Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

How to Catch the Treasures of Ruin

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The Treasures of Ruin are a group of four Sub-Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Learn how to catch each of the Treasures of Ruin, their types, and rewards you can get when you obtain them.

Treasures of Ruin Guides
How to Catch
Treasures of Ruin
Treasures of Ruin
Ranked Battle and
Tera Raid Builds

All Treasures of Ruin and Locations

Pokemon Type How to Get
Wo-Chien ImageWo-Chien Dark IconGrass Icon Grasswither Shrine
Find and remove all 8 purple stakes hidden in South Province
Chien-Pao ImageChien-Pao Dark IconIce Icon Icerend Shrine
Find all 8 blue stakes in North and East Province and open the Firescorge Shrine.
Ting-Lu ImageTing-Lu Dark IconGround Icon Groundblight Shrine
Find all 8 gold stakes in West and South Province and open the Icerend Shrine.
Chi-Yu ImageChi-Yu Dark IconFire Icon Firescourge Shrine
Find all 8 green stakes in West & North Province and open the Groundblight Shrine.

How to Get the Treasures of Ruin

Find the Ominous Black Stakes & Shrines


The Treasures of Ruin are four legendary Pokemon sealed within shrines scattered through out the Paldea Region. Players can begin searching for the Treasures of Ruin after reaching Mesagoza, beginning the treasure hunt at which the game becomes fully open.

For each shrine there are 8 hidden stakes that in glow the same color as their corresponding shrine.

The shrine locations can be added to the map by completing all History lessons at the Academy and speaking with Ms. Raifort.

Climbing Mode Upgrade is Required

Press B to jump towards elevated areas to climb them!

In order to get to Chi-Yu, your Ride Pokemon should be able to climb mountains and elevations. This is accessible later in the game after clearing Dondozo the False Dragon Titan in the Path of Legends storyline.

All Koraidon and Miraidon Ride Upgrades and How to Unlock

How to Get Wo-Chien

Find all 8 purple stakes hidden in South Province and open the Grasswither Shrine.

Map Location

Southern Province (Area One) of Region Map
Overworld Appearance



Field Location Map
Edge of Grassy Cliff at South Province Area Three
Cliff beside South Artazon City Pokemon Center
Near East Gate at South Province (Area One)
Near the rock by the cliff at South Province (Area Five)
Overlooking Los Platos at South Province (Area One)
Top of the waterfall in South Province (Area Four)
On a ledge near the sea at South Province (Area Five)
Atop the ledge at South Province (Area Three)

Wo-Chien Learnset and Stats

How to get to Wo-Chien's Shrine

Wo-Chien's Shrine Location
Go to South Province (Area Five).
Climb the mountain wall Using Miraidon or Koraidon.
Head south following the edge of the cliff.
You will find the Shrine at the bottom of the cliff.

How to Get Chi-Yu

Find all 8 blue stakes in North and East Province and open the Firescorge Shrine.

Map Location

Northern Province (Area Two) of Region Map
Overworld Appearance
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Chi-Yu Stake Appearance
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Chi-Yu Shrine

Field Location Map
On a ledge by the beach at North Province (Area One)
Atop the plateau at the North Province (Area One)
Above North Province (Area Two) Pokemon Center
Above the Falls at North Province (Area Two)
Located in the ruins at North Province (Area Two)
On top of a cliff near Levincia Map
Located on a lower level Tagtree Thicket
Grassy patch between Tagtree Thicket and Glaseado Mountain

Chi-Yu Learnset and Stats

How to get to Chi-Yu's Shrine

Chi-Yu's Shrine Location
Fast travel to the location indicated above. This can be found near the North Province (Area Two).
2 Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Chi-Yu Shrine Location 2
From here, activate your Ride Pokemon and climb your way up the nearby waterfall.
3 Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Chi-Yu Shrine Location 3
Keep climbing up the waterfall until you find yourself inside a cave.
4 Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Chi-Yu Shrine Location 4
Interact with the glowing Shrine to face off against Chi-Yu!

How to Get Chien-Pao

Find all 8 gold stakes West and Sounth Province and open the Icerend Shrine.

Map Location

Western Province (Area One) of Region Map
Overworld Appearance



Field Location Map
1 Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Stake 1 Location World View
Behind a large tree next to the falls outside Cascarrafa
East of West Province (Area One) Watch Tower
Near Great Crater of Paldea at South Province (Area Two)
On a land mass at West Province (Area One)
Edge of the cliff southeast of West Province (Area One)
Glide down to enter cave in West Province (Area One)
Grassy ledge north of the Leaning Tower in South Province (Area Six)
Ledge beside the falls at South Province (Area Four)

Chien-Pao Learnset and Stats

How to get to Chien-Pao's Shrine

Chien-Pao's Shrine Location
Fast Travel to Western Province (Area One)
Climb the cliff near the Fast Travel point and Head Northwest
Continue Climbing the Cliff Northwest
Go Down the Edge of the Cliff near the NPC Girl
Chien-Pao's Shrine should be at the Base of the Cliff

How to Get Ting-Lu

Find all 8 green stakes in West & North Province and open the Groundblight Shrine.

Map Location

Northwest of the Region (Near Casseroya Lake)
Overworld Appearance



Field Location Map
Atop the rock formation at Casseroya Lake
Top of a rock formation near the North Paldean Sea
By the icy ledge between Casseroya Lake and Glaseado Mountain
Found near Casseroya Lake
Small island south of Casseroya Lake
Near the stream at West Province (Area Two)
In a cave atop of a rock in West Province (Area Two)
Beside the falls between Glaseado Mountain and West Province (Area Three)

Ting-Lu Learnset and Stats

How to get to Ting-Lu's Shrine

Step-by-Step Guide
Fast Travel to the bottom of Montenevera
Glide to the Forest North of Casseroya Lake
Enter the Forest Above Casseroya Lake and Go Straight
Find the Shrine in the middle of the Forest

Reward for Catching all 4 Treasures of Ruin

Receive TM Nasty Plot from Ms. Raifort

Miss Raifort and the Four Treasures of Ruin - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)
For this to work, you need to complete all History lessons and catch all 4 Sub-Legendary Pokemon. Show this to Ms. Raifort and she will give you TM140 Nasty Plot. Visit Ms. Raifort in the Staff Room to claim the TM.

Teacher Friendship Events, Quest and Rewards

Do the Treasures of Ruin Respawn?

Yes! After Waiting 10 Minutes and Restarting the Game

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV Wait for Legendary to Respawn.png

Based on our testing, you can make a legendary Pokemon respawn by waiting 10 minutes and restarting the game. Afterward, you can back go to the place where you interacted with the legendary to battle it again.

If you don't want to wait 10 minutes, you can simply move the time forward on your NIntendo Switch and restart the game to respawn the legendary!

To avoid killing Legendary Pokemon, try using a Pokemon that can use False Swipe and a status effect to make it easier for you to catch them.

Best Pokemon for Catching

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Pokedex

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokedex Banner

Pokedex: All Confirmed Pokemon

▶︎ Pokemon Trading Board (11285 posts)

All DLC Pokemon

New DLC Pokemon and Legendaries
The Indigo Disk
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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Bloodmoon UrsalunaBloodmoon Ursaluna Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - PoltchageistPoltchageist Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - SinistchaSinistcha Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - DipplinDipplin

All Returning DLC Pokemon

Paldea Pokemon

Starter Pokemon
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Sprigatito.pngSprigatito Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Fuecoco.pngFuecoco Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Quaxly.pngQuaxly
Legendary Pokemon
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - KoraidonKoraidon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - MiraidonMiraidon
The Four Treasures of Ruin
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Wo-ChienWo-Chien Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Chien-PaoChien-Pao Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ting-LuTing-Lu Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Chi-YuChi-Yu
Paradox Pokemon
Scarlet Exclusive Violet Exclusive
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Great TuskGreat Tusk Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Sandy ShocksSandy Shocks Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron TreadsIron Treads Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron ThornsIron Thorns
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Slither WingSlither Wing Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Brute BonnetBrute Bonnet Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron BundleIron Bundle Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron JugulisIron Jugulis
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Scream TailScream Tail Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Flutter ManeFlutter Mane Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron MothIron Moth Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron HandsIron Hands
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Roaring MoonRoaring Moon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Walking WakeWalking Wake Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron ValiantIron Valiant Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron LeavesIron Leaves

Pokemon by Pokedex

All Pokemon by Pokedex
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Gen 9 Starters and Evolutions Paldea Pokedex Pokemon SV - The Teal Mask DLC Pokedex The Teal Mask Pokedex Pokemon SV - The Indigo Disk DLC PokedexThe Indigo Disk Pokedex

Pokemon by Type

All Pokemon Types
Grass TypeGrass Water TypeWater Fire TypeFire
Electric TypeElectric Ice TypeIce Fighting TypeFighting
Ground TypeGround Poison TypePoison Flying TypeFlying
Psychic TypePsychic Bug TypeBug Rock TypeRock
Ghost TypeGhost Dragon TypeDragon Dark TypeDark
Steel TypeSteel Fairy TypeFairy Normal TypeNormal
Best Pokemon by Type
Grass Water Fire
Electric Ice Fighting
Ground Poison Flying
Psychic Bug Rock
Ghost Dragon Dark
Steel Fairy Normal

All Pokemon by Generation

Pokemon Generations
Generation 1 PokemonGeneration 1 Generation 2 PokemonGeneration 2 Generation 3 PokemonGeneration 3
Generation 4 PokemonGeneration 4 Generation 5 PokemonGeneration 5 Generation 6 PokemonGeneration 6
Generation 7 PokemonGeneration 7 Generation 8 PokemonGeneration 8 Generation 9 PokemonGeneration 9

All Pokemon by Egg Group

List of Egg Groups
Amorphous Bug Ditto
Dragon Fairy Field
Flying Grass Human-Like
Mineral Monster Undiscovered
Water 1 Water 2 Water 3

Other Pokemon Lists

Pokemon Lists
Paldean Forms Convergent Species
Version Exclusives All Pokemon by Base Stats
Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon List of Pokemon by EV Yield
Pokemon Speed Ranking Unobtainable Pokemon
Genderless Pokemon Shiny Pokemon
DLC Returning Pokemon New DLC Legendary Pokemon
All Regional Forms and Evolutions All Pokemon HOME Transferable Pokemon
All Returning and New Indigo Disk Pokemon Snacksworth Legendary Pokemon


1 Anonymousabout 2 years

Just a small error: You got three of their location mixed up Chien-Pao -Icerend Shrine Ting-Lu -Groundblight Shrine Chi-Yu -Firescorge Shrine


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