrabominable
74 Oricorio (PaOricorio (Pa'u Style)
75 Galarian Slowpoke ImageGalarian Slowpoke
76 Galarian Slowbro ImageGalarian Slowbro
77 Galarian Slowking ImageGalarian Slowking
78 Chinchou ImageChinchou
79 Lanturn ImageLanturn
80 Inkay ImageInkay
81 Malamar ImageMalamar
82 Luvdisc ImageLuvdisc
83 Finneon ImageFinneon
84 Lumineon ImageLumineon
85 Alomomola ImageAlomomola
86 Torkoal ImageTorkoal
87 Fletchling ImageFletchling
88 Fletchinder ImageFletchinder
89 Talonflame ImageTalonflame
90 Dewpider ImageDewpider
91 Araquanid ImageAraquanid
92 Tyrogue ImageTyrogue
93 Hitmonlee ImageHitmonlee
94 Hitmonchan ImageHitmonchan
95 Hitmontop ImageHitmontop
96 Alolan Geodude ImageAlolan Geodude
97 Alolan Graveler ImageAlolan Graveler
98 Alolan Golem ImageAlolan Golem
99 Drilbur ImageDrilbur
100 Excadrill ImageExcadrill
101 Gothita ImageGothita
102 Gothorita ImageGothorita
103 Gothitelle ImageGothitelle
104 Espurr ImageEspurr
105 Meowstic (Male) ImageMeowstic (Male)
105.1 Meowstic (Female) ImageMeowstic (Female)
106 Minior (Meteor Form) ImageMinior (Meteor Form)
106.1 Minior (Core) ImageMinior (Core)
107 Cranidos ImageCranidos
108 Rampardos ImageRampardos
109 Shieldon ImageShieldon
110 Bastiodon ImageBastiodon
111 Minccino ImageMinccino
112 Cinccino ImageCinccino
113 Skarmory ImageSkarmory
114 Swablu ImageSwablu
115 Altaria ImageAltaria
116 Magnemite ImageMagnemite
117 Magneton ImageMagneton
118 Magnezone ImageMagnezone
119 Plusle ImagePlusle
120 Minun ImageMinun
121 Scraggy ImageScraggy
122 Scrafty ImageScrafty
123 Golett ImageGolett
124 Golurk ImageGolurk
125 Numel ImageNumel
126 Camerupt ImageCamerupt
127 Sinistea ImageSinistea
128 Polteageist ImagePolteageist
129 Porygon ImagePorygon
130 Porygon2 ImagePorygon2
131 Porygon-Z ImagePorygon-Z
132 Joltik ImageJoltik
133 Galvantula ImageGalvantula
134 Tynamo ImageTynamo
135 Eelektrik ImageEelektrik
136 Eelektross ImageEelektross
137 Beldum ImageBeldum
138 Metang ImageMetang
139 Metagross ImageMetagross
140 Axew ImageAxew
141 Fraxure ImageFraxure
142 Haxorus ImageHaxorus
143 Seel ImageSeel
144 Dewgong ImageDewgong
145 Lapras ImageLapras
146 Hisuian Qwilfish ImageHisuian Qwilfish
147 Overqwil ImageOverqwil
148 Solosis ImageSolosis
149 Duosion ImageDuosion
150 Reuniclus ImageReuniclus
151 Snubbull ImageSnubbull
152 Granbull ImageGranbull
153 Cubchoo ImageCubchoo
154 Beartic ImageBeartic
155 Alolan Sandshrew ImageAlolan Sandshrew
156 Alolan Sandslash ImageAlolan Sandslash
157 Alolan Vulpix ImageAlolan Vulpix
158 Alolan Ninetales ImageAlolan Ninetales
159 Snover ImageSnover
160 Abomasnow ImageAbomasnow
161 Duraludon ImageDuraludon
162 Archaludon ImageArchaludon
163 Hydrapple ImageHydrapple
164 Bulbasaur ImageBulbasaur
165 Ivysaur ImageIvysaur
166 Venusaur ImageVenusaur
167 Charmander ImageCharmander
168 Charmeleon ImageCharmeleon
169 Charizard ImageCharizard
170 Squirtle ImageSquirtle
171 Wartortle ImageWartortle
172 Blastoise ImageBlastoise
173 Chikorita ImageChikorita
174 Bayleef ImageBayleef
175 Meganium ImageMeganium
176 Cyndaquil ImageCyndaquil
177 Quilava ImageQuilava
178 Typhlosion ImageTyphlosion
179 Totodile ImageTotodile
180 Croconaw ImageCroconaw
181 Feraligatr ImageFeraligatr
182 Treecko ImageTreecko
183 Grovyle ImageGrovyle
184 Sceptile ImageSceptile
185 Torchic ImageTorchic
186 Combusken ImageCombusken
187 Blaziken ImageBlaziken
188 Mudkip ImageMudkip
189 Marshtomp ImageMarshtomp
190 Swampert ImageSwampert
191 Turtwig ImageTurtwig
192 Grotle ImageGrotle
193 Torterra ImageTorterra
194 Chimchar ImageChimchar
195 Monferno ImageMonferno
196 Infernape ImageInfernape
197 Piplup ImagePiplup
198 Prinplup ImagePrinplup
199 Empoleon ImageEmpoleon
200 Snivy ImageSnivy
201 Servine ImageServine
202 Serperior ImageSerperior
203 Tepig ImageTepig
204 Pignite ImagePignite
205 Emboar ImageEmboar
206 Oshawott ImageOshawott
207 Dewott ImageDewott
208 Samurott ImageSamurott
209 Chespin ImageChespin
210 Quilladin ImageQuilladin
211 Chesnaught ImageChesnaught
212 Fennekin ImageFennekin
213 Braixen ImageBraixen
214 Delphox ImageDelphox
215 Froakie ImageFroakie
216 Frogadier ImageFrogadier
217 Greninja ImageGreninja
218 Rowlet ImageRowlet
219 Dartrix ImageDartrix
220 Decidueye ImageDecidueye
221 Litten ImageLitten
222 Torracat ImageTorracat
223 Incineroar ImageIncineroar
224 Popplio ImagePopplio
225 Brionne ImageBrionne
226 Primarina ImagePrimarina
227 Grookey ImageGrookey
228 Thwackey ImageThwackey
229 Rillaboom ImageRillaboom
230 Scorbunny ImageScorbunny
231 Raboot ImageRaboot
232 Cinderace ImageCinderace
233 Sobble ImageSobble
234 Drizzile ImageDrizzile
235 Inteleon ImageInteleon
236 Gouging Fire ImageGouging Fire
237 Raging Bolt ImageRaging Bolt
238 Iron Crown ImageIron Crown
239 Iron Boulder ImageIron Boulder
240 Terapagos ImageTerapagos
240.1 Terapagos (Terastal Form) ImageTerapagos (Terastal Form) Terapagos (Terastal Form) Habitat UnknownNot found in the wild
240.2 Terapagos (Stellar Form) ImageTerapagos (Stellar Form) Terapagos (Stellar Form) Habitat UnknownNot found in the wild
241 Walking Wake ImageWalking Wake
242 Iron Leaves ImageIron Leaves
243 Pecharunt ImagePecharunt Pecharunt Habitat UnknownNot found in the wild

Check out the Pokemon's individual page for a more detailed guide on how to find and get the Pokemon that you want.

Blueberry Pokedex: List of All Indigo Disk Pokemon

Terarium Starter Pokemon Locations

Indigo Disk Starter Pokemon Map

All Starter Pokemon Locations Terarium Map

View Full Map

All Indigo Disk Starters Locations

All Starter Pokemon and Location
Bulbasaur ImageBulbasaur
Coastal Biome

Coastal Outdoor Classroom
Charmander ImageCharmander
Savannah Biome

Savannah Rest Area 1
Squirtle ImageSquirtle
Canyon Biome

Canyon Plaza
Chikorita ImageChikorita
Coastal Biome

Coastal Rest Area
Cyndaquil ImageCyndaquil
Polar Biome

Polar Rest Area
Totodile ImageTotodile
Savannah Biome

Savannah Outdoor Classroom
Treecko ImageTreecko
Canyon Biome

Canyon Plaza
Torchic ImageTorchic
Polar Biome

Polar Plaza
Mudkip ImageMudkip
Coastal Biome

Coastal Outdoor Classroom
Turtwig ImageTurtwig
Canyon Biome

Canyon Outdoor Classroom
Chimchar ImageChimchar
Polar Biome

Polar Plaza
Piplup ImagePiplup
Polar Biome

Polar Rest Area
Snivy ImageSnivy
Savannah Biome

Coastal Rest Area
Tepig ImageTepig
Canyon Biome

Canyon Outdoor Classroom
Oshawott ImageOshawott
Polar Biome

Polar Rest Area
Chespin ImageChespin
Polar and Canyon Biome

Polar Outdoor Classroom
Fennekin ImageFennekin
Savannah Biome

Savannah Plaza
Froakie ImageFroakie
Coastal Biome

Coastal Plaza
Rowlet ImageRowlet
Savannah Biome

Savannah Plaza
Litten ImageLitten
Canyon Biome

Canyon Plaza
Popplio ImagePopplio
Coastal Biome

Coastal Rest Area
Grookey ImageGrookey
Coastal Biome

Coastal Rest Area
Scorbunny ImageScorbunny
Polar Biome

Polar Outdoor Classroom 1
Sobble ImageSobble
Savannah Biome

Savannah Rest Area 1

The Starter Pokemon from previous generations can also be caught within the Terarium.

These Pokemon will not appear naturally, and requires you to purchase Terarium Upgrades to make them appear within specific biomes.

Indigo Disk Starter Pokemon Locations

All Indigo Disk Legendary Pokemon Locations

Pecharunt Location

Blueberry Dex # Pokemon Habitat Map
243 Pecharunt ImagePecharunt Pokemon SV - Epilogue.png The Indigo Disk Epilogue

Pecharunt can be caught in Kitakami after defeating Nemona in The Indigo Disk Epilogue.

To encounter Pecharunt, you need to complete the base game's story, clear the Academy Ace Tournament, and finish both The Teal Mask and The Indigo Disk's stories. You also need to get the Mythical Pecha Berry item via Mystery Gift, which is available starting January 11, 2024.

Pecharunt is the only new Pokemon added in the Mochi Mayhem Epilogue.

Paradox Legendary Pokemon Location

Blueberry Dex # Pokemon Location
236 Gouging Fire ImageGouging Fire Area Zero
237 Raging Bolt ImageRaging Bolt Area Zero
238 Iron Crown ImageIron Crown Area Zero
239 Iron Boulder ImageIron Boulder Area Zero
241 Walking Wake ImageWalking Wake Tera Raid Event
242 Iron Leaves ImageIron Leaves Tera Raid Event

The Paradox Legendaries are Version Exclusive, and can only be caught after completing the Blueberry Dex, and talking to Perrin.

Check out each Pokemon's page for a step-by-step guide on how to catch it!

How to Get All Paradox Pokemon

Terapagos Location

Blueberry Dex # Pokemon Habitat Map
240 Terapagos ImageTerapagos Area Zero

Terapagos can be caught during the events of the main story of the Indigo Disk DLC.

The Indigo Disk DLC Story Walkthrough

Snack Legendary Location

Nat Dex # Pokemon Location
245 Suicune ImageSuicune (Scarlet Exclusive) Casseroya Lake
244 Entei ImageEntei (Scarlet Exclusive) Cliff, East of East Provice (Area Three)
791 Solgaleo ImageSolgaleo (Scarlet Exclusive) Top of Pokemon League Building
643 Reshiram ImageReshiram (Scarlet Exclusive) Top of a Waterfall Near Zapapico
896 Glastrier ImageGlastrier (Scarlet Exclusive) Snowy Ruins Close to the Glaseado Gym
250 Ho-Oh ImageHo-Oh (Scarlet Exclusive) Grassy Pillar East of Alfornada
381 Latios ImageLatios (Scarlet Exclusive) Lone Lake Near the Lurking Steel Titan at North Province (Area Two)
383 Groudon ImageGroudon (Scarlet Exclusive) Alfornada Cavern Below Alfornada Gym
638 Cobalion ImageCobalion (Violet Exclusive) Cliff Near Fury Falls in North Province (Area Two)
639 Terrakion ImageTerrakion (Violet Exclusive) Cliff Southeast of Cascarrafa
640 Virizion ImageVirizion (Violet Exclusive) Northern Part of Tagtree Thicket
792 Lunala ImageLunala (Violet Exclusive) Cliff Near Porto Marinada
644 Zekrom ImageZekrom (Violet Exclusive) Rocky Mountain South of Artazon
897 Spectrier ImageSpectrier (Violet Exclusive) Secluded Ruins Close to the Dalizapa Passage Center
249 Lugia ImageLugia (Violet Exclusive) Water North of North Province (Area One)
380 Latias ImageLatias (Violet Exclusive) Isolated Coastline Near the Cortondo Gym
382 Kyogre ImageKyogre (Violet Exclusive) Isolated Coastline Near the Cortondo Gym
144 Articuno ImageArticuno (Available in Both Versions) Glaseado Mountain Waterfall Near Montenevera
145 Zapdos ImageZapdos (Available in Both Versions) On Top of the Poco Path Lighthouse Near Los Platos
146 Moltres ImageMoltres (Available in Both Versions) Northwest of Asado Desert Watchtower
891 Kubfu ImageKubfu (Available in Both Versions) Near a Sign in Fury Falls
800 Necrozma ImageNecrozma (Union Circle Quest) Beside a Waterfall in Soccarat Trail
384 Rayquaza ImageRayquaza (Union Circle Quest) Atop the Great Crater of Paldea
646 Kyurem ImageKyurem (Union Circle Quest) Below Ground in Dalizapa Passage

Snack Legendaries refer to Legendary Pokemon that you can encounter once you obtain the Legendary Treat from Snacksworth. You can get the Legendary Treat when you complete Blueberry Quests.

Snacksworth and Indigo Disk Legendary Locations

All Minior Color Locations

Minior Color Locations
Red Minior Orange Minior Yellow Minior
Green Minior Blue Minior Indigo Minior
Violet Minior

Minior's Core form has a total of 7 different color variants with each located in separate areas in the Terarium.

Red Minior Location (Torchlit Labyrinth)

Map Image
Overworld Image

The Red Minior is located inside Torchlit Labyrinth.

Orange Minior Location (Canyon Biome)

Map Image
Overworld Image

You can find the Orange Minior on top of the mountainous area at the Canyon Biome.

Yellow Minior Location (Chargestone Cavern)

Map Image
Overworld Image

Yellow Minior can be found inside Chargestone Cavern at the Canyon Biome.

Green Minior Location (Coastal Biome)

Map Image
Overworld Image

You can find the Green Minior on the mountainous areas of the Coastal Biome.

Blue Minior Location (Polar Biome)

Map Image
Overworld Image

The Blue Minor is located on the block border between the Polar Biome and Canyon Biome.

Indigo Minior (Cave Near Coastal Plaza)

Map Image
Overworld Image

You can find the Indigo Minior inside the cave near the bridge of Coastal Plaza.

Violet Minior (Cave East of Polar Classroom 2)

Map Image
Overworld Image

The Violet Minior can be found inside the cave east of Polar Classroom 2 at the Polar Biome. You need to head two levels down the cave to find this Minior.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

The Indigo Disk DLC

Pokemon SV The Indigo Disk DLC - Top Partial Banner
The Indigo Disk DLC Front Page

Epilogue Guides and Walkthroughs

How to Start the Epilogue
Epilogue Walkthrough Things to Do After the Epilogue
Trainer Rematches
Arven Penny
New Epilogue Pokemon Articles
Mythical Pecha Berry How to Catch Pecharunt
Pecharunt Best Build Pecharunt Best Tera Build
Poison Puppeteer Malignant Chain

Indigo Disk News

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC Epilogue is Now Available!

Pokemon SV - Epilogue
Release Date January 11, 2024 (14:00 UTC)
How to Unlock ・Complete The Way Home
・Complete the Teal Mask DLC
・Complete the Indigo Disk DLC

A new epilogue for both the Teal Mask and Indigo Disk DLC is now available! In this epilogue, you'll return to Kitakami with your friends Nemona, Arven, and Penny!

How to Start the Indigo Disk DLC Epilogue

The Indigo Disk Guides and Walkthroughs

Indigo Disk Guides and Walkthroughs
Story Walkthrough How to Start Indigo Disk
Poke Ball Throwing Styles Blueberry Quests (BBQs)
Stellar Type Explained League Club
All Coach Trade Pokemon and Battle Guides The Synchro Machine
Best Team for Indigo Disk The Indigo Disk DLC Post Game Content
What to Do With Briar's Book Stellar Form Terapagos Boss Guide
Blueberry League Trials and Battles
Crispin's Elite Trial Elite Four Crispin's Battle
Lacey's Elite Trial Elite Four Lacey's Battle
Amarys' Elite Trial Elite Four Amarys' Battle
Drayton's Elite Trial Elite Four Drayton's Battle

The Indigo Disk Tips and Tricks

Indigo Disk Tips and Tricks
The Indigo Disk DLC Tips and Tricks All Wild Stellar Tera Type Pokemon
Snacksworth and Legendary Locations Are Indigo Disk Legendary Pokemon Shiny Locked?
How Long is The Indigo Disk DLC? How to Unlock Item Printer
How to Unlock Poke Ball Lotto All Ditto Block Locations
How to Farm BP All Support Board Requests
How to Unlock Lock-On Feature How to Complete the Blueberry Pokedex
All League Club Trainer Locations and Rewards Indigo Disk Shiny Ditto Blocks!
How to Unlock Flying All New Indigo Disk Clothes and Hairstyles
How to Farm Stellar Tera Shards All Pokemon Hints for Group Quests
Shiny Blitzle Cyrano Coach Trade How to Find Meloetta
Secrets and Hidden Areas Tutor Team Star Secret Quest and Answers Guide
TM Machine Location and How to Make TMs Union Circle Group Quest Guide
How to Unlock All New Indigo Disk Emotes All Rare Mass Outbreaks in The Indigo Disk DLC
All New Meals All Photo Club Effects
How to Get 200 Pokemon Fast Terarium Day Night Cycle
All Indigo Disk Easter Eggs All New Indigo Disk Mass Outbreaks
Best Materials to Farm for Indigo Disk All Indigo Disk Trainer Locations and Rewards
All New Tera Raids in the Terarium How to Get Special Partner Ribbon
All Minior Color Locations 0 Attack IV Pecharunt Reroll Guide
Item Printer RNG Exploit

The Indigo Disk Tier Lists

Indigo Disk Tier Lists
Best Pokemon to Terastallize Stellar for Tera Raids Best Synchro Pokemon Tier List
Best Pokemon Tier List Best Stellar Tera Pokemon for Ranked Battles

The Indigo Disk New Pokemon

New Pokemon
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pecharunt Pecharunt Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TerapagosTerapagos Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - ArchaludonArchaludon Hydrapple.pngHydrapple
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Paradox RaikouRaging Bolt Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SVGouging Fire Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Paradox CobalionIron Crown Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron BoulderIron Boulder

The Indigo Disk Pokemon Lists

Indigo Disk Pokedex New Pokemon
Returning Pokemon Indigo Disk Starter Pokemon Locations
DLC Legendary Pokemon Indigo Disk Version Exclusives
New and Returning Pokemon How to Evolve All Indigo Disk Pokemon
How to Get Alolan Pokemon Pokemon HOME Transferables
All Indigo Disk Pokemon Locations -

The Indigo Disk Maps and Locations

Terarium Map Blueberry Academy
Savannah Biome Coastal Biome
Canyon Biome Polar Biome

The Indigo Disk Moves

Indigo Disk New TMs New DLC Moves
Returning DLC Moves -

The Indigo Disk Items

All New DLC Items Metal Alloy
Stellar Tera Shards Mark Charm
Synchro Machine All Alcremie Sweets
Meteorite Briar's Book
Indigo Style Card Sport Ball
Mythical Pecha Berry -

The Indigo Disk New Characters

BB League Elite Four
Pokemon SV - Character Portrait - Lacey Lacey Pokemon SV - Character Portrait - Crispin Crispin Pokemon SV - Character Portrait - Amarys Amarys Pokemon SV - Character Portrait - Drayton Drayton
The Indigo Disk Characters
Pokemon SV - Character Portrait - Cyrano Cyrano Pokemon SV - Character Portrait - Briar Briar Pokemon SV - Character Portrait - Carmine Carmine Pokemon SV - Character Portrait - Kieran Kieran
Pokemon SV - Character Portrait - Snacksworth Snacksworth Pokemon SV - Character Portrait - Perrin Perrin
Other Useful Characters

The Indigo Disk Message Boards

Blueberry Quests Union Circle Message Board
Indigo Disk Rare Pokemon Trade Codes Board


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