Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Defense Curl Effect and Pokemon That Learn It

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Defense Curl is a Normal-type Status Move in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Learn about the move's type, power, accuracy, PP, and effect, as well as what Pokemon learn it.

Defense Curl Effect and Type Effectiveness

Defense Curl Effect

Effect Increases the user's Defense by one stage. Doubles the damage of Rollout and Ice Ball if used in the next turn.
Type Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Normal Type Moves Category Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Status Moves
Power - Accuracy -
PP (Max PP) 40 (64) Target Self
Priority 0 Contact?
Special Groups Moves that Increase Defense

Defense Curl Effectiveness

Super Effective
Not Very Effective (x0.5)
Pokemon Rock Type Icon Pokemon Steel Type Icon
No Effect
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon

Pokemon that Learn Defense Curl

By Default

Sandshrew ImageSandshrew Alolan Sandshrew ImageAlolan Sandshrew Sandslash ImageSandslash
Alolan Sandslash ImageAlolan Sandslash Clefairy ImageClefairy Clefable ImageClefable
Jigglypuff ImageJigglypuff Wigglytuff ImageWigglytuff Geodude ImageGeodude
Alolan Geodude ImageAlolan Geodude Graveler ImageGraveler Alolan Graveler ImageAlolan Graveler
Golem ImageGolem Alolan Golem ImageAlolan Golem Chansey ImageChansey
Snorlax ImageSnorlax Furret ImageFurret Marill ImageMarill
Azumarill ImageAzumarill Dunsparce ImageDunsparce Phanpy ImagePhanpy
Donphan ImageDonphan Porygon2 ImagePorygon2 Blissey ImageBlissey
Porygon-Z ImagePorygon-Z Golurk ImageGolurk Komala ImageKomala
Bramblin ImageBramblin Brambleghast ImageBrambleghast Rellor ImageRellor
Rabsca ImageRabsca Dudunsparce ImageDudunsparce Great Tusk ImageGreat Tusk
Iron Treads ImageIron Treads

By Level Up

Cyndaquil ImageCyndaquil (22) Quilava ImageQuilava (24) Typhlosion ImageTyphlosion (24)
Hisuian Typhlosion ImageHisuian Typhlosion (24) Sentret ImageSentret (4) Igglybuff ImageIgglybuff (4)
Happiny ImageHappiny (4) Munchlax ImageMunchlax (4) Tepig ImageTepig (13)
Pignite ImagePignite (13) Emboar ImageEmboar (13) Golett ImageGolett (4)
Minior (Meteor Form) ImageMinior (Meteor Form) (3) Magearna ImageMagearna (6)

By Evolution

No Pokemon currently learn this move via this method.


No Pokemon currently learn this move via this method.

By Egg Move

Sudowoodo ImageSudowoodo Numel ImageNumel Camerupt ImageCamerupt
Bagon ImageBagon Shelgon ImageShelgon Salamence ImageSalamence
Pachirisu ImagePachirisu Bonsly ImageBonsly Foongus ImageFoongus
Amoonguss ImageAmoonguss Skiddo ImageSkiddo Gogoat ImageGogoat
Skwovet ImageSkwovet Greedent ImageGreedent Applin ImageApplin
Flapple ImageFlapple Appletun ImageAppletun Cufant ImageCufant
Copperajah ImageCopperajah Dipplin ImageDipplin Hydrapple ImageHydrapple

By Move Tutor

Pecharunt ImagePecharunt

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Moves Banner

List of All Moves

Moves by Type and Category

Moves by Type
Grass TypeGrass Water TypeWater Fire TypeFire
Electric TypeElectric Ice TypeIce Fighting TypeFighting
Ground TypeGround Poison TypePoison Flying TypeFlying
Psychic TypePsychic Bug TypeBug Rock TypeRock
Ghost Type,Ghost Dragon TypeDragon Dark TypeDark
Steel TypeSteel Fairy TypeFairy Normal TypeNormal
Moves by Category
Physical IconPhysical Special IconSpecial Status IconStatus
Moves by Effects
Stat-Boosting Moves Stat-Reducing Moves Status-Inflicting Moves
Moves that Never Miss Moves that Set Entry Hazards Sound-Based Moves
High-Critical Hit Moves Moves that Change Weather Moves that Change Terrain
Powder/Spore Moves Moves that Restore HP Redirection Moves
Multi-Hit Moves One-Hit Knockout Moves Trapping Moves
Moves with Recoil Damage List of Priority Moves Moves that Block Attacks
Status Restoring Moves Switching Moves Wind Moves
List of Set Damage Moves Moves That Remove Screens List of Moves Boosted When Terastallized
Other Move Guides
All Gen 9 New Moves Unavailable
List of New DLC Moves
Returning DLC Moves The Teal Mask DLC New TMs The Indigo Disk DLC New TMs


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