Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Headbutt Effect and Pokemon That Learn It

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Headbutt is a Normal-type Physical Move in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Learn about the move's type, power, accuracy, PP, and effect, as well as what Pokemon learn it.

Headbutt Effect and Type Effectiveness

Headbutt Effect

Effect Has a 30% chance of causing the opponent to flinch.
Type Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Normal Type Moves Category Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Physical Moves
Power 70 Accuracy 100
PP (Max PP) 15 (24) Target Single opponent
Priority 0 Contact?
Special Groups Moves Affected by Sheer Force

Headbutt Effectiveness

Super Effective
Not Very Effective (x0.5)
Pokemon Rock Type Icon Pokemon Steel Type Icon
No Effect
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon

Pokemon that Learn Headbutt

By Default

Seel ImageSeel Dewgong ImageDewgong Snorunt ImageSnorunt
Glalie ImageGlalie Cranidos ImageCranidos Rampardos ImageRampardos
Froslass ImageFroslass Scrafty ImageScrafty Eelektrik ImageEelektrik
Eelektross ImageEelektross

By Level Up

Slowpoke ImageSlowpoke (21) Galarian Slowpoke ImageGalarian Slowpoke (21) Slowbro ImageSlowbro (21)
Galarian Slowbro ImageGalarian Slowbro (21) Drowzee ImageDrowzee (13) Hypno ImageHypno (13)
Paldean Tauros (Fighting Form) ImagePaldean Tauros (Fighting Form) (20) Paldean Tauros (Fighting/Fire Form) ImagePaldean Tauros (Fighting/Fire Form) (20) Paldean Tauros (Fighting/Water Form) ImagePaldean Tauros (Fighting/Water Form) (20)
Slowking ImageSlowking (21) Galarian Slowking ImageGalarian Slowking (21) Snubbull ImageSnubbull (19)
Granbull ImageGranbull (19) Seedot ImageSeedot (21) Shroomish ImageShroomish (15)
Breloom ImageBreloom (15) Slakoth ImageSlakoth (14) Bagon ImageBagon (15)
Shelgon ImageShelgon (15) Salamence ImageSalamence (15) Basculin ImageBasculin (24)
Basculin (White Striped Form) ImageBasculin (White Striped Form) (24) Scraggy ImageScraggy (8) Deino ImageDeino (20)
Zweilous ImageZweilous (20) Hydreigon ImageHydreigon (20) Litleo ImageLitleo (11)
Pyroar ImagePyroar (11) Dewpider ImageDewpider (20) Araquanid ImageAraquanid (20)
Jangmo-o ImageJangmo-o (16) Hakamo-o ImageHakamo-o (16) Kommo-o ImageKommo-o (16)
Scorbunny ImageScorbunny (24) Raboot ImageRaboot (30) Cinderace ImageCinderace (30)
Chewtle ImageChewtle (21) Drednaw ImageDrednaw (21) Silicobra ImageSilicobra (20)
Sandaconda ImageSandaconda (20) Falinks ImageFalinks (15) Eiscue (Ice Face) ImageEiscue (Ice Face) (24)
Kubfu ImageKubfu (20) Urshifu Single-Strike Style ImageUrshifu Single-Strike Style (20) Urshifu Rapid-Strike Style ImageUrshifu Rapid-Strike Style (20)
Basculegion (Male) ImageBasculegion (Male) (24) Basculegion (Female) ImageBasculegion (Female) (24) Lechonk ImageLechonk (21)
Oinkologne (Female) ImageOinkologne (Female) (17) Oinkologne (Male) ImageOinkologne (Male) (23) Tarountula ImageTarountula (25)
Spidops ImageSpidops (28) Nacli ImageNacli (16) Naclstack ImageNaclstack (16)
Garganacl ImageGarganacl (16) Maschiff ImageMaschiff (22) Mabosstiff ImageMabosstiff (22)
Capsakid ImageCapsakid (24) Scovillain ImageScovillain (24) Wiglett ImageWiglett (24)
Wugtrio ImageWugtrio (24) Varoom ImageVaroom (21) Revavroom ImageRevavroom (21)
Greavard ImageGreavard (12) Houndstone ImageHoundstone (12) Roaring Moon ImageRoaring Moon (14)
Terapagos ImageTerapagos (20)

By Evolution

Appletun ImageAppletun


No Pokemon currently learn this move via this method.

By Egg Move

Diglett ImageDiglett Alolan Diglett ImageAlolan Diglett Dugtrio ImageDugtrio
Alolan Dugtrio ImageAlolan Dugtrio Sudowoodo ImageSudowoodo Dunsparce ImageDunsparce
Tropius ImageTropius Shieldon ImageShieldon Bastiodon ImageBastiodon
Buizel ImageBuizel Floatzel ImageFloatzel Bonsly ImageBonsly
Croagunk ImageCroagunk Toxicroak ImageToxicroak Deerling ImageDeerling
Sawsbuck ImageSawsbuck Pawniard ImagePawniard Bisharp ImageBisharp
Dudunsparce ImageDudunsparce Kingambit ImageKingambit

By Move Tutor

No Pokemon currently learn this move via this method.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Moves Banner

List of All Moves

Moves by Type and Category

Moves by Type
Grass TypeGrass Water TypeWater Fire TypeFire
Electric TypeElectric Ice TypeIce Fighting TypeFighting
Ground TypeGround Poison TypePoison Flying TypeFlying
Psychic TypePsychic Bug TypeBug Rock TypeRock
Ghost Type,Ghost Dragon TypeDragon Dark TypeDark
Steel TypeSteel Fairy TypeFairy Normal TypeNormal
Moves by Category
Physical IconPhysical Special IconSpecial Status IconStatus
Moves by Effects
Stat-Boosting Moves Stat-Reducing Moves Status-Inflicting Moves
Moves that Never Miss Moves that Set Entry Hazards Sound-Based Moves
High-Critical Hit Moves Moves that Change Weather Moves that Change Terrain
Powder/Spore Moves Moves that Restore HP Redirection Moves
Multi-Hit Moves One-Hit Knockout Moves Trapping Moves
Moves with Recoil Damage List of Priority Moves Moves that Block Attacks
Status Restoring Moves Switching Moves Wind Moves
List of Set Damage Moves Moves That Remove Screens List of Moves Boosted When Terastallized
Other Move Guides
All Gen 9 New Moves Unavailable
List of New DLC Moves
Returning DLC Moves The Teal Mask DLC New TMs The Indigo Disk DLC New TMs


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