Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Walkthrough Comments

0 IV Bloodmoon Ursaluna Reroll GuideComment

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    2 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Correct. 1/1024 are the odds to roll 2 random stats to 0. Since 3 stats are perfect and 3 are random, the odds of one of your desired stats being randomized is 1/2. Multiply that with the odds of you also getting the second one randomized which is 2/5 (5 because you can't randomize the same stat twice). This means you have to multiply that 1/1024 with 1/5, which is 1/5120. Now I don't know if this is worth it because if you just were to reroll for speed alone your odds are 1/64.

    1 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    You don’t have 1 in 1024 for 0 IV atk/spe since there are 3 locked IVs to 31. You have 1 in 5120

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