Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Sour Herba Mystica: How to Get and Sandwich Recipes

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Sour Herba Mystica
Sour Herba Mystica is a Sandwich Ingredient in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) that drops from high-level Tera Raids. Read on for more information about Sour Herba Mystica, which raids it drops from, and the Sandwich recipes that need it.

How to Get Sour Herba Mystica

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Sour Herba Mystica Sandwich IngredientSour Herba Mystica
How to Get 5-Star and 6-Star Tera Raids

Obtain as Tera Raid Battle Reward

This ingredient can be obtained as a reward upon completing the following Tera Raid Battles.

Appears as a Reward for Tera Raids
Raid Level Pokemon
6-Star Raids
Amoonguss 6★ Tera Raid Basculegion (Female) 6★ Tera Raid Basculegion (Male) 6★ Tera Raid Snorlax 6★ Tera Raid Poliwrath 6★ Tera Raid Vaporeon 6★ Tera Raid Umbreon 6★ Tera Raid Slowking 6★ Tera Raid Blissey 6★ Tera Raid Clodsire 6★ Tera Raid Goodra 6★ Tera Raid Mimikyu 6★ Tera Raid Frosmoth 6★ Tera Raid Farigiraf 6★ Tera Raid Dondozo 6★ Tera Raid Cetitan 6★ Tera Raid Tinkaton 6★ Tera Raid Toedscruel 6★ Tera Raid
5-Star Raids
Drifblim 5★ Tera Raid Basculegion (Female) 5★ Tera Raid Basculegion (Male) 5★ Tera Raid Mandibuzz 5★ Tera Raid Dusknoir 5★ Tera Raid Milotic 5★ Tera Raid Ludicolo 5★ Tera Raid Snorlax 5★ Tera Raid Ninetales 5★ Tera Raid Gengar 5★ Tera Raid Slowking 5★ Tera Raid Blissey 5★ Tera Raid Altaria 5★ Tera Raid Glalie 5★ Tera Raid Tinkaton 5★ Tera Raid Mismagius 5★ Tera Raid Gothitelle 5★ Tera Raid Amoonguss 5★ Tera Raid Eelektross 5★ Tera Raid Florges 5★ Tera Raid Dragalge 5★ Tera Raid Goodra 5★ Tera Raid Mimikyu 5★ Tera Raid Hatterene 5★ Tera Raid Dondozo 5★ Tera Raid Palafin 5★ Tera Raid Cetitan 5★ Tera Raid

How to Increase Tera Raid Star Level

Reward from Saguaro's Special Coach Battle

Pokemon Scarlet Indigo Disk Invite Special Coach

You can get Sour Herba Mystica after defeating Saguaro in his Special Coach battle in The Indigo Disk DLC. Do note that you need to complete the DLC's story or clear other requirements before can battle this coach in the League Club.

All Special Coaches Trades and How to Unlock

Sandwiches Using Sour Herba Mystica

Sandwich Ingredients Meal Powers
(#5) Sour Jambon-Beurre ・ Sour Herba Mystica x1
・ Butter x1
・ Ham x1
・Title Power: Ground Lv. 2
・Teensy Power: Ghost Lv. 2
・Encounter Power: Bug Lv. 2
(#10) Legendary Sour Sandwich ・ Sour Herba Mystica
・ Pepper
・ Bacon
・ Lettuce
・Title Power: Rock Lv. 2
・Teensy Power: Ice Lv. 2
・Encounter Power: Grass Lv. 2
(#23) Master Pickle Sandwich ・ Sour Herba Mystica
・ Olive Oil
・ Basil
・ Watercress
・ Pickle
・Title Power: Fighting Lv. 2
・Teensy Power: Grass Lv. 2
・Egg Power: Lv. 2
(#43) Master Tropical Sandwich ・ Sour Herba Mystica
・ Marmalade
・ Jalapeno
・ Pineapple
・ Klawf Stick
・ Avocado
・Title Power: Rock Lv. 2
・Catching Power: Water Lv. 2
・Item Drop Power: Ground Lv. 2
(#59) Master Zesty Sandwich ・ Sour Herba Mystica
・ Chili Sauce
・ Watercress
・ Jalapeno
・ Herbed Sausage
・ Sliced Green Pepper
・ Onion
・Title Power: Psychic Lv. 2
・Teensy Power: Fighting Lv. 2
・Encounter Power: Normal Lv. 2
(#111) Master Sweet Sandwich ・ Sour Herba Mystica
・ Whipped Cream
・ Salt
・ Butter
・ Basil
・ Apple
・ Banana
・ Cheese
・Egg Power: Lv. 2
・Item Drop Power: Flying Lv. 2
・Raid Power: Normal Lv. 1
(#119) Master Hefty Sandwich ・ Sour Herba Mystica
・ Salt
・ Peanut Butter
・ Potato Salad
・ Potato Tortilla
・ Fried Fillet
・ Hamburger
・ Herbed Sausage
・ Prosciutto
・Title Power: Ghost Lv. 2
・Teensy Power: Dark Lv. 2
・Catching Power: Normal Lv. 2
(#151) Master Sushi Sandwich ・ Sour Herba Mystica x1
・ Vinegar x1
・ Salt x1
・ Watercress x1
・ Wasabi x1
・ Rice x1
・ Smoked Fillet x2
・ Klawf Stick x2
・Title Power: Ice Lv. 2
・Teensy Power: Dark Lv. 2
・Encounter Power: Normal Lv. 2

List of All Sandwiches and Recipes

Sour Herba Mystica Effect

Used to Create Sandwiches with Lv. 3 Meal Powers

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Shiny Sandwich Made

Using a correct recipe with Herba Mystica will activate Lv. 3 Meal Powers of that Sandwich. These ingredients are very rare, but they are great to have for important situations such as participating in 6-Star Raids or catching Legendary Pokemon.

How to Farm Herba Mystica

Used to Make Shiny Hunting Sandwiches

If you add in any two of the Herba Mystica types and another ingredient to make a Sandwich, Sparkling Power Lv. 3 and Title Power Lv. 3 will be activated and will result in a Shiny Hunting Sandwich! These Sandwiches are some of the must have items when Shiny Hunting.

Shiny Sandwich Recipes

Unlocks New Sandwich Recipes

Pokemon SV - Sandwich recipe with Herba Mystica

After reaching the post-game and obtaining Herba Mystica, you can unlock new recipes by talking to the NPC in any Sandwich Shop.

List of All Sandwiches and Recipes

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

Pokemon SV - Sandwiches and Recipes Partial Banner.png

List of All Sandwiches and Recipes

Meal Power Guides

All Sandwiches and Recipes by Meal Power
Sparkling Power Sandwiches and Recipes Encounter Power Sandwiches and Recipes
Egg Power Sandwiches and Recipes Raid Power Sandwiches and Recipes
Exp. Point Power Sandwiches and Recipes Item Drop Power Sandwiches and Recipes
Catching Power Sandwiches and Recipes Title Power Sandwiches and Recipes
Humungo Power Sandwiches and Recipes Teensy Power Sandwiches and Recipes

Sandwich Guides

Guides to Making Sandwiches
How to Make a 4-Star Sandwich -

Sandwich Recipes by Type

Sandwich Recipes by Type
Normal Tera IconNormal Fighting Tera IconFighting Flying Tera IconFlying
Poison Tera IconPoison Ground Tera IconGround Rock Tera IconRock
Bug Tera IconBug Ghost Tera IconGhost Steel Tera IconSteel
Fire Tera IconFire Water Tera IconWater Grass Tera IconGrass
Electric Tera IconElectric Psychic Tera IconPsychic Ice Tera IconIce
Dragon Tera IconDragon Dark Tera IconDark Fairy Tera IconFairy

Sandwiches by Taste

All Sandwiches and Recipes by Taste
Sour Sandwich Recipes Sweet Sandwich Recipes
Salty Sandwich Recipes Bitter Sandwich Recipes
Spicy Sandwich Recipes -

Herba Mystica Guides

List of Herba Mystica
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Salty Herba Mystica Sandwich IngredientSalty Herba Mystica Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Sour Herba Mystica Sandwich IngredientSour Herba Mystica Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Sweet Herba Mystica Sandwich IngredientSweet Herba Mystica
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Spicy Herba Mystica Sandwich IngredientSpicy Herba Mystica Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Bitter Herba Mystica Sandwich IngredientBitter Herba Mystica

How to Farm Herba Mystica


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