Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Best Spot to Hunt Shiny Combee and Differences

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Shiny Combee

Get a Shiny Combee in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) by shiny hunting at North Province (Area Three) and eating a Sandwich with Sparkling Power: Bug and Encounter Power: Bug. Read on to learn how to get Shiny Combee, the best spot to hunt the Shiny, and other things you should do to improve your odds of finding a Shiny Combee!

Shiny Combee Differences

Normal and Shiny Combee Comparison

Combee Shiny Combee
Combee ImageCombee Combee ImageCombee

A Shiny Combee is colored orange rather than yellow.

Best Spot to Hunt Shiny Combee

East of North Province (Area Three)

Map Location Overworld Location

The best spot to hunt a Shiny Combee is at the East North Province (Area Three).

Fly to North Province (Area Three) Pokemon Center and Make a Sparkling Power Sandwich

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Shiny Combee Landmark

Fly to the North Province (Area Three) Pokemon Center and turn off auto-save. Save your game and create a Sandwich with Sparkling Power: Bug and Encounter Power: Bug.

Once you reach the Pokemon Center, ride towards the path beside the Team Star's Fairy Base and group of Vespiquen with mini Combee will be there. Thanks to the Sparkling Sandwich you made, plenty of Combee will then start spawning in the area.

Despawn and Respawn Pokemon in the Area

There is a huge space to cover in this area so it will be a great idea to roam around to see groups of Combee around. Alternatively, you can set up a picnic and pack it up again to respawn a new set of Combee. Keep doing either of the two method until you find a Shiny Combee.

Shiny Combee is Orange Instead of Yellow

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Combee Difference

Instead of Yellow, a shiny Combee will be Orange in color. It may be difficult to see the difference since the color schemes are too close to each other, but watch out for an Orange Combee and it will turn out to be a shiny Combee!

How to Get Shiny Combee

How to Get Shiny Combee

Prepare a Catcher Pokemon

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV Catching Pokemon

Before you start shiny hunting, make sure that you have a good catcher Pokemon first. We recommend getting a Persian, Breloom, or a Gallade since these Pokemon have access to False Swipe and a status move.

Best Pokemon for Catching

Stock Up on Poke Balls

Catching Pokemon - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Make sure that you stock up on Poke Balls as well! There are many kinds of Poke Balls that you can use and some of them work better on certain times of day or on certain types of Pokemon.

Use a Quick Ball at the start of the encounter to further increase your chances of catching the Shiny Pokemon! If the Quick Ball doesn't work, use Net Balls as it is effective for Bug-type Pokemon like Combee.

Best Poke Balls to Use

Complete the Pokedex to Get the Shiny Charm

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV Jacq Gives Shiny Charm

We also recommend getting the Shiny Charm to further increase your odds of finding a Shiny Pokemon.

This item can be obtained by completing the Pokedex and talking to Jacq at the academy.

How to Complete the Pokedex and Rewards

Unlock 5 and 6 Star Tera Raid Battles

6-Star Tera Raid Map Icon - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Before you can start shiny hunting with better odds, you need to complete the main story and Post-Game first. Doing so will unlock 5 and 6-Star Tera Raid Battles and allow you to farm Herba Mystica.

How to Increase Tera Raid Star Level

Turn Off Auto-Save

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV Auto Save Off

Next, you need to turn off Auto-Save so you'll have full control of when to save and reload the game. With this, you can save just before an important event and reload the game if you didn't get a favorable outcome.

How to Save Your Game

Make a Sandwich With Sparkling and Encounter Power

Type Ingredient Herba Mystica
Bug Tera IconBug Any 2 Herba Mystica except
✖️Sweet + Sour
✖️Sweet + Sweet
✖️Sour + Sour

Next, you need to make a Sandwich with a Sparkling Power: Bug and Encounter Power: Bug. The table above shows which ingredients you need to make a Shiny Sandwich. Make sure you have these ingredients before making the sandwich.

Once you have all the ingredients, save your game and set up a picnic. Interact with the table and create the Shiny sandwich in "Creative Mode". From this point forward in the shiny hunting process, you are not to save your game anymore. This is to ensure that the Herba Mystica you used for your sandwich won't be put to waste in case you didn't get a Shiny Combee.

How to Make Sparkling Power Sandwiches

Farm Herba Mystica

Herba Mystica are essential when making a Sandwich with Sparkling Power and you can farm them by clearing 5-star or 6-Star Tera Raid Battles.

Each of the five types of Herba Mystica only drops from specific Tera Raid Pokemon. Check out the tables below for some of the 5-Star and 6-Star Tera Raid Pokemon that you need to battle for the Herba Mystica you need!

5-Star Tera Raids and Herba Mystica Drops

Herba Mystica 5-Star Raid Pokemon to Fight
Multiple Herba Mystica
Blissey Image Gengar Image Drifblim Image Amoonguss Image Palafin Image Eelektross Image Glalie Image Cetitan Image
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Salty Herba Mystica Sandwich IngredientSalty Herba Mystica
Greedent Image Corvisquire Image Blissey Image Coalossal Image Copperajah Image Bronzong Image Vaporeon Image Farigiraf Image Amoonguss Image Hippowdon Image Slowbro Image Cloyster Image Cetitan Image Avalugg Image Dondozo Image
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Sour Herba Mystica Sandwich IngredientSour Herba Mystica
Blissey Image Mismagius Image Florges Image Goodra Image Vaporeon Image Farigiraf Image Amoonguss Image Altaria Image Gothitelle Image Mimikyu Image Hatterene Image Slowking Image Dragalge Image Cetitan Image Dondozo Image
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Sweet Herba Mystica Sandwich IngredientSweet Herba Mystica
Talonflame Image Blissey Image Raichu Image Vaporeon Image Farigiraf Image Amoonguss Image Ditto Image Weavile Image Sableye Image Noivern Image Dragapult Image Delibird Image Froslass Image Cetitan Image Dondozo Image
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Spicy Herba Mystica Sandwich IngredientSpicy Herba Mystica
Gallade Image Slaking Image Tsareena Image Breloom Image Flapple Image Garchomp Image Gyarados Image Haxorus Image Arcanine Image Paldean Tauros (Fighting/Fire Form) Image Paldean Tauros (Fighting/Water Form) Image Indeedee (Female) Image Grimmsnarl Image Dragonite Image Braviary Image
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Bitter Herba Mystica Sandwich IngredientBitter Herba Mystica
Gardevoir Image Arboliva Image Appletun Image Camerupt Image Armarouge Image Eevee Image Vaporeon Image Toxtricity (Amped Form) Image Magnezone Image Zoroark Image Volcarona Image Glimmora Image Pincurchin Image Hydreigon Image Tatsugiri Image

6-Star Tera Raids and Herba Mystica Drops

Herba Mystica 6-Star Raid Pokemon to Fight
Multiple Herba Mystica
Blissey Image Vaporeon Image Farigiraf Image Amoonguss Image Cetitan Image Dondozo Image
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Salty Herba Mystica Sandwich IngredientSalty Herba Mystica
Blissey Image Pelipper Image Torkoal Image Vaporeon Image Farigiraf Image Amoonguss Image Klawf Image Hippowdon Image Cetitan Image Avalugg Image Dondozo Image
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Sour Herba Mystica Sandwich IngredientSour Herba Mystica
Blissey Image Clodsire Image Goodra Image Vaporeon Image Umbreon Image Farigiraf Image Amoonguss Image Toedscruel Image Frosmoth Image Cetitan Image Dondozo Image
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Sweet Herba Mystica Sandwich IngredientSweet Herba Mystica
Blissey Image Maushold Image Vaporeon Image Jolteon Image Farigiraf Image Grafaiai Image Amoonguss Image Ditto Image Cyclizar Image Cetitan Image Dondozo Image
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Spicy Herba Mystica Sandwich IngredientSpicy Herba Mystica
Blissey Image Gyarados Image Vaporeon Image Flareon Image Leafeon Image Farigiraf Image Amoonguss Image Scizor Image Pincurchin Image Cetitan Image Dondozo Image
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Bitter Herba Mystica Sandwich IngredientBitter Herba Mystica
Blissey Image Gardevoir Image Vaporeon Image Espeon Image Glaceon Image Sylveon Image Farigiraf Image Amoonguss Image Glimmora Image Cetitan Image Dondozo Image

How to Farm Herba Mystica

Start Shiny Hunting

Now that everything's been set up, you can start shiny hunting! The effects of the sandwich you made will last for 30 minutes so you'll have until then to find a Shiny Combee.

Unlike in Legends Arceus, Shiny Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet do not sparkle nor make a sound so make sure to keep your eyes peeled.

Shiny Hunting Guide and Shiny Odds

Despawn and Respawn Pokemon in the Area

Roam around North Province (Area Three) to despawn and respawn Combee in the area until a shiny spawns. You can also respawn a new set by setting up a picnic and packing it up again.

Watch Out For Shiny Vespiquen!

Vespiquen Shiny Vespiquen
Vespiquen ImageVespiquen Vespiquen ImageVespiquen

As Vespiquen will be spawning with boosted shiny odds as well, keep your eyes peeled for a shiny variant with an Orange color palette!

Watch Out For Shiny Vivillon!

Vivillon Shiny Vivillon
Vivillon ImageVivillon Vivillon ImageVivillon

The area is also home to the Bug-type, Vivillon so it will be spawning with boosted shiny odds as well. It can be tricky to differentiate this shiny so keep your eyes peeled for a shiny variant with a Green wings but a white body!

Save the Game When You See a Shiny Combee

If you see a Shiny Combee, save your game before trying to catch it. This is so you can reload the game at the moment you saw the Shiny Pokemon in case you accidentally kill it.

Reload the Game If You Didn't Find a Shiny

If you weren't able to find the Shiny Pokemon within 30 minutes, reload the game so it takes you back to the time before you made your sandwich. Repeat the process all over again untl you find a Shiny Combee!

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

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All Shiny Pokemon Guides

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Pokedex

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokedex Banner

Pokedex: All Confirmed Pokemon

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All New Pokemon

Starter Pokemon
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Sprigatito.pngSprigatito Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Fuecoco.pngFuecoco Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Quaxly.pngQuaxly
Legendary Pokemon
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - KoraidonKoraidon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - MiraidonMiraidon
The Four Treasures of Ruin
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Paradox Pokemon
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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Roaring MoonRoaring Moon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron ValiantIron Valiant

Pokemon by Type

All Pokemon Types
Grass TypeGrass Water TypeWater Fire TypeFire
Electric TypeElectric Ice TypeIce Fighting TypeFighting
Ground TypeGround Poison TypePoison Flying TypeFlying
Psychic TypePsychic Bug TypeBug Rock TypeRock
Ghost TypeGhost Dragon TypeDragon Dark TypeDark
Steel TypeSteel Fairy TypeFairy Normal TypeNormal
Best Pokemon by Type
Grass Water Fire
Electric Ice Fighting
Ground Poison Flying
Psychic Bug Rock
Ghost Dragon Dark
Steel Fairy Normal

All Pokemon by Generation

Pokemon Generations
Generation 1 PokemonGeneration 1 Generation 2 PokemonGeneration 2 Generation 3 PokemonGeneration 3
Generation 4 PokemonGeneration 4 Generation 5 PokemonGeneration 5 Generation 6 PokemonGeneration 6
Generation 7 PokemonGeneration 7 Generation 8 PokemonGeneration 8 Generation 9 PokemonGeneration 9

All Pokemon by Egg Group

List of Egg Groups
Amorphous Bug Ditto
Dragon Fairy Field
Flying Grass Human-Like
Mineral Monster Undiscovered
Water 1 Water 2 Water 3

Other Pokemon Lists

Pokemon Lists
Paldean Forms Convergent Species
Version Exclusives Returning Pokemon
All Pokemon by Base Stats Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon
List of Pokemon by EV Yield Pokemon Speed Ranking
Unobtainable Pokemon Genderless Pokemon
Shiny Pokemon


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