Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Victory Road Walkthrough

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Victory Road

The best way to complete the Victory Road quest line path in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Check out the best progression order, all of the Gym leader teams, Gym Test guides and how to beat the Elite Four Challenge and become Paldea's Champion!

Story Walkthroughs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Victory RoadVictory Road Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Path of LegendsPath of Legends Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Starfall StreetStarfall Street

Victory Road: Recommended Progress Order

Gym_Leader_Map Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

▶︎Cortondo (Bug Gym): Team Lv. 15
▶︎Artazon (Grass Gym): Team Lv. 17
2.5 When challenging the 3rd Gym, Nemona will challenge you to a battle.
▶︎ Levincia (Electric Gym): Team Lv. 24
▶︎ Cascarrafa (Water Gym): Team Lv. 30
▶︎ Medali (Normal Gym): Team Lv. 36
5.5 After beating the the 5th Gym, Nemona will challenge you to a battle.
▶︎ Montenevera (Ghost Gym): Team Lv. 42
6.5 When challenging the 7th Gym, Nemona will challenge you to a battle.
▶︎ Alfornada (Psychic Gym): Team Lv. 45
Glaseado (Ice Gym): Team Lv. 48
9 Take on the Elite Four and Geeta in the Champion's Test
10 Take on Nemona in one final showdown
11 After beating the final bosses of the other 2 storylines, take on the final secret storyline, The Way Home

1st Badge: Cortondo Bug Gym

Katy Bug Gym Location Pokemon SV

Gym Leader Katy

Katy Bug Gym Leader Pokemon Scarlet and Violet▲Cortondo Gym Leader Katy Type Specialty
Bug Icon
Best Team Level
Lv. 15 ~ Lv. 20
Cortondo Gym Guides
Cortondo Gym Test Cortondo Gym Leader
Pokemon Type Moves
Nymble ImageNymble
Lv. 14
Bug Icon Double Kick
Struggle Bug
Tarountula ImageTarountula
Lv. 14
Bug Icon Assurance
Bug Bite
Teddiursa ImageTeddiursa
Lv. 15
Normal Icon
Tera Type Bug Icon
Fury Cutter
Fury Swipes

Bug Gym Test Guide

1 Talk to the Person in the North-West of the town and start the challenge
2 Roll the massive olive towards the goal
3 If you beat the trainers along the way you can take a shortcut
4 Pass the olive through the furthest goal at the end to pass the challenge
5 Report to the Gym reception and then face the Gym Leader

2nd Badge: Artazon Grass Gym

Brassius Grass Gym Location Pokemon SV

Gym Leader Brassius

Brassius Grass Gym Leader Pokemon Scarlet and Violet▲Artazon Gym Leader Brassius Type Specialty
Grass Icon
Best Team Level
Lv. 18 ~ Lv. 22
Artazon Gym Guides
Artazon Gym Test Artazon Gym Leader
Pokemon Type Moves
Petilil ImagePetilil
Lv. 16
Grass Icon Sleep Powder
Mega Drain
Smoliv ImageSmoliv
Lv. 16
Grass Icon Normal Icon Tackle
Razor Leaf
Sudowoodo ImageSudowoodo
Lv. 17
Rock Icon
Tera Type Grass Icon
Rock Throw

Grass Gym Test Completion Guide

1 Talk to the Gym Staff in the gym building to start the challenge
2 Go out of the Gym and Head Right.
You will see a lawn with two big Sunflora statues. Talk with the Gym Staff there and they'll tell you to gather 10 Sunfloras.
3 Look for Sunflora Across Artazon
They'll be in all sorts of different locations across town, so make sure to keep your eyes peeled!
4 Go Back to the Sunflora Lawn Once All Sunfloras are Gathered
At the lawn, talk to the Gym Staff and go back to the gym building to report your progress to the receptionist to finish the test.

3rd Badge: Levincia Electric Gym

Iono Electric Gym Location Pokemon SV

Gym Leader Iono

Iono Electric Gym Leader Pokemon Scarlet and Violet▲Levincia Gym Leader Iono Type Specialty
Pokemon Electric Type Icon
Best Team Level
Lv. 25 ~ Lv. 28
Levincia Gym Guides
Levincia Gym Test Levincia Gym Leader
Iono Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Electric Type Icon
Pokemon Type Moves
Wattrel ImageWattrel
Lv. 23
Electric Icon Flying Icon Pluck
Quick Attack
Bellibolt ImageBellibolt
Lv. 23
Electric Icon Spark
Water Gun
Luxio ImageLuxio
Lv. 23
Electric Icon Spark
Mismagius ImageMismagius
Lv. 24
Ghost Icon
Tera Type Electric Icon
Confuse Ray
Charge Beam

Electric Gym Test Completion Guide

1 Talk to the Gym Receptionist about staring in Iono's live stream.
2 Head outside to start Iono's stream and the Gym Test
3 Look for Clavell in the camera footage
Mr.Walksabout, aka Director Clavell, is hiding in each of the camera footage, spot him to progress.
4 Defeat the Iono Hype Squad
In between the challenges, Poke Maniac trainers will challenge you into battles. They are all using Electric-type Pokemon, so plan accordingly!

4th Badge: Cascarrafa Water Gym

Kofu Water Gym Location Pokemon SV

Gym Leader Kofu

Kofu Water Gym Leader Pokemon Scarlet and Violet▲Cascarrafa Gym Leader Kofu Type Specialty
Water Icon
Best Team Level
Lv. 30 ~ Lv. 35
Cascarrafa Gym Guides
Cascarrafa Gym Test Cascarrafa Gym Leader
Pokemon Type Moves
Veluza ImageVeluza
Lv. 29
Water Icon Psychic Icon Slash
Aqua Cutter
Wugtrio ImageWugtrio
Lv. 29
Water Icon Mud-Slap
Water Pulse
Crabominable ImageCrabominable
Lv. 30
Fighting Icon Ice Icon
Tera Type Water Icon
Rock Smash

Water Gym Test Guide

1 Talk to the Gym Receptionist and receive Kofu's wallet.
2 Go to the Porto Marinada Market
You should find Kofu standing around there, without a wallet. Battle his apprentice to progress.
3 Speak to Kofu and return his wallet. Then Win an auction for some seaweed with the money provided to complete the test.
▶︎ How to Win the Auction

5th Badge: Medali Normal Gym

Larry Normal Gym Location Pokemon SV

Gym Leader Larry

Larry Normal Gym Leader Pokemon Scarlet and Violet▲Medali Gym Leader Larry Type Specialty
Normal Icon
Best Team Level
Lv. 36 ~ Lv. 41
Medali Gym Guides
Medali Gym Test Medali Gym Leader
Larry Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Normal Type Icon
Pokemon Type Moves
Komala ImageKomala
Lv. 35
Normal Icon Yawn
Sucker Punch
Dudunsparce ImageDudunsparce
Lv. 35
Normal Icon Glare
Drill Run
Hyper Drill
Staraptor ImageStaraptor
Lv. 36
Normal Icon Flying Icon
Tera Type Normal Icon
Aerial Ace

Normal Gym Test Guide

1 Talk to the Gym Staff to get your first clue.
▶︎ How to Get to Medali
2 Battle trainers in Medali to get the other clues about the order.
4 Go to The Treasure Eatery, speak to the waiter near the entrance and order the secret menu item.

6th Badge: Montenevero Ghost Gym

Ryme Ghost Gym Location Pokemon SV

Gym Leader Ryme

Ryme Ghost Gym Leader Pokemon Scarlet and Violet▲Montenevera Gym Leader Ryme Type Specialty
Ghost Icon
Best Team Level
Lv. 42 ~ Lv. 47
Montenevero Gym Guides
Montenevero Gym Test Montenevero Gym Leader
Pokemon Type Moves
Mimikyu ImageMimikyu
Lv. 41
Ghost Icon Fairy Icon Shadow Sneak
Light Screen
Banette ImageBanette
Lv. 41
Ghost Icon Icy Wind
Sucker Punch
Shadow Sneak
Greavard ImageGreavard
Lv. 41
Ghost Icon Play Rough
Phantom Force
Toxtricity (Low Key Form) ImageToxtricity (Low Key Form)
Lv. 42
Electric Icon Poison Icon
Tera Type Ghost Icon
Hyper Voice

Ghost Gym Test Guide

1 Talk to the Gym Staff and become part of the opening act.
2 Step outside and head to the concert stage next to the Gym.
3 Talk to MC Sledge to begin a series of double battles. Win the double battles to clear the test.

7th Badge: Alfornada Psychic Gym

Tulip Psychic Gym Location Pokemon SV

Gym Leader Tulip

Tulip Psychic Gym Leader Pokemon Scarlet and Violet▲Alfornada Gym Leader Tulip Type Specialty
Psychic Icon
Best Team Level
Lv. 45 ~ Lv. 50
Alfornada Gym Guides
Alfornada Gym Test Alfornada Gym Leader
Tulip Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Psychic Type Icon
Pokemon Type Moves
Farigiraf ImageFarigiraf
Lv. 44
Normal Icon Psychic Icon Crunch
Zen Headbutt
Gardevoir ImageGardevoir
Lv. 44
Psychic Icon Fairy Icon Psychic
Dazzling Gleam
Energy Ball
Espathra ImageEspathra
Lv. 44
Psychic Icon Psychic
Quick Attack
Shadow Ball
Florges ImageFlorges
Lv. 45
Fairy Icon
Tera Type Psychic Icon
Dazzling Gleam
Petal Blizzard
1 Talk with the receptionist at the Gym Building to start the practice.
▶︎ How to Get to Alfornada
2 Go to the field to the left of the gym to start the Gym Test.
3 Take on the Emotional Spectrum Practice and match the moves accordingly.
4 Defeat Gym Trainers between rounds.
5 Report back to the Alfornada Gym Staff to complete the test.

8th Badge: Glaseado Ice Gym

Grusha Ice Gym Location Pokemon SV

Gym Leader Grusha

Grusha Ice Gym Leader Pokemon Scarlet and Violet▲Glaseado Gym Leader Grusha Type Specialty
Ice Icon
Best Team Level
Lv. 48 ~ Lv. 53
Glaseado Gym Guides
Glaseado Gym Test Glaseado Gym Leader
Pokemon Type Moves
Frosmoth ImageFrosmoth
Lv. 47
Ice Icon Bug Icon Blizzard
Bug Buzz
Beartic ImageBeartic
Lv. 47
Ice Icon Aqua Jet
Icicle Crash
Cetitan ImageCetitan
Lv. 47
Ice Icon Icicle Spear
Ice Shard
Altaria ImageAltaria
Lv. 48
Dragon Icon Flying Icon
Tera Type Ice Icon
Ice Beam
Dragon Pulse
1 Talk with the Gym Staff inside the Glaseado Gym to start the challenge.
▶︎ How to Get to Glaseado Gym
2 Talk with the Gym Staff outside the Pokemon Center just above the gym building to start the Gym Test.
3 Slide Down Glaseado Mountain and hit as many checkpoints as you can to clear the target time.
4 Talk with the Gym Staff at the Pokemon Center and the gym building to complete the test.

Challenge The Elite Four

Elite Four Champions Test Building Pokemon SV
Once you have collected all 8 Badges, it's time to take the Champion Test. This is a 3 stage test starting with an interview, followed by challenging the Elite Four and finally, taking on the number one Champion, Geeta.

The Elite Four and Champion's Pokemon are much higher level than the Gym Leaders, so make sure you prepare your team well.
The Elite Four: Best Teams and Strategy

Take on Your Rival Nemona in a Final Showdown

Champion Nemona Pokemon SV
After beating Geeta, Nemona will challenge you to one final no holds barred showdown. Once you beat Nemona it will signal the completion of the Victory Road storyline.
How to Beat Nemona: Best Team and Strategy

Completion of All Three Story Modes Unlocks the Final Storyline: The Way Home

The Way Home Storyline Pokemon SV
Completion of All three storylines triggers a secret final storyline, The Way Home. If you are still yet to complete the Path of Legends and Starfall Street storylines, you will need to go back and complete those first.
The Way Home: Area Zero Walkthrough

Victory Road Story Mode Details

Story Route similar to other Pokemon Games

Victory Road Story Details

Victory Road is the Story Route where the main goal is to achieve Champion Rank in the Pokemon League by defeating the Eight Gyms that can be found across the Paldea Region. Unlike in previous games, in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, there is no specific story route for the gyms, so you may freely go to whichever gym you wish to challenge.

After clearing the 8 Gyms and obtaining all the Badges, you can then take the Champion Assessment, where you will face off against the Paldea Elite Four and Champion in order to achieve the Champion Rank.

Pass the Gym Tests to Challenge Gym Leaders

Gym Challenge

Similar to Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, in order to challenge Gym Leaders, players must first complete Gym Tests. Gym Tests vary from each gym, each tailored to match the characteristics of the city, or even the personality of the Gym Leader.

All Gym Test Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Links

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Story Walkthrough Banner
Story Walkthrough

Victory Road Walkthroughs

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Victory Road.pngVictory Road Walkthrough
Cortondo Gym Test Artazon Gym Test
Levincia Gym Test Cascarrafa Gym Test
Medali Gym Test Montenevera Gym Test
Alfornada Gym Test Glaseado Gym Test
Other Victory Road Walkthroughs
All Gym Tests All Gym Leaders
Gym Rematch Teams Elite Four and Champion
Elite Four Rika Elite Four Poppy
Elite Four Larry Elite Four Hassel
Champion Geeta Rival Nemona
Academy Ace Tournament

Starfall Street Walkthroughs

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Starfall Street.pngStarfall Street Walkthrough
Giacomo and the Dark Segin Squad Mela and the Fire Schedar Squad
Atticus and the Poison Navi Squad Ortega and the Fairy Ruchbah Squad
Eri and the Fighting Caph Squad Clavell the Academy Director
Penny the Team Star Founder Team Star Rematch Battles: All STC Rematch Teams Guide
Starmobile Guide: All Types, Abilities, Moves and Counters

Path of Legends Walkthroughs

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Path of Legends.pngPath of Legends Walkthrough
Klawf the Stony Cliff Titan Bombirdier the Open Sky Titan
Orthworm the Lurking Steel Titan Great Tusk/Iron Treads the Quaking Earth Titan
Tatsugiri and Dondozo the False Dragon Titan Arven

The Way Home Walkthrough

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - The Way HomeThe Way Home Walkthrough
Professor Sada
(Pokemon Scarlet)
Professor Turo
(Pokemon Violet)

Post Game Content: What to Do After the Story

DLC Story Walkthroughs

DLC Story Guides
The Teal Mask The Indigo Disk


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