Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

All Billy and O'Nare Glitterati Locations and Rewards

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Pokemon SV The Teal Mask DLC - Billy O

Billy and O'Nare are the wealthy Glitterati couple that can be found exploring Kitakami and Paldea in The Teal Mask DLC of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Read on to learn all the locations of Billy and O'Nare, all obtainable rewards, and if they're Nemona's parents!

All Billy and O'Nare Locations

  1. Bottom of Apple Hills (Kitakami)
  2. Fury Falls (Paldea)
  3. Border of Area 1 and 5 (Paldea)
  4. Within Apple Hills (Kitakami)
  5. Island Left of Casseroya Lake (Paldea)
  6. Glasseo Mountain (Paldea)
  7. Area Zero Mountain (Paldea)

First Location: Bottom of Apple Hills in Kitakami

Pokemon SV The Teal Mask DLC - ONares Location 1 Map.png
View Location on the Full Kitakami Map

Billy and O'Nare can fist be found at the ledge overseeing the rice paddies at Apple Hills, just north of the Bus Stop fly point.

Battle with Lady O'Nare

Pokemon SV The Teal Mask DLC - ONares Battle 1
After talking to Lady O'Nare, she will ask you for a Pokemon battle. Talk to her once you're prepared. The only Pokemon that she has is a Lv.65 Persian, defeat it to gain a lot of prize money.

Second Location: Fury Falls in Paldea

View Location on the Full Paldea Map

After your brief encounter in Kitakami, the pair will move to the Fury Falls in Paldea. Fly to the location and climb up the wall behind the sign. Talk to them to get 15 Big Pearls.

Third Location: Border of Area 1 and Area 5 in Paldea

View Location on the Full Paldea Map

After their adventure at Fury Falls, Billy and O'Nare will be on a small plateau right in the border of South Province Area 1 and Area 5. Talk to them to get 15 Nuggets.

Fourth Location: Within Apple Hills in Kitakami

View Location on the Full Kitakami Map

The pair can be found back at Apple Hills in Kitakami. Here, you will be asked to battle Lady O'Nare once again.

Second Battle with Lady O'Nare

Pokemon SV The Teal Mask DLC - ONares Battle 2
After talking to Lady O'Nare, she will ask you for another Pokemon battle. Talk to her once you're prepared. Again, she will only have a Lv.65 Persian; defeat it again to gain a lot of prize money.

Fifth Location: Island Left of Casseroya Lake in Paldea

View Location on the Full Paldea Map

After their defeat in Apple Hill, the pair will go back to Paldea to a small island found at the lower left area of Lake Casseroya. Talk to them to get 10 Pearl Strings.

SIxth Location: Glasseo Mountain in Paldea

View Location on the Full Paldea Map

Moving from Lake Casseroya, the Glitterati can be found at the northeastern part of Glasseo Mountain. Speak with them to get 10 Big Nuggets.

Final Location: Area Zero Mountain in Paldea

View Location on the Full Paldea Map

After getting permission from the League, the two Glitterati will end their quest at the peak of Area Zero's Mountain. Battle them for one last time and you will be rewarded handsomely for teaching them a valuable lesson.

Final Battle with Lady O'Nare

Pokemon SV The Teal Mask DLC - ONares Battle 3
After talking to Lady O'Nare, she will ask you for one last Pokemon battle. She will ask you to climb down th mountain, talk to her once you're prepared.She will now have Lv.69 Persian and a Lv. 65 Arboliva; defeat them for one last time to gain a lot of prize money and other rewards.

Billy and O'Nare Rewards List

List of Rewards

# Location Rewards
1 Bottom of Apple Hills ・17,420 Pokedollars
2 Fury Falls
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Big Pearl ImageBig Pearl x15
3 Area 1 and 5 Border
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Nugget ImageNugget x15
4 Apple Hills West ・17,420 Pokedollars
5 Casseroya Lake West
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pearl String ImagePearl String x10
6 Glasseo Mountain
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Big Nugget ImageBig Nugget x10
7 Area Zero Mountain ・35,052 Pokedollars
Glitterati Case
Oh No Emote
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Big Nugget ImageBig Nugget x25
- Total Rewards ・604,892 ~ 814,568 Pokedollars

Get Glitterati Rotom Phone Case

Pokemon SV - Rotom Case Menu UI Glitterati

You can also get a special Glitterati case for your Rotom Phone after clearing O'Nare in her final battle with you. This Rotom Phone case can give your menu screen some extra pizzazz!

All Rotom Phone Cases

Use Amulet Coin and Happy Hour to Get Better Prize Money

Pokemon SV The Teal Mask DLC - ONares Prize Money
You can use an Amulet Coin and the move Happy Hour in order to gain a lot of Prize Money. You can also use move like Make It Rain and Pay Day to make effective use of the set-up.

Sell the Items to Gain a Lot of Money

Use the Money to Raise Funds for Loyalty Plaza

Pokemon SV Teal Mask - Loyalty Plaza Drive.jpeg
After being destroyed by the Loyal Trio, the Caretaker will ask the player for donations with a goal of one million PokeDollars to fix Loyalty Plaza's shrine. Use the money you gain from the Glitterati duo to fund the repair of the broken area.

Once you raise a million Pokedollars for the shrine, you'll be able to get the Flashy Festival Jinbei.

Loyalty Plaza Drive Rewards

Best Team to Battle Lady O'Nare

DLC Bonus Zoroark and Gholdengo

Best Team to Beat the O'Nares
Hisuian Zoroark ImageHisuian Zoroark
Level: 100
Held Item: Amulet Coin
Required Moves:
Happy Hour
Gholdengo ImageGholdengo
Level: 100
Held Item: Choice Specs
Required Moves:
Make It Rain

If you had purchased the DLC beforehand, you are likely to own the Hisuian Zoroark with Happy Hour. Combined with Gholdengo's Make it Rain, you can gain tons of money with just these two.

How to Use The Team

Max Prize Money from O'Nares Turn by Turn Strategy
Battle Prep Put Zoroark in the first slot of your party and make sure it is holding the Amulet Coin.
Turn 1 Use Happy Hour to immediately quadruple your Prize Money.
Turn 2 Use Memento to safely switch in Gholdengo.
Turn 3 After sending out Gholdengo, use Make It Rain for some extra money.
Turn 4+ If she sends out a second Pokemon, you can just press attack again as Choice Specs will lock you into Make It Rain.

Money Farming Guide: How to Make Money Fast

How to Find Billy and O'Nare

Speak to an NPC in Mossui Town

Overworld Location Map Location

In the case where you get sidetracked and forget the current location of Billy and O'Nare in either Paldea or Kitakami, you can speak to an NPC in Mossui Town to get their current whereabouts.

The NPC can be found near a shed left of the Community Center.

Who are Billy and O'Nare?

Possibly Nemona's Rich Parents

Pokemon SV The Teal Mask DLC - ONares Battle Hobby
Billy says in Kitakami that an O'Nare's favorite pastime is getting to know people through battling. Also, if you go inside Nemona's mansion, one of the maids will also tell you that the master and mistress of the house are away.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

The Teal Mask DLC

The Teal Mask DLC for Partial Banner.png
The Teal Mask DLC Front Page

The Teal Mask Guides and Walkthroughs

How to Get to Kitakami and Start the Teal Mask Content Story Walkthrough
Ogre Oustin' Minigame: Rewards and How to Play Perrin Photography Quest Guide
Sinnoh Starter Egg Location Pokedex Progress Rewards
Who is the Lovey-Dovey Pokemon? How to Catch The Loyal Three
Post Game Content How Long to Beat
Loyalty Plaza Drive Rewards How to Beat Titanic Okidogi
How to Beat Titanic Munkidori How to Beat Titanic Fezandipiti
Billy and O'Nare Locations and Rewards Best Ogerpon Form
All New Meals in Kitakami All New Clothes, Hairstyles, and Accessories
Shiny Artisan Poltchageist Outbreak Hunting Guide Shiny Bloodmoon Ursaluna Pokedex Exploit
Shiny Feebas Mass Outbreak Hunting Guide Kitakami Day Night Cycle and All Time Based Pokemon
Chair Maker NPC Sidequest Rewards 0 IV Bloodmoon Ursaluna Reroll Guide
How to Catch Lv. 100 Magikarp Sell Syrupy Apples for Infinite Money Farming
Best Team for The Teal Mask DLC Story

The Teal Mask Maps and Locations

Kitakami Interactive Map Mossui Town
6 Wonders of Kitakami All Fast Travel Points in Kitakami
All Kitakami Pokemon Locations

The Teal Mask New Items

List of Teal Mask DLC TMs Mochi Effects and Types
The Roto-Stick Exp. Charm Location
All Returning DLC Berries in the Teal Mask All New DLC Items

The Teal Mask Pokemon Lists

The Teal Mask Pokedex Teal Mask Returning DLC Pokemon
All New DLC Pokemon Gift Pokemon in Teal Mask
All Version Exclusives in the Teal Mask DLC Kitakami Day Night Cycle and All Time Based Pokemon
How to Evolve All Teal Mask DLC Pokemon

The Teal Mask New Pokemon

New DLC Pokemon and Legendaries
The Teal Mask
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - OgerponOgerpon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ogerpon Wellspring MaskOgerpon (Wellspring Mask) Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ogerpon Hearthflame MaskOgerpon (Hearthflame Mask) Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ogerpon Cornerstone MaskOgerpon (Cornerstone Mask)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - OkidogiOkidogi Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - MunkidoriMunkidori Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - FezandipitiFezandipiti
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Bloodmoon UrsalunaBloodmoon Ursaluna Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - PoltchageistPoltchageist Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - SinistchaSinistcha Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - DipplinDipplin

The Teal Mask Competitive Builds

Teal Mask New DLC Pokemon Tier List
The Teal Mask
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - OgerponTeal Mask Ogerpon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ogerpon Hearthflame MaskHearthflame Mask Ogerpon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ogerpon Wellspring MaskWellspring Mask Ogerpon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ogerpon Cornerstone MaskCornerstone Mask Ogerpon
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - OkidogiOkidogi Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - MunkidoriMunkidori Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - FezandipitiFezandipiti
DipplinDipplin Pokemon Scarlet Sinistcha IconSinistcha Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Bloodmoon UrsalunaBloodmoon Ursaluna

The Teal Mask New Characters

Pokemon SV - Character Portrait - Perrin.pngPerrin Pokemon SV - Character Portrait - Carmine.pngCarmine Pokemon SV - Character Portrait - Kieran.pngKieran
Teal Mask Useful NPCs and Their Locations

Game Information


4 Anonymousover 1 year

The guide says the last reward gives 25 Big Pearls, but it actually gives 25 Big Nuggets

3 Anonymousover 1 year

that’s what i was thinking


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