Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

List of Physical Moves

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Ceruledge Physical Move
Physical Moves draw power from the user's Attack Stat. Read on to see the list of all Physical moves in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

List of Physical Moves

Move Type Power Acc. PP
Accelerock Rock 40 100 20
Acrobatics Flying 55 100 15
Aerial Ace Flying 60 - 20
Aqua Cutter Water 70 100 20
Aqua Jet Water 40 100 20
Aqua Step Water 80 100 10
Aqua Tail Water 90 90 10
Arm Thrust Fighting 15 100 20
Assurance Dark 60 100 10
Astonish Ghost 30 100 15
Attack Order Bug 90 100 15
Aura Wheel Electric 110 100 10
Avalanche Ice 60 100 10
Axe Kick Fighting 120 90 10
Barb Barrage Poison 60 100 10
Beak Blast Flying 100 100 15
Beat Up Dark - 100 10
Behemoth Bash Steel 100 100 5
Behemoth Blade Steel 100 100 5
Bind Normal 15 85 20
Bite Dark 60 100 25
Bitter Blade Fire 90 100 10
Blaze Kick Fire 85 90 10
Body Press Fighting 80 100 10
Body Slam Normal 85 100 15
Bolt Strike Electric 130 85 5
Bone Rush Ground 25 90 10
Bounce Flying 85 85 5
Branch Poke Grass 40 100 40
Brave Bird Flying 120 100 15
Breaking Swipe Dragon 60 100 15
Brick Break Fighting 75 100 15
Brutal Swing Dark 60 100 20
Bug Bite Bug 60 100 20
Bulldoze Ground 60 100 20
Bullet Punch Steel 40 100 30
Bullet Seed Grass 25 100 30
Ceaseless Edge Dark 65 90 15
Circle Throw Fighting 60 90 10
Close Combat Fighting 120 100 5
Collision Course Fighting 100 100 5
Comeuppance Dark - 100 10
Counter Fighting - 100 20
Covet Normal 60 100 25
Crabhammer Water 100 90 10
Cross Chop Fighting 100 80 5
Cross Poison Poison 70 100 20
Crunch Dark 80 100 15
Crush Claw Normal 75 95 10
Crush Grip Normal - 100 5
Darkest Lariat Dark 85 100 10
Diamond Storm Rock 100 95 5
Dig Ground 80 100 10
Dire Claw Poison 80 100 15
Dive Water 80 100 10
Double Hit Normal 35 90 10
Double Kick Fighting 30 100 30
Double Shock Electric 120 100 5
Double-Edge Normal 120 100 15
Dragon Ascent Flying 120 100 5
Dragon Claw Dragon 80 100 15
Dragon Darts Dragon 50 100 10
Dragon Hammer Dragon 90 100 15
Dragon Rush Dragon 100 75 10
Dragon Tail Dragon 60 90 10
Drain Punch Fighting 75 100 10
Drill Peck Flying 80 100 20
Drill Run Ground 80 95 10
Drum Beating Grass 80 100 10
Dual Wingbeat Flying 40 90 10
Dynamic Punch Fighting 100 50 5
Earthquake Ground 100 100 10
Endeavor Normal - 100 5
Explosion Normal 250 100 5
Extreme Speed Normal 80 100 5
Facade Normal 70 100 20
Fake Out Normal 40 100 10
False Surrender Dark 80 - 10
False Swipe Normal 40 100 40
Feint Normal 30 100 10
Fell Stinger Bug 50 100 25
Fire Fang Fire 65 95 15
Fire Lash Fire 80 100 15
Fire Punch Fire 75 100 15
First Impression Bug 90 100 10
Fissure Ground - ? 5
Flail Normal - 100 15
Flame Charge Fire 50 100 20
Flame Wheel Fire 60 100 25
Flare Blitz Fire 120 100 15
Fling Dark - 100 10
Flip Turn Water 60 100 20
Flower Trick Grass 70 - 10
Fly Flying 90 95 15
Flying Press Fighting 100 95 10
Focus Punch Fighting 150 100 20
Force Palm Fighting 60 100 10
Foul Play Dark 95 100 15
Freeze Shock Ice 140 90 5
Fury Attack Normal 15 85 20
Fury Cutter Bug 40 95 20
Fury Swipes Normal 18 80 15
Fusion Bolt Electric 100 100 5
Giga Impact Normal 150 90 5
Gigaton Hammer Steel 160 100 5
Glacial Lance Ice 130 100 5
Glaive Rush Dragon 120 100 5
Grassy Glide Grass 55 100 20
Grav Apple Grass 80 100 10
Guillotine Normal - - 5
Gunk Shot Poison 120 80 5
Gyro Ball Steel - 100 5
Hammer Arm Fighting 100 90 10
Hard Press Steel - 100 10
Head Smash Rock 150 80 5
Headbutt Normal 70 100 15
Headlong Rush Ground 120 100 5
Heat Crash Fire - 100 10
Heavy Slam Steel - 100 10
High Horsepower Ground 95 95 10
High Jump Kick Fighting 130 90 10
Horn Attack Normal 65 100 25
Horn Drill Normal - 30 5
Horn Leech Grass 75 100 10
Hyper Drill Normal 100 100 5
Hyperspace Fury Dark 100 - 5
Ice Fang Ice 65 95 15
Ice Hammer Ice 100 90 10
Ice Punch Ice 75 100 15
Ice Shard Ice 40 100 30
Ice Spinner Ice 80 100 15
Icicle Crash Ice 85 90 10
Icicle Spear Ice 25 100 30
Iron Head Steel 80 100 15
Iron Tail Steel 100 75 15
Ivy Cudgel Grass 100 100 10
Jaw Lock Dark 80 100 10
Jet Punch Water 60 100 15
Knock Off Dark 65 100 20
Kowtow Cleave Dark 85 - 10
Lash Out Dark 75 100 5
Last Resort Normal 140 100 5
Last Respects Ghost 50 100 10
Leaf Blade Grass 90 100 15
Leafage Grass 40 100 40
Leech Life Bug 80 100 10
Lick Ghost 30 100 30
Liquidation Water 85 100 10
Low Kick Fighting - 100 20
Low Sweep Fighting 65 100 20
Lunge Bug 80 100 15
Mach Punch Fighting 40 100 30
Mega Kick Normal 120 75 5
Mega Punch Normal 80 85 20
Megahorn Bug 120 85 10
Metal Burst Steel - 100 10
Metal Claw Steel 50 95 35
Meteor Mash Steel 90 90 10
Mighty Cleave Rock 95 100 5
Mortal Spin Poison 30 100 15
Mountain Gale Ice 100 85 10
Night Slash Dark 70 100 15
Nuzzle Electric 20 100 20
Order Up Dragon 80 100 10
Outrage Dragon 120 100 10
Pay Day Normal 40 100 20
Payback Dark 50 100 10
Peck Flying 35 100 35
Petal Blizzard Grass 90 100 15
Phantom Force Ghost 90 100 10
Pin Missile Bug 25 95 20
Play Rough Fairy 90 90 10
Pluck Flying 60 100 20
Poison Fang Poison 50 100 15
Poison Jab Poison 80 100 20
Poison Sting Poison 15 100 35
Poison Tail Poison 50 100 25
Poltergeist Ghost 110 90 5
Population Bomb Normal 20 90 10
Pounce Bug 50 100 20
Pound Normal 40 100 35
Power Trip Dark 20 100 10
Power Whip Grass 120 85 10
Precipice Blades Ground 120 85 10
Present Normal - 90 15
Psyblade Psychic 80 100 15
Psychic Fangs Psychic 85 100 10
Psycho Cut Psychic 70 100 20
Pyro Ball Fire 120 90 5
Quick Attack Normal 40 100 30
Rage Fist Ghost 50 100 10
Raging Bull Normal 90 100 10
Raging Fury Fire 120 100 10
Rapid Spin Normal 20 100 40
Razor Leaf Grass 55 95 25
Razor Shell Water 75 95 10
Retaliate Normal 70 100 5
Reversal Fighting - 100 15
Rock Blast Rock 25 90 10
Rock Slide Rock 75 90 10
Rock Smash Fighting 40 100 15
Rock Throw Rock 50 90 15
Rock Tomb Rock 60 95 15
Rock Wrecker Rock 150 90 5
Rollout Rock 30 90 20
Sacred Fire Fire 100 95 5
Sacred Sword Fighting 90 100 15
Salt Cure Rock 40 100 15
Sand Tomb Ground 35 85 15
Scale Shot Dragon 25 90 20
Scratch Normal 40 100 35
Seed Bomb Grass 80 100 15
Seismic Toss Fighting - 100 20
Self-Destruct Normal 200 100 5
Shadow Claw Ghost 70 100 15
Shadow Force Ghost 120 100 5
Shadow Punch Ghost 60 - 20
Shadow Sneak Ghost 40 100 30
Skitter Smack Bug 70 90 10
Sky Attack Flying 140 90 5
Slam Normal 80 75 20
Slash Normal 70 100 20
Smack Down Rock 50 100 15
Smart Strike Steel 70 - 10
Solar Blade Grass 125 100 10
Spin Out Steel 100 100 5
Spirit Break Fairy 75 100 15
Spirit Shackle Ghost 80 100 10
Steel Roller Steel 130 100 5
Steel Wing Steel 70 90 25
Stomp Normal 65 100 20
Stomping Tantrum Ground 75 100 10
Stone Axe Rock 65 90 15
Stone Edge Rock 100 80 5
Strength Normal 80 100 15
Struggle Normal 50 - 1
Sucker Punch Dark 70 100 5
Sunsteel Strike Steel 100 100 5
Super Fang Normal - 90 10
Supercell Slam Electric 100 95 15
Superpower Fighting 120 100 5
Surging Strikes Water 25 100 5
Tackle Normal 40 100 35
Tail Slap Normal 25 85 10
Take Down Normal 90 85 20
Temper Flare Fire 75 100 10
Thief Dark 60 100 25
Thrash Normal 120 100 10
Throat Chop Dark 80 100 15
Thunder Fang Electric 65 95 15
Thunder Punch Electric 75 100 15
Thunderous Kick Fighting 90 100 10
Trailblaze Grass 50 100 20
Triple Arrows Fighting 90 100 10
Triple Axel Ice 20 90 10
Triple Dive Water 30 95 10
Triple Kick Fighting 10 90 10
Trop Kick Grass 70 100 15
U-turn Bug 70 100 20
Upper Hand Fighting 65 100 15
Vine Whip Grass 45 100 25
Vise Grip Normal 55 100 30
Volt Tackle Electric 120 100 15
Waterfall Water 80 100 15
Wave Crash Water 120 100 10
Wicked Blow Dark 75 100 5
Wild Charge Electric 90 100 15
Wing Attack Flying 60 100 35
Wood Hammer Grass 120 100 15
Wrap Normal 15 90 20
X-Scissor Bug 80 100 15
Zen Headbutt Psychic 80 90 15
Zing Zap Electric 80 100 10

Physical Moves Overview

Most of these moves make contact with the target and this triggers unique interactions with items, abilities, and other moves.

For example, if you use a Physical Attack to a Pikachu with a Static ability, there is a chance that will you become paralyzed.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Moves Banner

List of All Moves

Moves by Type and Category

Moves by Type
Grass TypeGrass Water TypeWater Fire TypeFire
Electric TypeElectric Ice TypeIce Fighting TypeFighting
Ground TypeGround Poison TypePoison Flying TypeFlying
Psychic TypePsychic Bug TypeBug Rock TypeRock
Ghost Type,Ghost Dragon TypeDragon Dark TypeDark
Steel TypeSteel Fairy TypeFairy Normal TypeNormal
Moves by Category
Physical IconPhysical Special IconSpecial Status IconStatus
Moves by Effects
Stat-Boosting Moves Stat-Reducing Moves Status-Inflicting Moves
Moves that Never Miss Moves that Set Entry Hazards Sound-Based Moves
High-Critical Hit Moves Moves that Change Weather Moves that Change Terrain
Powder/Spore Moves Moves that Restore HP Redirection Moves
Multi-Hit Moves One-Hit Knockout Moves Trapping Moves
Moves with Recoil Damage List of Priority Moves Moves that Block Attacks
Status Restoring Moves Switching Moves Wind Moves
List of Set Damage Moves Moves That Remove Screens List of Moves Boosted When Terastallized
Other Move Guides
All Gen 9 New Moves Unavailable
List of New DLC Moves
Returning DLC Moves The Teal Mask DLC New TMs The Indigo Disk DLC New TMs


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