Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Photography with Perrin Side Quest Guide

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SV Teal Mask - Perrin

In Perrin's Photography Side Quest, you assist her in locating the Bloodmoon Beast for a rare photo opportunity. Read on for a guide on how to complete Perrin's Photography Side Quest, tips for the photography minigame, and how to get Hisuian Growlithe as a reward in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)'s Teal Mask DLC.

Photography with Perrin Side Quest Rewards

Choice Scarf and Hisuian Growlithe

After completing Perrin's Side Quest, she will thank you for helping reignite her passion for photography. Before you part ways, she will gift you a Choice Scarf, and a Hisuian Growlithe.

Perrin's Hisuian Growlithe Stats

Hisuian Growlithe ImageHisuian Growlithe
Tera Type: Rock
Ability: Rock Head
Level: 15
Nature: Jolly
- Ember
- Howl
- Bite
- Flame Wheel

Note: Nature and Gender not confirmed to be fixed.

All Gift Pokemon Locations in Teal Mask

Bloodmoon Ursaluna

Bloodmoon Ursaluna ImageBloodmoon Ursaluna
Tera Type: Normal
Ability: Mind's Eye
Level: 70
- Blood Moon
- Earth Power
- Slash
- Calm Mind

Note: Nature and Gender not confirmed to be fixed.

While technically not a reward from her, progressing through her quest line will have you catch the Bloodmoon Ursaluna she's been tracking down. This is a special form of Ursaluna that is different from its counterpart from Hisui.

Bloodmoon Ursaluna Type, Stats and How to Get

Photography with Perrin Side Quest Walkthrough

Aside from the Main Adventure of the Teal Mask DLC that lets you experience the life and culture in Kitakami, Perrin's Side Quest has you helping her track down a Rare Pokemon that she'd like to take a photo of.

  1. Meet Perrin on the Street Corner in Mossui
  2. Register 150 Pokemon in the Kitakami Pokedex
  3. Report Back to Perrin
  4. Battle Perrin
  5. Meet Perrin in the Timeless Woods
  6. Speak with Perrin again
  7. Survey the Forest's Pokemon
  8. Face the Bloodmoon Beast
  9. Catch Bloodmoon Ursaluna
  10. Say Farewell to Perrin in Mossui Town

Meet Perrin on the Street Corner in Mossui

SV Teal Mask - Where is Perrin
You can find Perrin on a street corner west of Mossui's Community Center. She'll be taking pictures with her camera while her Hisuian Growlithe keeps watch nearby.

Perrin - Travelling Photographer:
New Teal Mask DLC Character

Register 150 Pokemon in the Kitakami Pokedex

Perrin will challenge you to build up your Kitakami Pokedex by registering at least 150 Pokemon. This will show her that you're the type of trainer who knows their stuff!

If you had already completed Scarlet and Violet's base Pokedex of 400 Pokemon, you should have about 100 Pokemon registered in your Kitakami Dex already. We recommend putting your Quick Balls, EXP. Candies, and Evolutionary stones to use to quickly catch and evolve every unregistered Pokemon you see.

List of Evolution Items

Report Back to Perrin

After registering at least 150 Pokemon, head back to the street corner in Mossui where you first met Perrin. She'll be happy to see your progress and invites you to join her search for a ferociously strong Pokemon that she intends to take a photo of. However, to know you're equipped for the journey, she'll ask you for a battle.

Battle Perrin

Perrin's Team
Noctowl ImageNoctowl
(Lv. 68)
Leafeon ImageLeafeon
(Lv. 70)

Levels are based on battling them after the Base Game's completion

Prepare for battle then speak with Perrin again. She only has two Pokemon so she shouldn't give you too much trouble. Her lead Noctowl will try to pull off a combo with Hypnosis and Dream Eater and her Leafeon is a standard attacker with Leaf Blade.

When the battle concludes, Perrin will tell you all about the Bloodmoon Beast, a unique Ursaluna that bears a red Mark on its forehead instead of a yellow one. She explains that this Ursaluna and her share the same homeland of Hisui which is part of why she wants to find it take a photo of it. Agree to help her locate this unique Ursaluna and she'll let you know where you can find it in Kitakami.

Meet Perrin in the Timeless Woods

Head northeast of Oni Mountain and make your way towards the Timeless Woods. When you find Perrin, she'll be taking pictures of a Wild Poliwhirl. Speak with her and she'll explain that sightings of the Bloodmoon beast have been on nights with heavy fog.

After winning a surprise battle from a Wild Ariados, she suggests that you wait out the night so that you can photograph all manner of Pokemon that come out on foggy nights. She'll set up a nice Shaymin Tent for you to camp out in.

Speak with Perrin again

With the Tent set up, speak with her again and she'll ask for your help to take photos of Pokemon that appear in Timeless Woods on foggy nights. She explains that it will help her pinpoint where the Bloodmoon Ursaluna is. She will ask you to take photos of 10 species of Pokemon.

Survey the Forest's Pokemon

Once you're ready for the minigame, speak with Perrin again to camp out till a foggy night. After which the survey will start and you'll have to roam around the Timeless woods to take photos of 10 unique species.

How to Find Pokemon to Photograph

Pokemon You Can Photograph in the Timeless Woods
Geodude ImageGeodude Salandit ImageSalandit Seedot ImageSeedot Vikavolt ImageVikavolt
Spinarak ImageSpinarak Litwick ImageLitwick Duskull ImageDuskull Skwovet ImageSkwovet
Sudowoodo ImageSudowoodo Hoothoot ImageHoothoot Hatenna ImageHatenna Lotad ImageLotad
Tynamo ImageTynamo Illumise ImageIllumise Volbeat ImageVolbeat -

Thank you to our commenters for their contributions to this list

Perrin explains that there has to be dozens of Pokemon that can be photographed in the Timeless Woods, but our Walkthrough Team only found 15 Pokemon to be photographed between us. Let us know in the comments if you found a Pokemon that isn't on this list.

You'll have to get to a position where you're close enough for a recognizable photo, but not too close that you'll scare the Pokemon away. It's also recommended to sneak as you get into position, but you'll have to stand to take a photo.

Other than checking the tall grass, we also recommend that you check treetops and caves for other Pokemon that may not be easily visible in plain sight. Ghost-types in particular may phase in and out as they move around the map.

Face the Bloodmoon Beast

Once you've taken the photo of the 10th unique Pokemon, the survey will automatically end and you'll report back to Perrin. She'll make conversation with you about her experience as a photographer and why this trip is important to her.

Eventually, she'll identify the location of Ursaluna. However, when she takes a picture of it, she'll accidentally startle the Ursaluna trigerring it into a battle.

Strategy against Ursaluna, the Bloodmoon Beast

Bloodmoon Ursaluna ImageBloodmoon Ursaluna
Tera Type: Normal
Ability: Mind's Eye
Level: 70
- Blood Moon
- Earth Power
- Slash
- Calm Mind

The battle against Ursaluna echoes the Titan Battles from the main campaign of Scarlet and Violet. Keep in mind that this form of Ursaluna is more of a special attacker than the one we know from Hisui. it also boasts Calm Mind as a way to further beef up it's Special Defense.

And in case you thought to use a Ghost-type to avoid its signature Blood Moon, you might be surprised to learn that its Ability Mind's Eye works similar to Scrappy in that it allows Ursaluna to hit Ghost-types with Normal and Fighting-type moves.

Might be best to deal with it with a strong Fighting or Water-type attacker. It is naturally physically bulky, so getting some Special damage in before it sets up Calm Minds will be a good idea.

Catch Bloodmoon Ursaluna

When you've defeated the Bloodmoon Beast, Perrin will have you catch the Ursaluna marking the end of your successful adventure. She'll ask to see you one last time in Mossui after she gets her photos developed.

If you do not have a Poke Ball in your inventory, the game will automatically give you one.

Say Farewell to Perrin in Mossui Town

Meet Perrin back at Mossui Town, she'll reveal that the pictures she took ended up unusable as they were out of focus. However, she is in high spirits after rediscovering the joy in photography and will thank you for going on the adventure with her.

She will also reward you with a Choice Scarf and her Hisuian Growlithe's younger brother before she bids farewell for her next adventure. She says she's sure you'll meet again before you part ways. Maybe we'll get to see her again for Part 2 of Scarlet and Violet's DLC: The Indigo Disk.

The Indigo Disk: DLC Part 2 Release Date and New Pokemon

Where to Find Perrin

Mossui Town

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Perrin Location

You can find Perrin at the western side of Mossui Town. She's near the path leading to Apple Hills and will be there after your first encounters with Kieran and Carmine.

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Game Information


3 Anonymousabout 1 year

I found a vulpix

2 Anonymousover 1 year

i forgot to mention i also got an illumise which also counted.


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