Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

How to Beat Mewtwo 7-Star Tera Raid Event: Best Counters

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Pokemon Scarlet Violet - Mewtwo Raid Banner

The Tera Raid event that featured a Psychic Tera Type Mewtwo with the Mightiest Mark during the 7-Star Mewtwo Tera Raid Event has ended in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Learn the start and end date of this Tera Raid Event, how to beat Mewtwo, and the best builds for Mew and other counters like Calyrex Shadow Rider, Urshifu, Scizor, and more!

7-Star Unrivaled Mewtwo Raid Event Links
7-Star Unrivaled MewtwoImageEvent Details

and Counters
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) - 7-Star Unrivaled Mewtwo StrategiesTeam

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) - 7-Star Unrivaled Mewtwo HostingRaid Code

Sharing Board

7-Star Mewtwo Tera Raid Event Dates

7-Star Mewtwo Tera Raid is Now Over!

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - 7-Star Unrivaled Mewtwo Tera Raid Event
Schedule Start Date: 2023/09/1 00:00 UTC
End Date: 2023/09/17 23:59 UTC
Rewards 7-Star Mewtwo
Defeat "Mewtwo the Unrivaled" in a Black Crystal Tera Raid during the event and you'll get a Psychic Tera Type Mewtwo with the Mightiest Mark.
Treasures and Battle Items
Obtain various items which you can use to build battle-ready Pokemon or sell in stores for money.
Unlock Requirements Unlock 6-Star Tera Raid Battles to Participate
To do this, you'll need to complete the Academy Ace Tournament, then do 8-10 4-Star or 5-Star Raids until you get a call from Jacq.

The 7 Star Tera Raid Event featuring Mewtwo for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet has ended on September 17, 2023 23:59 UTC.

Just like previous 7-Star Events, Mewtwo that were caught in this event had the Mightiest Mark and have 6 perfect IVs, making it quite the prize!

In addition, any Mew that participated recieved the Mightiest Mark and gained a boost in all of its stats!

Mew Available via a Mystery Gift Code

Pokemon SV - My Own Mew
A Mystery Gift available now provides a Mew for all players to use against Mewtwo! It starts at level 5, so be sure to power it up before the event starts! Mew that participated in this raid will also recieve the Mightiest Mark.

Mew Mystery Gift Code

Mew Gets a Buff in Its Stats

Pokemon SV - Mew Goes All Out
If you choose to use Mew in this Raid, Mew gained a huge boost in all its stats! This made it the premiere option to use against the raid.

How to Find Mew in Boxes

Pokemon SV - Mew Search
Due to Mew not being native to Paldea, you cannot directly search for it using the Search Function in the Box. Instead, you have to manually search for the Pokemon by looking for a Psychic-Type with Synchronize that knows the move Life Dew.

Mewtwo Raid Codes and Groups

Game8 Pokemon Discord Community

Join our Pokemon Discord to share and find raid codes, form raid groups, decide roles and more to take on Mewtwo as effectively as possible! This is also your one-stop shop find everything Pokemon related!
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Mewtwo Raid Codes and Groups!

7-Star Mewtwo Tera Raid Moveset

Mewtwo Moveset and Abilities

Pokemon Set
Mewtwo ImageMewtwo
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon
Tera Type: Pokemon Psychic Type Icon
Ability: Unnerve (Hidden Ability)
IVs: 31 IVs in Every Stat
EVs: 252 Def / 6 SpA / 252 SpD
Nature: Modest
Item: Chesto Berry
Aura Sphere
Ice Beam
Calm Mind
Can also use:

Coverage Moves Using High Special Attack

Mewtwo hits a lot of Pokemon, including common counters, for Super Effective damage. Even without STAB, Mewtwo's base Special Attack of 154 makes it pose a serious threat even against well-built Pokemon.

Psystrike is a Special Damaging Move that Targets the Opponent's Def stat

Mewtwo's Signature Move, Psystrike, allows it to deal damage to your Pokemon's Physical Defense while scaling off of Mewtwo's Special Attack.

This means that you should prepare Pokemon that can resist or are even immune to Psychic Type moves so you can only focus on building a Specially Defensive Pokemon.

Aura Sphere and Ice Beam Covers for Mewtwo's Weaknesses

Since Mewtwo has a Psychic Tera type, it is weak against Ghost, Dark, and Bug type Pokemon. While using Pokemon with these types may seem like a good idea offensively, Mewtwo's learnset includes the move Aura Sphere and Ice Beam which could be potentially nasty for Pokemon like Hydreigon and other Dark type attackers.

Mewtwo Tera Raid Phases

Mewtwo Disables the Use of Berries

Upon starting the raid, you will notice Mewtwo's Hidden Ability, Unnerve, activate. This makes your Pokemon unable to eat their own Held Berries. This prevents you from relying on decreasing damage when you're trying to pull off OHKO strats.

Mewtwo Puts Up Shield at Turn 1

Mewtwo will put up its Shield at the first turn of the raid and start boosting up with Calm Mind. Make sure to bring moves like Snarl and Acid Spray to debilitate Mewtwo without the need for Status Moves.

Mewtwo Uses Rest After Shield Break

Mewtwo will heal its HP using Rest once its HP is lowered after its shield breaks. It will then eat the Chesto Berry it's holding to wake up immediately. You can prevent this from happening if you set up Electric Terrain or Misty Terrain right before Mewtwo's shield breaks.

Additionally, make sure to keep your HP topped up with Support Pokemon like Mew, Cresselia, or Hattrene to not run the timer through fainting.

Best Counter for 7-Star Mewtwo Raid: Mew!

Best Mew Tera Builds for 7-Star Mewtwo Raid
Solo Mew Build
Mew Solo Bug Tera Mew Solo Build
4 Mew Team Strategy
Mew Special Co-Op Mew Bug Tera Build Mew Support Support Mew Build
Other Tera Builds for 7-Star Unrivaled Mewtwo Raid

Best Mew Solo Build

Bug Tera Mew Raid Counter

Mew ImageMew
Psychic Type
Physical Type
Tera Type Nature
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Bug Type Moves Adamant
(Atk, Sp. Atk)
EV Spread
Ability Moveset
Synchronize Leech Life
Bulk Up
Held Item
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Silver Powder ImageSilver Powder

Mew is an amazing pick for this raid as it has excellent stat line and a wide move pool. This build makes use of the moves Amnesia and Bulk Up to efficiently tank Mewtwo's Attacks in order to safely attack with Leech Life. Mud-Slap is used at the start to efficiently lower Mewtwo's accuracy to score some free hits and buffs.

Solo Mewtwo Raid with Bug Tera Mew Build

Best 4 Mew Team Builds

Video Guide

Attacker Mew Raid Counter

Mew ImageMew
Psychic Type
Physical Type
Tera Type Nature
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Bug Type Moves Adamant
(Atk, Sp. Atk)
EV Spread
Ability Moveset
Synchronize Leech Life
Swords Dance
Struggle Bug
Light Screen
Held Item
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Metronome ImageMetronome

Mew is an amazing pick for this raid as it has excellent stat line and a wide move pool. This build makes use of the move Struggle Bug to efficiently lower Mewtwo's Special Attack in order to safely set up with Swords Dance.

Support Mew Raid Counter

Mew ImageMew
Psychic Type
Support Type
Tera Type Nature
Any Calm
(Sp.Def, Atk)
EV Spread
Ability Moveset
Synchronize Acid Spray
Life Dew
Misty Terrain
Light Screen
Held Item
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Light Clay ImageLight Clay

This build makes use of the move Life Dew to efficiently heal your allies.

Use Misty Terrain to prevent Mewtwo from using Rest after its shield is broken.

Best Mew Team Composition

Full Mew Team Counter Strategy for Mewtwo Raid
Turns MewBug Tera
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Metronome ImageMetronome
MewBug Tera
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Metronome ImageMetronome
MewBug Tera
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Metronome ImageMetronome
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Light Clay ImageLight Clay
#1 Struggle Bug Struggle Bug Struggle Bug Light Screen
#2~4 Swords Dance Swords Dance Swords Dance Life Dew
Defense Cheer
#5+ Leech Life Leech Life Leech Life Misty Terrain
Light Screen

This team composition takes advantage of the active buff Mew receives during the Mewtwo Tera Raid, as it receives HP and stat multipliers during the raid.

Best Mew Team to Beat Mewtwo Raid

Best Attackers and Supports for 7-Star Mewtwo Raid

Best Tera Builds for 7-Star Mewtwo Raid
Attacker Builds
Calyrex (Shadow) Gray Icon Calyrex (Shadow) Urshifu (Dark) Gray Icon Urshifu (Dark) Scizor Gray Icon Scizor Annihilape Gray Icon Annihilape
Support Builds
Hatterene Gray Hatterene Grimmsnarl Gray Grimmsnarl Sableye Gray Sableye Spiritomb Gray Icon Spiritomb Oranguru Gray Oranguru
Best Mew Builds for 7-Star Mewtwo Raid

Best Attacker Builds for Unrivaled Mewtwo

Calyrex Raid Counter

Calyrex (Shadow Rider) ImageCalyrex (Shadow Rider)
Psychic TypeGhost Type
Special Type
Tera Type Nature
Ghost Icon Modest
(↑Sp.Atk, ↓Atk)
EV Spread
Ability Moveset
As One (Shadow Rider) Snarl
Nasty Plot
Astral Barrage
Held Item
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Life Orb ImageLife Orb

This Tera Raid build by @saburoh326 sets up Shadow Rider Calyrex to one shot Mewtwo with a support Mew by raising its Special Attack stat while lowering the raid boss' Special Defense.

Calyrex Best Tera Raid Build

Urshifu Single-Strike Raid Counter

Urshifu Single-Strike Style ImageUrshifu Single-Strike Style
Fighting TypeDark Type
Physical Type
Tera Type Nature
Dark Icon Adamant
(↑Atk, ↓Sp.Atk)
EV Spread
Ability Moveset
Unseen Fist Swords Dance
Wicked Blow
Drain Punch
Held Item
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Shell Bell ImageShell Bell

This strategy is credited to @VictyLusi494 from X.

Urshifu Single-Strike is a great choice thanks to it's Dark Typing making it immune to Psystrike. Urshifu also has a great Attack stat which is essential againt Mewtwo since it will always have a high Sp. Def. thanks to Calm Mind.

Urshifu Single-Strike Style
Best Tera Raid Build

Scizor Raid Counter

Scizor ImageScizor
Bug TypeSteel Type
Physical Type
Tera Type Nature
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Bug Type Moves Adamant
(Atk, Sp.Atk)
EV Spread
Ability Moveset
Technician X-Scissor
Light Screen
Swords Dance
Fury Cutter
Held Item
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Shell Bell ImageShell Bell

Scizor is a great choice for this raid with its typing and great movepool. You can also easily obtain one if you have participated in the Prepare The Offense Tera Raid event.

The best ability for this build is Technician, as this build focuses on the ramping damage of Fury Cutter. Even if you miss with Fury Cutter, Technician will boost it up the turn after.

Scizor Best Tera Raid Build

Annihilape Raid Counter

Annihilape ImageAnnihilape
Fighting TypeGhost Type
Tera Type Nature
Ghost Icon Adamant
(Atk, Sp.Atk)
EV Spread
Ability Moveset
Defiant Rage Fist
Bulk Up
Drain Punch
Held Item
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Misty Seed ImageMisty Seed

This team strategy is based on Yamisquall78's Mew-less team strategy.

It relies on Annihilape tanking as many hits as possible to maximize Rage Fist's damage output and to use it repeatedly until Mewtwo is knocked out.

Annihilape Best Tera Raid Build

Best Support Builds for Unrivaled Mewtwo

Hatterene Raid Counter

Hatterene ImageHatterene
Psychic TypeFairy Type
Support Type
Tera Type Nature
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Psychic Type Moves Calm
(Sp.Def, Atk)
EV Spread
Ability Moveset
Healer Life Dew
Light Screen
Misty Terrain
Mystical Fire / Nuzzle
Held Item
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Light Clay ImageLight Clay

With its amazing typing and bulk, Hatterene makes an amazing supporter for this Tera Raid. Healer is the ability used to remove any freezes caused by Mewtwo's Ice Beam.

Hatterene Best Tera Raid Build

Grimmsnarl Raid Counter

Grimmsnarl ImageGrimmsnarl
Dark TypeFairy Type
Support Type
Tera Type Nature
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dark Type Moves Careful
(Sp.Def, Sp.Atk)
EV Spread
Ability Moveset
Prankster Spirit Break
Light Screen
Misty Terrain
Leech Life
Held Item
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Leftovers ImageLeftovers

With its amazing typing and Special Bulk, Grimmsnarl makes an amazing support for this Tera Raid. Prankster is the best ability for Grimmsnarl as it will alllow it to pull off a Light Screen before Mewtwo can attack.

Grimmsnarl Best Tera Raid Build

Sableye Raid Counter

Sableye ImageSableye
Dark TypeGhost Type
Support Type
Tera Type Nature
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dark Type Moves Calm
(Sp.Def, Atk)
EV Spread
Ability Moveset
Prankster Light Screen
Helping Hand
Held Item
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Bright Powder ImageBright Powder

With its amazing typing that makes it immune to a lot of Mewtwo's moves, Sableye is one of the premier supports for Mew especially if you're planning on hosting raids.

Prankster is the best ability for Sableye as it will alllow it to pull off a Light Screen before Mewtwo can attack.

Sableye Best Tera Raid Build

Spiritomb Raid Counter

Spiritomb ImageSpiritomb
Ghost TypeDark Type
Support Type
Tera Type Nature
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dark Type Moves Calm
(Sp.Def, Atk)
EV Spread
Ability Moveset
Pressure / Infiltrator Snarl
Calm Mind
Pain Split
Helping Hand
Held Item
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Leftovers ImageLeftovers

With its amazing typing that makes it immune to a lot of Mewtwo's moves, Spiritomb is one of the premier supports for Mew especially if you're planning on hosting raids.

Spiritomb Best Tera Raid Build

Oranguru Raid Counter

Oranguru ImageOranguru
Normal TypePsychic Type
Tera Type Nature
Psychic Icon Bold
(↑ Def, ↓ Atk)
EV Spread
Ability Moveset
Symbiosis Foul Play
Held Item
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Shell Bell ImageShell Bell

This Oranguru build is for supporting Annihilape for the Mew-less team strategy. It is able to use Instruct to allow Annihilape to repeatedly use Bulk Up and Rage Fist, as well as pass on its Shell Bell through Symbiosis.

Oranguru Best Tera Raid Build

7-Star Mewtwo Tera Raid Rewards

Mewtwo with Unrivaled Mark

Pokemon SV - Mightiest Mewtwo
Another great reward from conquering this raid is the opportunity to catch the Mewtwo itself. Keep in mind that it can only be caught once per save file.

Mewtwo, during the raid, will have its Hidden Ability Unnerve, has max IVs in every stat, and the unique Mightiest Mark which confers it the title of Mewtwo the Unrivaled.

Shiny Mewtwo Will Not Appear in Raids

You will not be able to encounter any Shiny Mewtwo for the entire duration of the raid event. If you want a Shiny Mewtwo, you need to soft-reset for one in an older game.

Mew with Unrivaled Mark

Pokemon SV - Mightiest Mew
The biggest reward from conquering this raid is the opportunity to get the Mightiest Mark on your Mew which confers it the title of Mew the Unrivaled. Keep in mind that only one Mark can be obtained per Mew that you own.

Additional Treasures and Battle Items

You can also get useful rewards for completing the Mewtwo Tera Raid. These range from treasures you can sell to items you can use to train competitively viable Pokemon. Furthermore, you can obtain some of these rewards as many times as you can as long as you clear the Mewtwo raid!

List of Rewards

7-Star Unrivaled Mewtwo Raid Event Rewards
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ability Capsule ImageAbility Capsule
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ability Patch ImageAbility Patch
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Big Nugget ImageBig Nugget
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Bottle Cap ImageBottle Cap
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Bright Powder ImageBright Powder
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Comet Shard ImageComet Shard
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Exp. Candy L ImageExp. Candy L
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Exp. Candy XL ImageExp. Candy XL
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Gold Bottle Cap ImageGold Bottle Cap
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - KingKing's Rock
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Modest Mint ImageModest Mint
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - PP Up ImagePP Up
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Psychic Tera Shard ImagePsychic Tera Shard
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Rare Candy ImageRare Candy

Best Sandwich for 7-Star Mewtwo Tera Raid

Raid Power: Psychic Lv. 3 Sandwich

Raid Power Psychic Vinegar Sandwich Lv. 3 - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)
Raid Power Psychic Vinegar Sandwich Lv. 3
Ingredients Meal Powers
・ Basil x1
・ Vinegar x1
・ Sweet Herba Mystica x1
・ Spicy Herba Mystica x1
・Sparkling Power: Psychic Lv. 3
・Title Power: Psychic Lv. 3
・Raid Power: Psychic Lv. 3

Sandwiches give various meal powers when consumed. If you want to gain even more rewards after defeating Mewtwo during its Raid Event, make sure to eat this sandwich before challenging the raid!

Meal Powers last for 30 minutes, so try to find and beat as many raids as possible during that time!
All Raid Power Sandwich Recipes

How to Join 7-Star Mewtwo Raid Event

Unlock 6-Star Tera Raids to Participate

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - 7-Star Tera Raid Battle  World View

Mewtwo normally cannot be found in Paldea, making the 7-Star Event Mewtwo quite the catch, but you have to fight it in a Black Crystal Tera Raid.

These raids are tough, so trainers will have to prepare in advance. It's also recommended to complete the post-game before you participate. Players who are in earlier points of the game can still join via Link Code, but it is highly discouraged since these 7-Star raids will be extremely difficult.

How to Unlock 6-Star Raids and List of Pokemon

Black Tera Raids vs. Normal Tera Raids

Remember that Black Tera Raid symbols on the map do not come in any other color except black. Meanwhile, normal Tera Raid symbols are colored according to the Tera Type of the Pokemon in them.

When you're looking for the Tera Raid with the 7-Star Mewtwo, keep your eyes peeled for a Black Tera Raid symbol on the map with the Psychic-type icon.

Black Crystal Tera Raid Battles

Join Online Event Tera Raids

Tera Raid Online Event Cards
You are able to join Event Raid Dens online. When the event is live, you can use our Tera Raid Board to coordinate a team to take it down!

Tera Raid Codes Board

How to Join Online Tera Raid Events

Nintendo Online Needed to Play with Others

SV - Tyranitar - Ghost Tera Type.png

To participate in the event with other players, you must have a paid Nintendo Switch Online membership, which is bought separately from the game.

Multiplayer Modes: All New Co-Op Adventure and Connectivity Options

Update Poke Portal News

Trainers must also make sure they have the latest version of Poke Portal News in their game. This should automatically download if your Switch is connected to the Internet.

How to Check Poke Portal News

1 Accessing Poke Portal News, first step - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)
Press the X Button and select "Poke Portal." Make sure your Switch is connected to the internet.
2 Accessing Poke Portal News, second step - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)
Select "Mystery Gift."
3 Accessing Poke Portal News, third step - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)
Select "Check Poke Portal News."

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - News Banner

Latest News and Game Info

DLC Epilogue

DLC Story Epilogue
Pokemon SV The Indigo Disk - DLC Story Epilogue DLC Story Epilogue
The story epilogue for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's
The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC is now live!
How to Start ・Complete Base Game, Teal Mask, Indigo Disk
・Complete Academy Ace Tournament
・Get Mythical Pecha Berry Mystery Gift

Current & Upcoming Tera Raid Events

Tera Raid Events
Event Description
No active Tera Raid Events!

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Current & Upcoming Tournaments, Online Competitions and Ranked Battle Season

Event Description
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Series GRanked Battle Regulation G
Ruleset: Paradox, Sub-Legendary, and Legendaries are allowed in Regulation G again!

Current Mystery Gift Codes

All Mystery Gift Codes
Code/Method Reward Start / End
Book Cover Rotom Phone CaseBook Cover Rotom Phone Case Feb 27, 2025
ELEMENTST0NES Fire StoneEvolution Stones Set 1 Nov 18, 2024
Dec 31, 2025
C0SM1CST0NES Sun StoneEvolution Stones Set 2 Nov 18, 2024
Dec 31, 2025
V1TAM1NS VitaminsVitamins Set Nov 18, 2024
Dec 31, 2025
Collect Serial Codes From Merchandise
Deoxys Normal FormeKeldeo OrdinaryZarude
Mythical Pokemon Campaign
Nov 22, 2024
April 30, 2025
NE0R0T0MC0VER Pokemon SV Neo-Kitakami Case Rotom Phone Icon.pngNeo-Kitakami Rotom Phone Case Jan 15, 2024
Pokemon HOME Dex Completion Reward Shiny MeloettaPokemon HOME Shiny Meloetta Permanent
Get via Internet
Mythical Pecha BerryMythical Pecha Berry N/A
Connect to Pokemon HOME
Gen 9 HA Starters
May 3, 2023
No Expiration

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Server Maintenance Status (November 2024)
No Scheduled Server Maintenance!

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2 Anonymousover 1 year

Does the attacker Mew having Def investment have something to do with the Psystrike?

1 Anonymousover 1 year

It would make more sense to increase a Support Mew's HP and Sp.Def EV's Not it's Sp. Attack and Sp.Def. Snarl and Acid Spray is meant to reduce damage from both sides respectively. IMO. I think giving mew more HP will help it's Support Build.


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