Starfield Shattered Space

Zealous Overreach Walkthrough

Zealous Overreach Walkthrough

This is a Zealous Overreach walkthrough for the Starfield DLC Shattered Space. Learn how to complete Zealous Overreach and its rewards here!

Zealous Overreach Walkthrough

Note: It is recommended to bring Andreja as a companion in the Zealous Overreach quest, since she provides a useful dialogue that makes the final part of the quest simpler.

Go to The Shadow Station Epsilon

1 Talk to Mirek Ka'dic and Return to Ramza
Starfield Zealous Overreach Talk to Mirek
Go and talk to Mirek Ka'dic, who should be nearby after talking to Razma Ka'dic. You can persuade him to tell you the location of the Zealots, but if you fail the persuasion check, you can go to his computer and use a digipick to discover the location.

After discovering the location, go back to Ramza and talk to her to progress the quest.
2 Talk to Dijmal Ka'dic
Starfield Zealous Overreach Talk to Dijmal
Talk to Dijmal Ka'dic, who should be close by outside of Ramza's room.
3 Find Sahima at Shadow Station Epsilon

Follow the quest marker, which will lead you to Shadow Station Epsilon. You will be attacked by Phantoms on your way there and by the Va'ruun Zealots once you get there.

Tip: Once you exit Dazra City through the gate, you could fast travel to your Rev-8 at the landing pad and just use the boost on that to get there faster.

Talk to Sahima Or Kill Her

Talk to Sahima

Starfield Zealous Overreach Talking to Zahima

Go to the lower levels of the Shadow Station Epsilon and follow the quest marker to get to Sahima. If you talk to her, you will get the Free the Hostages sub-objective.

5 Free the Hostages and Talk to Gavin Ka'dic
Starfield Zealous Overreach Free the Hostages
Go a level deeper in the station from where you found Sahima to get to the Hostages. You will find Gavin Ka'dic among the hostages. Talk to him to progress the quest.
6 Free the Remaining Hostages (1)

Before you are able to free the remaining hostages, as seen in the image above, you must take out all the remaining Va'ruun Zealots.
7 Free the Remaining Hostages (2)
Starfield Zealous Overreach Hostage Location 2
Free the other remaining hostage in the room near the entrance.
8 Meet Sahima and the Others Outside
Starfield Zealous Overreach Talk to Sahima
Go outside and talk to Sahima to progress the quest.

Kill Sahima

Starfield Zealous Overreach Kill the Hostages

If you decide to kill Sahima, you will get the Leave No Witnesses sub-objective. Follow the quest markers and kill everyone in the station.

Note that the markers are bugged, and you will have to kill Zealots without markers to get the remaining markers and progress the quest.

Interrupt the Negotiations

9 Head to the Badlands Power Station
Starfield Zealous Overreach Interrupt Negotations
Follow the quest marker, which will lead you to the Badlands Power Station. Once there, head inside and interrupt the negotiations by talking to Razma and Mihael Dziri.

If you killed Sahima, you will lie to Razma that the Zealots killed her. Other than different dialogue, it does not change the outcome of the quest.
10 Persuade Or Kill Mihael
Starfield Zealous Overreach Dialogue Options
During the dialogue between you, Razma, and Mihael, you can choose to persuade him to stand down or attack him.

If you attack or fail to persuade him, the Zealots will start attacking, and you will have to kill them. The dialogue between you and Razma does not change regardless of whether they stand down and leave or if you kill them.

If you kill Sahima, you will get 10,000 Credits from Djimal after Mihael and the Zealots leave or after you kill them.

If you have Andreja as your companion, you have the option to let her talk to end the dialogue without any conflict.
11 Return to Ekris
Starfield Zealous Overreach Return to Ekris
Go back to Ekris at the Mourning Device and talk to him to finish the quest.

Zealous Overreach Rewards

Rewards EXP: 350
Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits
Va'ruun Starstorm

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DLC Walkthroughs

# DLC Main Quest
1 What Remains
2 The Promised, Broken
3 Aligning the Houses
- House Dul'kehf House Veth'aal House Ka'dic
4-6 Exhuming the Past Conflict in Conviction Zealous Overreach
7 The Other Side
8 The Scaled Citadel


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