Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Foreign Ditto Trading Board

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ditto.png

This is Game8's board for trading Ditto in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Use this board to exchange trade codes and trade for a foreign Ditto to use with the Masuda Method, or Dittos with 6 IVs or good Natures.

Code Sharing & Trade Boards
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How to Use the Ditto Trading Board

Players from Game8 Japan's Ditto Trading Board also come to this board to exchange for foreign Dittos. To easily find your foreign Ditto, follow the steps below to share or use a Trade Code to obtain a Foreign Ditto!

Basic Format

Use the format below to easily communicate what you are looking for to both English and Japanese speakers.

English Japanese
FT: Foreign Ditto
LF: Japanese Ditto

Use a Hard to Guess Code

When creating a Trade Code, use a number which other players won't easily guess and share it in your post.

Don't Do
9999 8078 8151

Useful Phrases

If you need something extra, the phrases below can help you get what you're looking for!

English Japanese
Ditto メタモン
Foreign Ditto 海外メタモン
Japanese Ditto 日本メタモン
Shiny 色違い
6IV 6V
0 Atk IVs A0
0 Speed IVs S0

Nature (EN) Nature (JP) Increased Stat Decreased Stat
Serious まじめ - -
Quirky きまぐれ - -
Docile すなお - -
Hardy がんばりや - -
Bashful てれや - -
Adamant いじっぱり Attack SpAtk
Lonely さみしがり Attack Defense
Naughty やんちゃ Attack SpDef
Brave ゆうかん Attack Speed
Bold ずぶとい Defense Attack
Impish わんぱく Defense SpAtk
Lax のうてんき Defense SpDef
Relaxed のんき Defense Speed
Quiet れいせい SpAtk Speed
Modest ひかえめ SpAtk Attack
Mild おっとり SpAtk Defense
Rash うっかりや SpAtk SpDef
Sassy なまいき SpDef Speed
Careful しんちょう SpDef SpAtk
Gentle おとなしい SpDef Defense
Calm おだやか SpDef Attack
Timid おくびょう Speed Attack
Hasty せっかち Speed Defense
Jolly ようき Speed SpAtk
Naive むじゃき Speed SpDef

Example Post

FT: Foreign Ditto 6IV Jolly
LF: Japanese Ditto 6IV Adamant
出:海外メタモン 6V ようき
求:日本メタモン 6V いじっぱり
6246 0451

Try Posting on Game8 Japan's Ditto Trading Board!

Just like how players from Game8 Japan come here to trade their foreign Dittos, players from Game8.co are visiting Game8 Japan to find foreign Dittos for trade. Game8 The Example Post style above will work on Game8 Japan as well, so give it a try!

Game8 Japan Ditto Trading Board

Ditto Trading Board Rules

  • No submissions that are offensive toward other users.
  • No slander or harassment.
  • No posting of images that violate public standards.
  • No posting submissions irrelevant to this board.
  • No posting of the same contents repeatedly.
  • No advertising for other sites or apps.
  • No posting for finanical gain (via RMT, etc.)

Note: If you violate any of these conditions, your submission may be deleted and you may be banned from posting.

Message Board

Submissions: 30369
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30249 thom3 monthsReport

i asked if youd take the eng 5iv hardy ditto and you said yeah ready to trade

30248 Nighthawk 3 monthsReport

Can you give me something good

30247 Nighthawk 3 monthsReport

I got the foreign ditto

30246 thom3 monthsReport

i dont need them, i just need the japanese or other ditto

30245 Nighthawk 3 monthsReport

yes ready to trade

30244 thom3 monthsReport

and youll take my english 5iv hardy ditto?

30243 Nighthawk 3 monthsReport

For doing the mausuda method

30242 Nighthawk 3 monthsReport

I got a shiny quaxly and fuecoco and sprigatitio

30241 Nighthawk 3 monthsReport


30240 thom3 monthsReport

that is what i am aiming for yeah

30239 Nighthawk 3 monthsReport

are you gonna do the musuda method

30238 Nighthawk 3 monthsReport

ot will be quick

30237 thom3 monthsReport

sure why not

30236 Nighthawk 3 monthsReport

oh ok can you give me some time and I will have. Soon

30235 thom3 monthsReport

yes that is why i came to this forum and why I said LF: japanese ditto

30234 Nighthawk 3 monthsReport

you want a foreign ditto

30233 thom3 monthsReport

no man i just got back into this game and i just want to get a foreign ditto for a ditto like this forum seems to be for

30232 Nighthawk 3 monthsReport

you keep the shiny's

30231 Nighthawk 3 monthsReport

Do you have a legendary your willing to trade

30230 thom3 monthsReport

ill trade back the other shinys but i assumed youd be giving me that

30229 thom3 monthsReport

i came to this forum for a foreign ditto bro not a shiny

30228 Nighthawk 3 monthsReport

I will give shiny's if you want to trade a special pokemon am fine with it

30227 Nighthawk 3 monthsReport

I will give you two shinys

30226 thom3 monthsReport

should i trade you a random pokemon for the shiny then and then do the trade for the japanese ditto?

30225 Nighthawk 3 monthsReport

And I will give you a free shiny

30224 Nighthawk 3 monthsReport

ok take your time

30223 thom3 monthsReport

if you give me a moment ill add you

30222 Nighthawk 3 monthsReport

And I hope shiny koraidon and miraidon event happens soon

30221 Nighthawk 3 monthsReport

If you do my friend code is HGJKTNMHCCZG

30220 Nighthawk 3 monthsReport

But do you have pokemon home

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