Starfield Shattered Space

List of All Perk IDs and Codes

Starfield - List of Perk and Skill IDs

This is a complete list of all Perk IDs in Starfield. Learn all Perk and Skill item IDs, codes, the add perk points command, and how to add Perks on PC with console commands.

List of All Perk IDs

※ Search for a specific Perk ID below or select either of the perk types then press Search to filter the data.

Perk/Skill Type ID Console Command
Starfield Aneutronic Fusion IDAneutronic Fusion
Science 002C2C5A player.addperk 002C2C5A
Starfield Armor Penetration IDArmor Penetration
Combat 0027DF94 player.addperk 0027DF94
Starfield Astrodynamics IDAstrodynamics
Science 002C5560 player.addperk 002C5560
Starfield Astrophysics IDAstrophysics
Science 0027CBBB player.addperk 0027CBBB
Starfield Automated Weapon Systems IDAutomated Weapon Systems
Tech 0027B9ED player.addperk 0027B9ED
Starfield Ballistic Weapon Systems IDBallistic Weapon Systems
Tech 002CE2C2 player.addperk 002CE2C2
Starfield Ballistics IDBallistics
Combat 002CFCAB player.addperk 002CFCAB
Starfield Boost Assault Training IDBoost Assault Training
Tech 0008C3EE player.addperk 0008C3EE
Starfield Boost Pack Training IDBoost Pack Training
Tech 00146C2C player.addperk 00146C2C
Starfield Botany IDBotany
Science 002C5557 player.addperk 002C5557
Starfield Boxing IDBoxing
Physical 002C59DF player.addperk 002C59DF
Starfield Cellular Regeneration IDCellular Regeneration
Physical 0028AE14 player.addperk 0028AE14
Starfield Chemistry IDChemistry
Science 002CE2C0 player.addperk 002CE2C0
Starfield Commerce IDCommerce
Social 002C5A8E player.addperk 002C5A8E
Starfield Concealment IDConcealment
Physical 002C555E player.addperk 002C555E
Starfield Crippling IDCrippling
Combat 0027CBBA player.addperk 0027CBBA
Starfield Deception IDDeception
Social 002CFCAF player.addperk 002CFCAF
Starfield Decontamination IDDecontamination
Physical 002CE2A0 player.addperk 002CE2A0
Starfield Demolitions IDDemolitions
Combat 002C5556 player.addperk 002C5556
Starfield Diplomacy IDDiplomacy
Social 002C59E1 player.addperk 002C59E1
Starfield Dueling IDDueling
Combat 002CFCB0 player.addperk 002CFCB0
Starfield EM Weapon Systems IDEM Weapon Systems
Tech 002C53B2 player.addperk 002C53B2
Starfield Energy Weapon Dissipation IDEnergy Weapon Dissipation
Physical 002C59E2 player.addperk 002C59E2
Starfield Energy Weapon Systems IDEnergy Weapon Systems
Tech 002C59DB player.addperk 002C59DB
Starfield Engine Systems IDEngine Systems
Tech 002CE2DE player.addperk 002CE2DE
Starfield Environmental Conditioning IDEnvironmental Conditioning
Physical 0028AE17 player.addperk 0028AE17
Starfield Fitness IDFitness
Physical 002CE2DD player.addperk 002CE2DD
Starfield Gastronomy IDGastronomy
Social 002C5A94 player.addperk 002C5A94
Starfield Geology IDGeology
Science 002CE29F player.addperk 002CE29F
Starfield Gymnastics IDGymnastics
Physical 0028AE29 player.addperk 0028AE29
Starfield Heavy Weapons Certification IDHeavy Weapons Certification
Combat 00147E38 player.addperk 00147E38
Starfield Incapacitation IDIncapacitation
Combat 0027DF96 player.addperk 0027DF96
Starfield Instigation IDInstigation
Social 002C555D player.addperk 002C555D
Starfield Intimidation IDIntimidation
Social 002C59DE player.addperk 002C59DE
Starfield Isolation IDIsolation
Social 002C53AE player.addperk 002C53AE
Starfield Lasers IDLasers
Combat 002C59DD player.addperk 002C59DD
Starfield Leadership IDLeadership
Social 002C890D player.addperk 002C890D
Starfield Manipulation IDManipulation
Social 002C5555 player.addperk 002C5555
Starfield Marksmanship IDMarksmanship
Combat 002C890B player.addperk 002C890B
Starfield Martial Arts IDMartial Arts
Physical 002C5554 player.addperk 002C5554
Starfield Medicine IDMedicine
Science 002CE2DF player.addperk 002CE2DF
Starfield Missile Weapon Systems IDMissile Weapon Systems
Tech 002C5558 player.addperk 002C5558
Starfield Negotiation IDNegotiation
Social 002C555F player.addperk 002C555F
Starfield Neurostrikes IDNeurostrikes
Physical 002C53B4 player.addperk 002C53B4
Starfield Nutrition IDNutrition
Physical 002CFCAD player.addperk 002CFCAD
Starfield Outpost Engineering IDOutpost Engineering
Science 002C59E0 player.addperk 002C59E0
Starfield Outpost Management IDOutpost Management
Social 0023826F player.addperk 0023826F
Starfield Pain Tolerance IDPain Tolerance
Physical 002CFCAE player.addperk 002CFCAE
Starfield Particle Beam Weapon Systems IDParticle Beam Weapon Systems
Tech 002C2C5B player.addperk 002C2C5B
Starfield Particle Beams IDParticle Beams
Combat 0027BAFD player.addperk 0027BAFD
Starfield Payloads IDPayloads
Tech 00143B6B player.addperk 00143B6B
Starfield Persuasion IDPersuasion
Social 0022EC82 player.addperk 0022EC82
Starfield Piloting IDPiloting
Tech 002CFCAC player.addperk 002CFCAC
Starfield Pistol Certification IDPistol Certification
Combat 002080FF player.addperk 002080FF
Starfield Planetary Habitation IDPlanetary Habitation
Science 0027CBC2 player.addperk 0027CBC2
Starfield Rapid Reloading IDRapid Reloading
Combat 002C555A player.addperk 002C555A
Starfield Rejuvenation IDRejuvenation
Physical 0028AE13 player.addperk 0028AE13
Starfield Research Methods IDResearch Methods
Science 002C555C player.addperk 002C555C
Starfield Rifle Certification IDRifle Certification
Combat 002CE2E0 player.addperk 002CE2E0
Starfield Robotics IDRobotics
Tech 002C5553 player.addperk 002C5553
Starfield Scanning IDScanning
Science 002CFCB1 player.addperk 002CFCB1
Starfield Scavenging IDScavenging
Social 0028B853 player.addperk 0028B853
Starfield Security IDSecurity
Tech 002CE2E2 player.addperk 002CE2E2
Starfield Sharpshooting IDSharpshooting
Combat 002C53AF player.addperk 002C53AF
Starfield Shield Systems IDShield Systems
Tech 002C2C59 player.addperk 002C2C59
Starfield Ship Command IDShip Command
Social 002C53B3 player.addperk 002C53B3
Starfield Shotgun Certification IDShotgun Certification
Combat 0027DF97 player.addperk 0027DF97
Starfield Sniper Certification IDSniper Certification
Combat 002C53B1 player.addperk 002C53B1
Starfield Spacesuit Design IDSpacesuit Design
Science 0027CBC3 player.addperk 0027CBC3
Starfield Special Projects IDSpecial Projects
Science 0004CE2D player.addperk 0004CE2D
Starfield Starship Design IDStarship Design
Tech 002C59DC player.addperk 002C59DC
Starfield Starship Engineering IDStarship Engineering
Tech 002AC953 player.addperk 002AC953
Starfield Stealth IDStealth
Physical 002CFCB2 player.addperk 002CFCB2
Starfield Surveying IDSurveying
Science 0027CBC1 player.addperk 0027CBC1
Starfield Targeting IDTargeting
Combat 002C59DA player.addperk 002C59DA
Starfield Targeting Control Systems IDTargeting Control Systems
Tech 002C5559 player.addperk 002C5559
Starfield Theft IDTheft
Social 002C555B player.addperk 002C555B
Starfield Weapon Engineering IDWeapon Engineering
Science 002C890C player.addperk 002C890C
Starfield Weight Lifting IDWeight Lifting
Physical 002C59D9 player.addperk 002C59D9
Starfield Wellness IDWellness
Physical 002CE2E1 player.addperk 002CE2E1
Starfield Xenosociology IDXenosociology
Social 002C53B0 player.addperk 002C53B0
Starfield Zoology IDZoology
Science 002C5552 player.addperk 002C5552

Best Skills Tier List

How to Add Perk ID Command

Use with Console Command Codes to Instantly Get Perk and Skill Levels

Command player.addperk [perk id]
Example player.addperk 002C5552

Perk Item IDs are used in the Console Command with the addperk command. Each time you use the addperk command, it will increase the level of the Perk by 1. This feature is only available on the PC, so you can't level up Perks with this method if you're playing on the Xbox.

Here's how to open the Console Command and put in your Perk IDs:

  1. Press the tilde (~) key to open the console
  2. Type in the command and hit enter
  3. Repeat until desired Perk level is reached
  4. Exit the console with the tilde (~) key

Console Commands Guide

How to Use Add Perk Points Command

Use the Command: CGF Game.AddPerkPoints X

Command CGF "Game.AddPerkPoints" [perk points]
Example CGF "Game.AddPerkPoints" 2

This command will add X skill points, but does not unlock any skills. You still have to do the necessary challenges associated with that skill to allocate it or upgrade its rank. For example, if you're level 12 (and have 12 Skill Points) and set the addperkpoints command to 3, then you'll end up having 15 skill points at Level 12.

Note that the quotation marks (" ") are required for this command.

This is good for players that just want to unlock Rank 1 of everything. There is no need to type all Perk IDs individually. But again, if you would want to level them up, you would still have to complete the challlenges.

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Console Commands List and Guide

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Console Command Guides

Item IDs and Codes
Item IDs Weapon IDs
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Armor and Weapon Quality Level IDs Mod IDs
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Shattered Space DLC IDs -
Console Commands
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2 Anonymous2 months

When I use player.addperk 002CFCB2 (stealth) four times my Stealth perk is Level 4 (Mastered). However, in the upper right-hand corner of the [TAB] screen the skill patch appears Level 3 and beneath that "Certification: 0" and "Skill Points: 0" appear as though it hasn't been mastered. What impact does this have on the game?

1 Anonymousover 1 year

Your energy Weapon Dissipation ID is incorrect. The ID is 002C59E2 This is the second site I have seen it incorrectly listed so I am assuming you all copy paste your info from the same incorrect info source.


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