Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

All Chairs and Corresponding Tablecloths Locations

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Pokemon SV The Teal Mask DLC - B&W Grass Chairs.png

In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)'s DLC: The Teal Mask, you can obtain chairs with a specific pattern if you have unlocked the matching Tablecloth pattern. Collecting every type of chair will reward you with a set of Herba Mystica from the Chairmaker! Here's a list of every Chair available, where to get them, and which Tablecloth you need in order to unlock a specific pattern.

List of Chairs and Corresponding Tablecloths

Chair Required Tablecloth
Simple ChairsSimple Chairs Available by Default
Academy Chairs (Scarlet)Academy Chairs (Scarlet) Academy Tablecloth (Scarlet)
Scarlet Exclusive
Academy Chairs (Violet)Academy Chairs (Violet) Academy Tablecloth (Violet)
Violet Exclusive
Spooky ChairsSpooky Chairs Spooky Tablecloth
Levincia | ₽4000
Plaid Chairs (Y)Plaid Chairs (Y) Plaid Tablecloth (Y)
Cascarrafa | ₽3000
Plaid Chairs (B)Plaid Chairs (B) Plaid Tablecloth (B)
Cascarrafa | ₽3000
Plaid Chairs (R)Plaid Chairs (R) Plaid Tablecloth (R)
Cascarrafa | ₽3000
B&W Grass ChairsB&W Grass Chairs B&W Grass Tablecloth
Cortondo | Complete the Olive Roll in less than 2:30
Battle ChairsBattle Chairs Battle Tablecloth
Cascarrafa | ₽4000
Diamond ChairsDiamond Chairs Diamond Tablecloth
Levincia | ₽1500
Polka-Dot ChairsPolka-Dot Chairs Polka-Dot Tablecloth
Cascarrafa | ₽1500
Yellow ChairsYellow Chairs Yellow Tablecloth
Levincia | ₽5000
Blue ChairsBlue Chairs Blue Tablecloth
Levincia | ₽5000
Pink ChairsPink Chairs Pink Tablecloth
Levincia | ₽5000
Monstrous ChairsMonstrous Chairs Monstrous Tablecloth
Mesagoza | ₽2000
Leafy ChairsLeafy Chairs Leafy Tablecloth
Mesagoza | ₽2000
Whimsical ChairsWhimsical Chairs Whimsical Tablecloth
Mesagoza | ₽2000
Striped ChairsStriped Chairs Striped Tablecloth
Mesagoza | ₽1500
Peach ChairsPeach Chairs Peach Tablecloth
Mesagoza | ₽1000
Mint ChairsMint Chairs Mint Tablecloth
Mesagoza | ₽1000
Lilac ChairsLilac Chairs Lilac Tablecloth
Mesagoza | ₽1000

Where Can You Get Chairs

Obtained from The Chair Maker in Kitakami

Pokemon SV The Teal Mask DLC - Chair Maker.png

Chairs can only be obtained from the Chair Maker located at Reveler's Road in front of the fly point near Kitakami Hall. By completing the Chairmaker's Side Quest and getting every type of chair made, he will reward you with a set of Herba Mystica, containing 2 of each type!
Chair Maker NPC Sidequest Rewards and How to Get All Tablecloths

Pokemon Scarlet and Scarlet Related Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Items Banner

List of All Items and Effects

List of All Item Categories

Item Categories
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Poke BallsPoke Balls Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Evolution Stones Evolution Stones Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TMs.pngTMs Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Medicine (Recovery Items) Medicine
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - BerriesBerries Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - VitaminsVitamins Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Held ItemsHeld Items Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Battle ItemsBattle Items
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Key ItemsKey Items Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Evolution ItemsEvolution Items Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Treasures (Valuable Items)Treasures Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Training ItemsTraining Items
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Mints.pngMints Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Tera ShardsTera Shards Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - MaterialsTM Materials Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Sandwiches IngredientsIngredients
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Picnic Items.pngPicnic Items

All Picnic Items

List of Balls

Academy Ball (Scarlet) Academy Ball (Violet) Cyber Ball Exercise Ball
Marill Ball Yarn Ball

List of Bottles

Academy Bottle (Scarlet) Academy Bottle (Violet) Blue Bottle Bronze Bottle
Diamond Bottle Gold Bottle Pink Bottle Polka-Dot Bottle
Silver Bottle Steel Bottle (B) Steel Bottle (R) Steel Bottle (Y)
Striped Bottle Yellow Bottle

List of Dishes

Green Dish

List of Cups

Academy Cup (Scarlet) Academy Cup (Violet) Barred Cup Blue Cup
Bronze Cup Diamond Pattern Cup Eevee Cup Fire Pattern Cup
Flower Pattern Cup Gold Cup Pikachu Cup Pink Cup
Polka-Dot Cup Silver Cup Slowpoke Cup Striped Cup
Yellow Cup

List of Picks

Blue Poké Ball Pick Blue-Flag Pick Blue-Sky Flower Pick Gold Pick
Green Poké Ball Pick Heroic Sword Pick Magical Heart Pick Magical Star Pick
Parasol Pick Party Sparkler Pick Pika-Pika Pick Red Poké Ball Pick
Red-Flag Pick Silver Pick Smiling Vee Pick Sunrise Flower Pick
Sunset Flower Pick Vee-Vee Pick Winking Pika Pick

List of Tablecloths

Academy Tablecloth (Scarlet) Academy Tablecloth (Violet) B&W Grass Tablecloth Battle Tablecloth
Blue Tablecloth Diamond Tablecloth Leafy Tablecloth Lilac Tablecloth
Mint Tablecloth Monstrous Tablecloth Peach Tablecloth Pink Tablecloth
Plaid Tablecloth (B) Plaid Tablecloth (R) Plaid Tablecloth (Y) Polka-Dot Tablecloth
Spooky Tablecloth Striped Tablecloth Whimsical Tablecloth Yellow Tablecloth

List of Chairs

Academy Chairs (Scarlet) Academy Chairs (Violet) B&W Grass Chairs Battle Chairs
Blue Chairs Diamond Chairs Leafy Chairs Lilac Chairs
Mint Chairs Monstrous Chairs Peach Chairs Pink Chairs
Plaid Chairs (B) Plaid Chairs (R) Plaid Chairs (Y) Polka-Dot Chairs
Simple Chairs Spooky Chairs Striped Chairs Whimsical Chairs
Yellow Chairs

All Chairs and Corresponding Tablecloths Locations


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