Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

How to Farm Seedot Stem and TMs Crafted from Seedot Stem

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Seedot Stem is a Pokemon Material that can be obtained from members of the Seedot evolutionary line. Read on to learn how to farm Seedot Stem and the different TMs that can be crafted using Seedot Stem.

How to Farm Seedot Stem

Defeat Members of the Seedot Family

The fastest way to collect Seedot Stems is by clearing out the groups of Seedot and their evolutions in the locations listed below. It is best to take them out using autobattles from the Let's Go mechanic to help speed up the process.

Locations for Pokemon that Drop Seedot Stem

Seedot ImageSeedot Nuzleaf ImageNuzleaf Shiftry ImageShiftry

Seedot Locations

We have not yet encountered this Pokemon in the field. Defeating Seedot in a Raid will allow you to obtain its materials.

Nuzleaf Locations

We have not yet encountered this Pokemon in the field. Defeating Nuzleaf in a Raid will allow you to obtain its materials.

Shiftry Locations

We have not yet encountered this Pokemon in the field. Defeating Shiftry in a Raid will allow you to obtain its materials.

Where to Use Seedot Stem

Used for Creating TMs

TM Req. Materials
TM181 (Knock Off) Corphish Shell x4
Seedot Stem x4
TM190 (Solar Blade) Seedot Stem x4
Sewaddle Leaf x2
TM194 (Grassy Glide) Bellsprout Vine x3
Seedot Stem x3

Once you have found the desired TM (or unlocked it for crafting) and have the required resources, you may craft it at TM Machines found in every Pokemon Center.

TM Machines and How to Use Them

Exchange for Money or LP

Sell Price
Money 20

TM Materials can be exchanged for LP or sold for Money in addition to being used for TMs.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Items Banner

List of All Items and Effects

List of All Item Categories

Item Categories
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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Picnic Items.pngPicnic Items

All TM Materials

Alomomola Mucus Applin Juice Arrokuda Scales Axew Scales
Azurill Fur Bagon Scales Barboach Slime Basculin Fang
Beldum Claw Bellsprout Vine Bergmite Ice Blitzle Mane Hair
Bombirdier Feather Bonsly Tears Bounsweet Sweat Bramblin Twig
Bronzor Fragment Bruxish Tooth Buizel Fur Cacnea Needle
Capsakid Seed Carbink Jewel Cetoddle Grease Charcadet Soot
Chewtle Claw Chinchou Sparks Chingling Fragment Clauncher Claw
Cleffa Fur Combee Honey Comfey Flower Corphish Shell
Cottonee Fluff Crabrawler Shell Cranidos Spike Croagunk Poison
Cryogonal Ice Cubchoo Fur Cufant Tarnish Cutiefly Powder
Cyclizar Scales Dedenne Fur Deerling Hair Deino Scales
Delibird Parcel Dewpider Thread Diglett Dirt Ditto Goo
Doduo Down Dondozo Whisker Dratini Scales Dreepy Powder
Drifloon Gas Drilbur Claw Drowzee Fur Ducklett Feather
Dunsparce Scales Duraludon Tarnish Duskull Fragment Eevee Fur
Eiscue Down Ekans Fang Elekid Fur Espurr Fur
Exeggcute Shell Falinks Sweat Feebas Scales Fidough Fur
Finizen Mucus Finneon Scales Flabébé Pollen Flamigo Down
Fletchling Feather Flittle Down Fomantis Leaf Foongus Spores
Frigibax Scales Gastly Gas Geodude Fragment Gible Scales
Gimmighoul Coin Girafarig Fur Gligar Fang Glimmet Crystal
Golett Shard Goomy Goo Gothita Eyelash Greavard Wax
Grimer Toxin Growlithe Fur Grubbin Thread Gulpin Mucus
Happiny Dust Hatenna Dust Hawlucha Down Heracross Claw
Hippopotas Sand Hoothoot Feather Hoppip Leaf Horsea Ink
Houndour Fang Igglybuff Fluff Illumise Fluid Impidimp Hair
Indeedee Fur Inkay Ink Jangmo-o Scales Joltik Thread
Klawf Claw Klefki Key Koffing Gas Komala Claw
Kricketot Shell Lapras Teardrop Larvesta Fuzz Larvitar Claw
Lechonk Hair Litleo Tuft Litwick Soot Lotad Leaf
Luvdisc Scales Magby Hair Magikarp Scales Magnemite Screw
Makuhita Sweat Mankey Fur Mareanie Spike Mareep Wool
Maschiff Fang Meditite Sweat Meowth Fur Mienfoo Claw
Milcery Cream Mimikyu Scrap Minccino Fur Minior Shell
Minun Fur Misdreavus Tears Mudbray Mud Munchlax Fang
Murkrow Bauble Nacli Salt Noibat Fur Nosepass Fragment
Numel Lava Nymble Claw Oddish Leaf Oranguru Fur
Oricorio Feather Orthworm Tarnish Pachirisu Fur Passimian Fur
Pawmi Fur Pawniard Blade Petilil Leaf Phanpy Nail
Phantump Twig Pichu Fur Pikipek Feather Pincurchin Spines
Pineco Husk Plusle Fur Poliwag Slime Poltchageist Powder
Poochyena Fang Porygon Fragment Psyduck Down Qwilfish Spines
Ralts Dust Rellor Mud Rhyhorn Fang Riolu Fur
Rockruff Rock Rolycoly Coal Rookidee Feather Rotom Sparks
Rufflet Feather Sableye Gem Salandit Gas Sandile Claw
Sandshrew Claw Sandygast Sand Scatterbug Powder Scraggy Sweat
Scyther Claw Seedot Stem Seel Fur Sentret Fur
Seviper Fang Sewaddle Leaf Shellder Pearl Shellos Mucus
Shieldon Claw Shinx Fang Shroodle Ink Shroomish Spores
Shuppet Scrap Silicobra Sand Sinistea Chip Skarmory Feather
Skiddo Leaf Skrelp Kelp Skwovet Fur Slakoth Fur
Slowpoke Claw Slugma Lava Smeargle Paint Smoliv Oil
Sneasel Claw Snom Thread Snorunt Fur Snover Berries
Snubbull Hair Solosis Gel Spinarak Thread Spiritomb Fragment
Spoink Pearl Squawkabilly Feather Stantler Hair Starly Feather
Stonjourner Stone Stunky Fur Sunkern Leaf Surskit Syrup
Swablu Fluff Swinub Hair Tadbulb Mucus Tandemaus Fur
Tarountula Thread Tatsugiri Scales Tauros Hair Teddiursa Claw
Tentacool Stinger Timburr Sweat Tinkatink Hair Toedscool Flaps
Torkoal Coal Toxel Sparks Trapinch Shell Tropius Leaf
Tynamo Slime Tyrogue Sweat Varoom Fume Veluza Fillet
Venonat Fang Volbeat Fluid Voltorb Sparks Vullaby Feather
Vulpix Fur Wattrel Feather Wiglett Sand Wingull Feather
Wooper Slime Yanma Spike Yungoos Fur Zangoose Claw
Zorua Fur


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