Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Teal Mask New DLC Pokemon Tier List

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This is our tier list for the best Pokemon from the Teal Mask DLC to use for competitive battles in Regulation E (Series 5) of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). If you're planning to get into ranked battles but don't know which Pokemon to pick, this list will get you started in the right direction. Read on to find out which Pokemon are trainers using in online play.

New Teal Mask DLC Pokemon Competitive Tier List

Teal Mask DLC Pokemon Tier List

The Teal Mask Pokemon Tier List
Tier Pokemon
SS Tier
Pokemon SV - Ogerpon Hearthflame Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ogerpon
S Tier.png
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ogerpon Wellspring Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ogerpon Cornerstone Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Baxcalibur Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Rillaboom Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ursaluna Bloodmoon
A Tier.png
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Alolan Ninetales Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Gliscor Ceruledge Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dusclops Pokemon SV - Mienshao Grey Pokemon SV - Shiftry Grey Pokemon SV - Kommo-o Grey
B Tier.png
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon SV - Fezandipiti Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Okidogi Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Munkidori Pokemon SV - Sinistcha Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Politoed Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ninetales Scizor Gray Talonflame Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Galarian Weezing Pokemon SV - Chandelure Grey Pokemon SV - Mandibuzz Grey Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ludicolo
C Tier.png
Pokemon SV - Dipplin Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Snorlax Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Salamence Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Tyranitar Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Empoleon Pokemon SV - Torterra Grey Pokemon SV - Infernape Grey Milotic Gray Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Mamoswine Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Conkeldurr Pokemon SV - Weezing Grey Pokemon SV - Alolan Sandslash Grey Pokemon SV - Dusknoir Grey Pokemon SV - Poliwrath Grey Pokemon SV - Ribombee Grey

Best Pokemon Tier List Criteria

Criteria for Tier Placings

The following are the criteria to be met when ranking Pokemon for Ranked Singles.

Tier Criteria
SS Tier SS Tier Pokemon have great offensive stats and movepools, are easy to use, and can make any team they're part of stronger. These Pokemon are often setup sweepers that have an easy time setting up with their boosting moves.
S Tier As the weeks go by and the metagame develops, Pokemon can go back and forth between SS and S Tier. These Pokemon are still solid additions to your team and are essential to Ranked Battle.
A Tier Pokemon in A Tier are often the best of their type, but usually outclassed by Pokemon in the SS and S Tier. These Pokemon also often have great type matchups against SS and S Tier Pokemon.
B Tier B Tier Pokemon are often versatile and have effective builds, but there are generally better options in the higher tiers.
C Tier C Tier Pokemon are ones that offer good moves and stats but are often locked in specialized builds. These Pokemon have specific niches in the metagame and are outclassed by Pokemon in the higher tiers.

Contributions to a Battle

These Tiers are determined by how drastically a match is altered by a Pokemon being on the field. Whether it be Redirection, Support, a strong Offensive presence, a Pokemon's impactfulness determines its placement on our list.

Team Synergy is Taken into Account

The criteria for best Pokemon also takes into account team synergy or how well each Pokemon works in conjunction with its teammates.

Tera-Type Potential

The potential of Pokemon Terastallizing is also taken into account as this mechanic not only gives it an extra STAB of a different type, it can also remove its glaring weaknesses and give it new resistances.

Best Pokemon to Terastallize

Top Pokemon Rankings Explained

Best Pokemon - SS Tier DLC Pokemon

The Teal Mask Pokemon Tier List
SS Tier.png S Tier.png A Tier.png B Tier C Tier
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Pokemon Commentary
Ogerpon (Hearthflame Mask) ImageOgerpon (Hearthflame Mask)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Grass Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fire Icon

SS Tier.png
Stats: 80-120-84-60-96-110
・Great Grass/Fire hyper offense which can fit any team.
・+1 Attack when Terastallized.
・Only weak to Rock, Flying, and Poison.
▶️ Ogerpon (Hearthflame Mask) Best Moveset
▶️ Ogerpon (Hearthflame Mask) Rental Team
Ogerpon ImageOgerpon
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Grass Icon

SS Tier.png
Stats: 80-120-84-60-96-110
・Can use Grass-type Ivy Cudgel.
・+1 Speed when Terastallized.
・Free held item slot as it does not need to hold a Mask item.
▶️ Ogerpon Best Moveset

S Tier DLC Pokemon

The Teal Mask Pokemon Tier List
SS Tier.png S Tier.png A Tier.png B Tier C Tier
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Pokemon Commentary
Ogerpon (Wellspring Mask) ImageOgerpon (Wellspring Mask)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Grass Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Water Icon

S Tier.png
Stats: 80-120-84-60-96-110
・+1 Special Defense when Terastallized.
・Able to resist Water and Grass-type moves.
・Can have staying power with Leech Seed and Synthesis.
▶️ Ogerpon (Wellspring Mask) Best Moveset
Ogerpon (Cornerstone Mask) ImageOgerpon (Cornerstone Mask)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Grass Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Rock Icon

S Tier.png
Stats: 80-120-84-60-96-110
・Great Grass/Rock attacker.
・Only Ogerpon form that deals with Flying-types.
▶️ Ogerpon (Cornerstone Mask) Best Moveset
Baxcalibur ImageBaxcalibur
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dragon Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ice Icon

S Tier.png
Stats: 115-145-92-75-86-87
・Gets Scale Shot
・1.5x Defense under Snow.
▶️ Baxcalibur Best Movesets
Rillaboom ImageRillaboom
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Grass Icon

S Tier.png
Stats: 100-125-90-60-70-85
・Gets Grassy Glide
・Naturally tanky.
▶️ Rillaboom Best Movesets
Bloodmoon Ursaluna ImageBloodmoon Ursaluna
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ground Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Normal Icon

S Tier.png
Stats: 113-70-120-135-65-52
・Mind's Eye makes it a strong Normal-type attacker that isn't walled by Ghost-types.
・Can use Blood Moon and Vacuum Wave as STAB moves.
▶️ Bloodmoon Ursaluna Best Moveset

A Tier DLC Pokemon

The Teal Mask Pokemon Tier List
SS Tier.png S Tier.png A Tier.png B Tier C Tier
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Pokemon Commentary
Alolan Ninetales ImageAlolan Ninetales
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ice Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fairy Icon

A Tier.png
Stats: 73-67-75-81-100-109
・Better version of Abomasnow.
・Snow Warning and Aurora Veil combo.
Ceruledge ImageCeruledge
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fire Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ghost Icon

A Tier.png
Stats: 75-125-80-60-100-85
・Gets Poltergeist.
・Resists Teal Mask and Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon.
▶️ Ceruledge Best Moveset
Gliscor ImageGliscor
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ground Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Flying Icon

A Tier.png
Stats: 88-91-82-70-125-99
・Can recover HP after getting hit with Ruination thanks to Poison Heal.
・Can no longer use Guillotine.
Dusclops ImageDusclops
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ghost Icon

A Tier.png
Stats: 40-70-130-60-130-25
・Amazing Trick Room setter and support.
・Very bulky with Eviolite.
・Immune to Fake Out.
Mienshao ImageMienshao
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fighting Icon

A Tier.png
Stats: 65-125-60-95-60-105
・Fast Fake Out user.
・Can heal itself with Regenerator.
Shiftry ImageShiftry
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Grass Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dark Icon

A Tier.png
Stats: 90-100-60-90-60-80
・Now has Wind Rider ability.
・Versatile move pool.
Kommo-o ImageKommo-o
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dragon Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fighting Icon

A Tier.png
Stats: 75-110-125-100-105-85
・Now has access to Loaded Dice.
・Clangorous Soul + Scale Shot combine for tons of damage.

B Tier DLC Pokemon

The Teal Mask Pokemon Tier List
SS Tier.png S Tier.png A Tier.png B Tier C Tier
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Pokemon Commentary
Fezandipiti ImageFezandipiti
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Poison Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fairy Icon

B Tier
Stats: 88-91-82-70-125-99
・Resists Poison and Fairy-type moves.
・Can easily poison targets with Toxic Chain and stall with Roost
・Better in Doubles than Singles.
▶️ Fezandipiti Best Moveset
Okidogi ImageOkidogi
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Poison Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fighting Icon

B Tier
Stats: 88-128-115-58-86-80
・Great physical attacker with natural bulk
▶️ Okidogi Best Moveset
Munkidori ImageMunkidori
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Poison Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Psychic Icon

B Tier
Stats: 88-75-66-130-90-106
・Can easily badly poison targets with Toxic Chain.
▶️ Munkidori Best Movesets
Sinistcha ImageSinistcha
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Grass Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ghost Icon

B Tier
Stats: 71-60106-121-80-70
・Heals allies with Hospitality.
・Can heal self and burn opponents with Matcha Gotcha.
▶️ Munkidori Best Movesets
Politoed ImagePolitoed
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Water Icon

B Tier
Stats: 90-75-75-90-100-70
・Standard Rain setter.
Ninetales ImageNinetales
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fire Icon

B Tier
Stats: 73-76-75-81-100-100
・Fast Snow setter.
Scizor ImageScizor
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Bug Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Steel Icon

B Tier
Stats: 70-130-100-55-80-65
・Gets Bug Bite and Dual Wingbeat.
・Technician increases the damage of 60BP or lower moves.
▶️ Scizor Best Movesets
Talonflame ImageTalonflame
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fire Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Flying Icon

B Tier
Stats: 78-81-71-74-69-126
・Gets +1 priority Dual Wingbeat from Gale Wings.
▶️ Talonflame Best Movesets
Galarian Weezing ImageGalarian Weezing
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Poison Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fairy Icon

B Tier
Stats: 65-90-120-85-70-60
・Neutralizing Gas deactivates Abilities.
Chandelure ImageChandelure
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ghost Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fire Icon

B Tier
Stats: 60-55-90-145-90-80
・Highest Sp. Atk stat outside of legendaries.
・Can use any of its abilities.
Mandibuzz ImageMandibuzz
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dark Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Flying Icon

B Tier
Stats: 110-65-105-55-95-80
・Bulky Tailwind user.
・Immune to powder moves thanks to Overcoat.
Ludicolo ImageLudicolo
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Water Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Grass Icon

B Tier
Stats: 80-70-70-90-100-70
・Special Attacking Swift Swim user.

C Tier DLC Pokemon

The Teal Mask Pokemon Tier List
SS Tier.png S Tier.png A Tier.png B Tier C Tier
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Pokemon Commentary
Dipplin ImageDipplin
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Grass Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dragon Icon

C Tier.png
Stats: 80-80-110-95-80-40
・Can use Eviolite.
・Supersweet Syrup reduces opponent's evasion.
・Syrup Bomb reduces opponent's speed over 3 turns.
▶️ Dipplin Best Movesets
Snorlax ImageSnorlax
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Normal Icon

C Tier.png
Stats: 160-110-65-65-110-30
・Belly Drum + Gluttony combo.
Salamence ImageSalamence
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dragon Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Flying Icon

C Tier.png
Stats: 95-135-80-110-80-100
・Gets access to Dual Wingbeat.
・Resists non-Rock Ogerpon forms.
▶️ Salamence Best Movesets
Tyranitar ImageTyranitar
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Rock Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dark Icon

C Tier.png
Stats: 100-134-110-95-100-61
・Gets Knock Off.
・Standard Sand Stream user.
▶️ Tyranitar Best Movesets
Empoleon ImageEmpoleon
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Water Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Steel Icon

C Tier.png
Stats: 84-86-88-111-101-60
・Hidden Ability changed to Competitive.
Torterra ImageTorterra
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Grass Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ground Icon

C Tier.png
Stats: 95-109-105-75-85-56
・Gets Shell Smash and Headlong Rush.
Infernape ImageInfernape
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fire Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fighting Icon

C Tier.png
Stats: 76-104-71-104-71-108
・Gets Knock Off.
・Can now run Sp. Atk set with Aura Sphere.
Milotic ImageMilotic
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Water Icon

C Tier.png
Stats: 95-60-79-100-125-81
・Bulky Competitive user.
Mamoswine ImageMamoswine
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ice Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ground Icon

C Tier.png
Stats: 110-130-80-70-60-80
・Halved Ice and Fire-type damage with Thick Fat.
Conkeldurr ImageConkeldurr
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fighting Icon

C Tier.png
Stats: 105-140-95-55-65-45
・Alternative Guts + Flame Orb user.
Weezing ImageWeezing
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Poison Icon

C Tier.png
Stats: 65-90-120-85-70-60
・Neutralizing Gas deactivates abilities.
Alolan Sandslash ImageAlolan Sandslash
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ice Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Steel Icon

C Tier.png
Stats: 75-100-120-25-65-65
・Best Slush Rush user.
Dusknoir ImageDusknoir
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ghost Icon

C Tier.png
Stats: 45-100-135-65-135-45
・More offensive version of Dusclops.
・Less bulky since it can't hold Eviolite.
Poliwrath ImagePoliwrath
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Water Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fighting Icon

C Tier.png
Stats: 90-95-95-70-90-70
・Physical Attacking Swift Swim user.
Ribombee ImageRibombee
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Bug Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fairy Icon

C Tier.png
Stats: 60-55-60-95-70-124
・Fastest Sticky Web user.

New Off-Meta Pokemon

List of New Off-Meta Pokemon

New Off-Meta Pokemon
Pokemon SV - Leavanny Grey Pokemon SV - Trevenant Grey Pokemon SV - Victreebel Grey Pokemon SV - Vikavolt Grey Pokemon SV - Alolan Golem Grey Pokemon SV - Ambipom Grey Pokemon SV - Arbok Grey Pokemon SV - Ariados Grey Pokemon SV - Chimecho Grey Pokemon SV - Clefable Grey Pokemon SV - Cramorant Grey Pokemon SV - Crawdaunt Grey Pokemon SV - Golem Grey Pokemon SV - Magcargo Grey Pokemon SV - Morpeko Grey Pokemon SV - Probopass Grey Pokemon SV - Sandslash Grey Pokemon SV - Swanna Grey Pokemon SV - Yanmega Grey Pokemon SV - Mightyena Grey Pokemon SV - Noctowl Grey Pokemon SV - Volbeat Grey Pokemon SV - Illumise Grey Pokemon SV - Furret Grey

These Pokemon are both viable and legal in Ranked Battles but are outclassed by most of the Pokemon in the tier list or have a specific niche that require proper team building.

Teal Mask DLC Differences and Meta Movers

Ogerpon Great in Singles and Doubles

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - OgerponOgerpon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ogerpon Wellspring MaskOgerpon (Wellspring Mask) Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ogerpon Hearthflame MaskOgerpon (Hearthflame Mask) Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ogerpon Cornerstone MaskOgerpon (Cornerstone Mask)

Ogerpon, along with their different Masked Forms, are the strongest Pokemon to come out of the Teal Mask DLC. With each form having their own unique bonuses, choose which form best suits your team.

Loyal Three Have an Interesting Niche

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - OkidogiOkidogi Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - MunkidoriMunkidori Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - FezandipitiFezandipiti

Each of the Loyal Three legendaries have unique roles that they specialize in. Okidogi is a bulky Physical Attacker, Munkidori is a fast Special Attacker, and Fezandipiti is a great support with a diverse move pool.

New TMs Make Old Pokemon Viable

The Teal Mask DLC brings back a lot of old moves, while also giving some existing moves new TMs. These new TMs allow for existing Pokemon to expand their move pools and raise their viability for competitive battles.

Tyranitar, Ceruledge, Baxcalibur and Rillaboom all Benefit from Expanded Movepools

TyranitarTyranitar Ceruledge IconCeruledge Pokemon SV BaxcaliburBaxcalibur Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - RillaboomRillaboom
Pokeball IconTyranitar now has access to Knock Off.

Pokeball IconCeruledge has a stronger STAB Ghost move in Poltergeist.

Pokeball IconBaxcalibur's Loaded Dice build now gets Scale Shot.

Pokeball IconRillaboom can now learn Grassy Glide again.

Tyranitar gets a new Dark-type STAB move in Knock Off, which also removes a Pokemon's held item. This helps Tyranitar add some support options when running a Sandstorm team.

Ceruledge no longer has to run Shadow Claw as its Ghost-type STAB move since it has access to Poltergeist now. Ceruledge also has a good matchup into Teal Mask and Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon.

Baxcalibur now has Scale Shot which further improves on its old Loaded Dice build. It no longer runs the risk of having to deal with Glaive Rush's downsides and can run a more consistent move in Scale Shot.

Rillaboom has access to Grassy Glide again, which gives it a +1 priority Grass-type STAB move while Grassy Terrain is up. This allows Rillaboom to heavily threaten any Water-types in the current meta.

Returning DLC Pokemon Set to Shine

There are a lot of Pokemon that were used in previous generations that are returning thanks to the Teal Mask DLC. Some Pokemon also got significant buffs thanks to new items and mechanics introduced in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Loaded Dice Kommo-o, Neutralizing Gas Galarian Weezing and Snow Setting Alolan Ninetales Lead the Charge

Kommo-oKommo-o Pokemon SV - Galarian WeezingGalarian Weezing Pokemon SV - Alolan NinetalesAlolan Ninetales
Pokeball IconKommo-o now gets Loaded Dice with boosted Scale Shot.

Pokeball IconNeutralizing Gas is back and can disable the Ruin abilities.

Pokeball IconAlolan Ninetales is a better version of Abomasnow.

Kommo-o benefits heavily from some of the new items, especially Loaded Dice increasing the amount of times a Clangorous Soul boosted Scale Shot will hit.

Galarian Weezing returns with its amazing ability Neutralizing Gas, which negates all Pokemon abilities. Most notably the abilities of the Ruin Pokemon will longer be active.

Alolan Ninetales will now overtake Abomasnow as the best Snow Warning user in the game. It is also notable fast enough to outspeed base 100 speed Pokemon.

Sinnoh Starters and Shiftry Get New Buffs

EmpoleonEmpoleon TorterraTorterra InfernapeInfernape Pokemon SV - ShiftryShiftry
Pokeball IconEmpoleon now has Competitive instead of Defiant.

Pokeball IconTorterra can boost its offense with Shell Smash.

Pokeball IconInfernape can now run Sp. Atk sets thanks to Aura Sphere.

Pokeball IconShiftry how has one of the best abilities in Wind Rider.

Empoleon's Hidden Ability was changed from Defiant to Competitive, now boosting its Special Attack whenever its stats are dropped instead of its Attack.

Torterra now has access to the move Shell Smash, which boosts its Offense and Speed by 2 stages and the cost of lowering its Defenses by 1 stage.

Infernape can now use Aura Sphere, which can catch opponents off-guard when they expect to face a Physical Attacking set instead of a Special one.

Shiftry no longer has Early Bird as one of its abilities, instead gaining Wind Rider. Wind Rider is one of the best abilities in the game because it boosts yout Attack under Tailwind or when hit by wind type moves, mostly notably Heat Wave, Bleakwind Storm, and Icy Wind. You also gain immunity to these wind type moves.

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