Civ 7 (Civilization VII) Walkthrough & Guides Wiki

Civilization 7

Welcome to Game8's guide wiki for the grand strategy game Sid Meier's Civilization VII! Check out everything there is to know about Civ 7, including leaders, civilizations, civics, units, wonders, latest news, strategy guides, tips and tricks, and more!

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Civilizations Wonders Great People
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Civilization VII (Civ 7) Recommended Guides

Civ 7 Recommended Guides Banner

Recommended Guides
How to Play Civ 7 Early Game Strategy Guide
The New Ages Diplomacy Guide
Best Military Mementos Best Culture Mementos
Ground Combat Guide Naval Exploration and Combat Guide
What Does Happiness Do How to Win Wars
Leader and Civ Guides
Best Leaders and Civilizations Tier Lists Best Science Leaders
Best Military Leaders Best Culture Leaders
Best Economic Leaders and Civs Best Science Civs
Best Culture Civs Best Culture Civs
Best Economic Mementos -
List Pages
List of Mementos List of All Governments
List of Policies List of Pantheons
All Unique Units -

Civilization VII (Civ 7) Tips and Tricks

Civ 7 Tips and Tricks

Beginner Tips and Tricks

All Tips and Tricks

Gameplay Mechanics
Adjacency Bonuses Army Commanders
Ageless Buildings Building Roads
Celebrations Codex (Codices)
Crisis Dark Age Legacies
Districts Factory Resources
Healing Units Independent People
Legacy Paths Migrants
Overbuilding Persistent Buildings
Quarters Repairing Buildings
Rural and Urban Districts Settlement Cap
Specialists Towns
Trade Range Trade Routes and Merchants
Treasure Fleets Treasure Resources
Upgrading Units Warehouse Buildings and Bonuses
Other Tips and Tricks
Where to Settle Where to Spend Gold
When to Build More Settlements What to Do Before and After Age Change
Best Settings Map Types Explained
Best Build Order Morse Code Event
Should I Accept Alliance? How to Change City Name
Should You Convert a Town Into a City? Can You Capture Settlers?
Where to Spend Influence? When to Incorporate City-States?
Can Scouts Auto Explore? Best Pantheon
Should You Rush Age Change? How to Incite Raid
How to Get Relics How to Get Artifacts
Fresh Water Tiles Why Can't You Build a Factory?
Distant Lands Revolutions
How to Get More Resource Slots Attribute Trees Guide
How to Get Tile Max Yield How to Found Religion and List of Beliefs
What is X Per Age? How to Defend and Conquer Cities
What is War Weariness and War Support? Zone of Control
How to Change the Capital Resource Map
Should You Melt or Construct Relic? -

Civilization VII (Civ 7) Leaders

List of All Leaders

All Leaders

All Civ 7 Leaders
Ada Lovelace (Upcoming) AminaAmina Ashoka (World Conqueror)Ashoka (World Conqueror)
Ashoka (World Renouncer)Ashoka (World Renouncer) AugustusAugustus Benjamin FranklinBenjamin Franklin
Catherine the GreatCatherine the Great CharlemagneCharlemagne ConfuciusConfucius
Friedrich (Baroque)Friedrich (Baroque) Friedrich (Oblique)Friedrich (Oblique) Harriet TubmanHarriet Tubman
HatshepsutHatshepsut Himiko (High Shaman)Himiko (High Shaman) Himiko (Queen of Wa)Himiko (Queen of Wa)
Ibn BattutaIbn Battuta IsabellaIsabella Jose RizalJose Rizal
LafayetteLafayette MachiavelliMachiavelli Napoleon (Emperor)Napoleon (Emperor)
Napoleon (Revolutionary)Napoleon (Revolutionary) PachacutiPachacuti Simon Bolivar (Upcoming)
TecumsehTecumseh Trung TracTrung Trac Xerxes (King of Kings)Xerxes (King of Kings)
Xerxes (The Achaemenid)Xerxes (The Achaemenid)

Leaders serve as the main representatives of your civilizations. Each has unique abilities and mementos that can be unlocked by leveling them up. More leaders will also be added in future updates.

Civilization VII (Civ 7) Civilizations

List of All Civs

All Antiquity Age Civilizations

Antiquity Age Civilizations
AksumAksum EgyptEgypt GreeceGreece
Han ChinaHan China KhmerKhmer Maurya IndiaMaurya India
MayaMaya MississippianMississippian PersiaPersia

These are all the civilizations available in the Antiquity Age, all accessible from the start. Each leader has a recommended starting civilization, but you’re free to choose any civilization at the beginning of the game.

All Exploration Age Civilizations

Exploration Age Civilizations
AbbasidAbbasid CholaChola HawaiHawai'i
IncaInca MajapahitMajapahit Ming ChinaMing China
MongoliaMongolia NormanNorman ShawneeShawnee
SonghaiSonghai SpainSpain

Most civilizations in the Exploration Age will be locked, requiring you to meet certain conditions to unlock them. Some methods include settling in coastal areas or expanding into mountain regions.

All Modern Age Civilizations

Modern Age Civilizations
AmericaAmerica BugandaBuganda French EmpireFrench Empire
Meiji JapanMeiji Japan MexicoMexico MughalMughal
PrussiaPrussia Qing ChinaQing China RussiaRussia

Like in the Exploration Age, Modern Age civilizations will also be locked until certain conditions are met. Even if you don’t unlock any from either age, you’ll still have a few choices, especially if a civilization is tied to a leader, such as Himiko for Meiji Japan.

Civilization VII (Civ 7) Wonders

Civ 7 Wonders
List of Wonders

All Wonders Guides

All Wonders Guides
List of Natural Wonders -

Provides Bonus Yields

Natural Wonders
Wonders are the in-game counterparts of world wonders. You can find them by exploring the map and researching Civics and Technologies. Building wonders and settling next to them provide adjacency bonuses, granting more yields for tiles.

Civilization VII (Civ 7) Great People

Civ 7 Great People
List of Great People

Unique Units with Bonuses

Great People

Great People are unique units tied to certain civilizations. They provide various buffs, such as granting additional sight or increasing happiness yields for specific buildings.

Civilization VII (Civ 7) Victory Types

Civ 7 - Victory Types

All Victory Conditions and Types

Modern Age Endings


Victories are the endings of each civilization you run. Each victory depends on how you develop your civilization, whether through culture, science, economics, or military runs.

Civilization VII (Civ 7) Civics

Civ7 - Civics

List of Civics

Research Centered on Philosophy and Ideology

Civ 7 - Civics
Civics are beliefs, ideologies, and philosophies that your civilization can study and implement. Each age offers different Civics, with some locked behind specific civilizations, such as Arrival of Hapi, which can only be unlocked by playing Egypt.

Civilization VII (Civ 7) Technologies

Civ 7 - Technologies

List of All Technologies

All Technologies

Antiquity Age Technologies

Civ 7AgricultureAgriculture Civ 7SailingSailing Civ 7PotteryPottery
Civ 7Animal HusbandryAnimal Husbandry Civ 7WritingWriting Civ 7IrrigationIrrigation
Civ 7MasonryMasonry Civ 7CurrencyCurrency Civ 7Bronze WorkingBronze Working
Civ 7The WheelThe Wheel Civ 7NavigationNavigation Civ 7EngineeringEngineering
Civ 7Military TrainingMilitary Training Civ 7MathematicsMathematics Civ 7Iron WorkingIron Working
Civ 7Future Tech (Antiquity)Future Tech (Antiquity)

Technologies in the Antiquity Age focus on improving basic livelihoods, such as farming, trading, education, and navigation. This is also the first stage of all three ages, where you build the foundation for the victory you want to pursue later on.

Exploration Age Technologies

Civ 7MachineryMachinery Civ 7AstronomyAstronomy Civ 7CartographyCartography
Civ 7CastlesCastles Civ 7HeraldryHeraldry Civ 7FeudalismFeudalism
Civ 7GuildsGuilds Civ 7MetallurgyMetallurgy Civ 7ShipbuildingShipbuilding
Civ 7EducationEducation Civ 7Metal CastingMetal Casting Civ 7ArchitectureArchitecture
Civ 7GunpowderGunpowder Civ 7Urban PlanningUrban Planning Civ 7Future Tech (Exploration)Future Tech (Exploration)

Technologies in the Exploration Age focus mostly on expansion, as you will need to explore distant lands to establish more settlements and meet more leaders.

Modern Age Technologies

Civ 7AcademicsAcademics Civ 7Steam EngineSteam Engine Civ 7Military ScienceMilitary Science
Civ 7ElectricityElectricity Civ 7UrbanizationUrbanization Civ 7CombustionCombustion
Civ 7IndustrializationIndustrialization Civ 7RadioRadio Civ 7FlightFlight
Civ 7Mass ProductionMass Production Civ 7MobilizationMobilization Civ 7ArmorArmor
Civ 7AerodynamicsAerodynamics Civ 7RocketryRocketry Civ 7Future Tech (Modern)Future Tech (Modern)

Technologies in the Modern Age focus on modernization, providing advanced tools that help you steer your actions toward your chosen victory path more quickly.

Civilization VII (Civ 7) Buildings

Civ 7 Buildings
List of Buildings and Improvements

Establishments for Towns and Cities


Buildings are establishments you can place on tiles to boost yields. Each age transition introduces new buildings, allowing you to overbuild for even higher yields. Ageless Buildings, however, do not change across ages.

Civilization VII (Civ 7) Units

Civ 7 Units
List of Units

Controllable People for Combat and Utilities


Units are controllable members of your civilization that serve different roles. Most provide combat capabilities, while others have specific functions, such as Merchants for Trade Routes, Missionaries for spreading religions, and Settlers for establishing towns.

Civilization VII (Civ 7) Resources

Civilization VII - Resources

List of All Resources

Natural Products for Civilizations

Resources are natural products that your civilization uses for commodities and trade. Many can be found on the map and may be claimed by expanding into them. However, some, like Treasure Resources, can only be accessed in Distant Lands.

Civilization VII (Civ 7) News

Civ 7 News and Updates

News and Updates

All Latest News and Updates

Patch Notes and Updates

Patch Release Date
Patch 1.0.1 February 6, 2025
Patch 2 (1.01) February 10, 2025
Patch 3 (1.0.1) February 12, 2025

Patch Notes and Updates

Other News

Game Length: How Long to Beat Is There Cross-Save and Cross-Progression?
Difficulty Levels Trailers and Previews
Who is the In-Game Narrator? Content Roadmap-
Upcoming DLCs Is There Crossplay in Civ 7?
Achievements New Map Type
Twitch Drops and How to Claim -

About Civilization VII (Civ 7)

Game Information

Release Date February 11, 2024
Full Title Side Meier's Civilization VII
Developer Firaxis Games
Price $69.99 - $129.99
Genre Grand Strategy
Platforms ・PC
・PS5 / PS4
・Xbox Series X|S / Xbox One
・Nintendo Switch
Website Official Website
Twitter Official Twitter Account
YouTube Official YouTube Account

All rights reserved

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