Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Galarica Twig Location and How to Get

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Galarica Twig is a Evolution Item in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) DLC, The Indigo Disk. See the effects of Galarica Twig as well as how to find and obtain it.

How to Get Galarica Twig

Obtain at the Beach in the Coastal Biome

Map Location Overworld Location

Galarica Twigs are found in the beach area of the Coastal Biome. Fast travel to the Coastal Plaza fly point and head northwest to reach the area and collect sparkling items on the ground.

Coastal Biome Map

Pick Up Sparkling Items in the Coastal Biome

Pokemon SV - Galarica Twig Trade

Right behind the Coastal Plaza in the Terarium, there is a beach with an abundance of Galarian Slowpoke spawns. Pick up the Sparkling Items in the area to obtain Galarica Twigs.

How to Farm Galarica Twigs

Revisit the Area After 30 Minutes

Pokemon SV -Revisit the Area After 30 Minutes
Farm Galarica Twigs by revisiting the area every 30 minutes. After looting all the Galarica Twigs on the shore, another set will spawn after 30 minutes. After 30 minutes have passed, restart the game to have the area re-load and the Glarica Twigs respawn.

Advance the Console's Time

Pokemon SV - Advance the Console
Alternatively, you can farm Galarica Twigs by changing the game console's system time 30 minutes ahead to have the Galarica Twigs respawn.

Close the game first before changing the game console's system time to have the game reload the area and have the twigs respawn.

Galarica Twig Use

Galarica Twig Description

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Galarica Twig ImageGalarica Twig
Effect An item that can be exchanged for a Galarian Cuff or Galarian Wreath, which is needed to evolve Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowbro or Galarian Slowpoke respectively.

Trade to NPC for Galarian Slowpoke Evolution Items

Galarian Slowpoke Evolution Line
Galarian Slowpoke ImageGalarian Slowpoke Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Galarica Cuff Icon Use a Galarica Cuff
Galarian Slowbro ImageGalarian Slowbro
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Galarica Wreath Icon Use a Galarica Wreath
Galarian Slowking ImageGalarian Slowking

Galarica Twigs are used to trade with the Glarica Twig NPC in exchange for Galarian Slowpoke's evolution items, the Galarica Wreath and Galarica Cuff.

Exchange 15 Twigs for a Galarica Wreath, or 8 Twigs for a Galarica Cuff!

Galarian Slowpoke Location, Evolution, and Learnset

Galarica Twig NPC Location

Map View World View

The Glaracia Twig NPC can be found in the Coastal Plaza in the Coastal Biome. She is beside the vending machines and has a yellow speech bubble on top of her head.

Coastal Biome Map, Starters, and Pokemon

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Items Banner

List of All Items and Effects

List of All Item Categories

Item Categories
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Poke BallsPoke Balls Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Evolution Stones Evolution Stones Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TMs.pngTMs Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Medicine (Recovery Items) Medicine
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - BerriesBerries Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - VitaminsVitamins Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Held ItemsHeld Items Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Battle ItemsBattle Items
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Key ItemsKey Items Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Evolution ItemsEvolution Items Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Treasures (Valuable Items)Treasures Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Training ItemsTraining Items
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Mints.pngMints Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Tera ShardsTera Shards Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - MaterialsTM Materials Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Sandwiches IngredientsIngredients
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Picnic Items.pngPicnic Items

Held Item List

Ability Shield Absorb Bulb Adrenaline Orb Air Balloon
Assault Vest Big Root Binding Band Black Belt
Black Glasses Black Sludge Blunder Policy Booster Energy
Bright Powder Cell Battery Charcoal Choice Band
Choice Scarf Choice Specs Clear Amulet Cornerstone Mask
Covert Cloak Damp Rock Draco Plate Dragon Fang
Dread Plate Earth Plate Eject Button Eject Pack
Electric Seed Eviolite Expert Belt Fairy Feather
Fist Plate Flame Orb Flame Plate Float Stone
Focus Band Focus Sash Galarica Twig Grassy Seed
Grip Claw Hard Stone Hearthflame Mask Heat Rock
Heavy-Duty Boots Icicle Plate Icy Rock Insect Plate
Iron Ball Iron Plate Lagging Tail Leftovers
Life Orb Light Ball Light Clay Loaded Dice
Luminous Moss Magnet Meadow Plate Mental Herb
Metronome Mind Plate Miracle Seed Mirror Herb
Misty Seed Muscle Band Mystic Water Never-Melt Ice
Normal Gem Pixie Plate Poison Barb Power Herb
Protective Pads Psychic Seed Punching Glove Quick Claw
Red Card Ring Target Rocky Helmet Room Service
Rusted Shield Rusted Sword Safety Goggles Scope Lens
Sharp Beak Shed Shell Shell Bell Silk Scarf
Silver Powder Sky Plate Smooth Rock Snowball
Soft Sand Soul Dew Spell Tag Splash Plate
Spooky Plate Sticky Barb Stone Plate Terrain Extender
Throat Spray Toxic Orb Toxic Plate Twisted Spoon
Utility Umbrella Weakness Policy Wellspring Mask White Herb
Wide Lens Wise Glasses Zap Plate Zoom Lens

Other Item Lists


2 Anonymousabout 1 year

once per in-game day, or 1 hour real time

1 Kaynor12over 1 year

How often do the twigs respawn


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