Starfield Shattered Space

List of All Shops

Starfield - List of All Shops and Space Ports
This is a list of all Shops in Starfield. Read on to see all items sold in shops, their location, and where to find shops.

List of All Shops

List of All Shops

Vendor Location Items Sold
Alteration Clinic Dazra City Change Character Appearance
Apex Electronics The Well Resources and Miscellaneous Items
Arboron Neon Weapons and Ammo
Best Defense Hopetown Weapons and Armor
Cafe Luxe Paradiso Aid (Food and Drinks)
Centaurion Arsenal New Atlantis Weapons and Ammo
Chunks Akila City Aid (Food)
Chunks Ebbside - Neon Aid (Food)
Chunks New Atlantis Aid (Food)
Chunks New Homestead Aid (Food and Drinks)
Chunks Paradiso Aid (Food and Drinks)
CJ's New Atlantis Aid
Clinic New Homestead Aid and Healing Items
Clinic The Key Aid
Clint's Collectibles Gagarin Landing Weapons, Armor, Resources, and Items
Dawn's Roost New Atlantis Aid (Food and Drinks)
ECS Constant Medical Bay ECS Constant Aid
EIT Clothiers New Atlantis Apparel
Eleos Retreat Trading Post The Eleos Retreat Aid (Food and Drinks)
Frankie's Grab and Go Ebbside - Neon Weapons, Ammo, Resources, and Aid
General Goods The Key Aid (Food) and Resources
General Store Paradiso Weapons, Armor, Resources, and Items
Goods Exchange Dazra City Gear and Miscellaneous Items
Halls of Healing Dazra City Aid
Heraldʼs Rest Dazra City Aid (Drinks)
HopeTech Showroom Hopetown Ships and Ship Parts
Infirmary Akila City Aid
Jake's The Well Aid (Food and Drinks)
Jane's Goods Cydonia Gear, Resources, and Miscellaneous Items
Jemison Mercantile New Atlantis Gear and Miscellaneous Items
Kay's House The Well Aid (Food and Drinks)
Laredo Firearms Akila City Weapons and Ammo
Legrande's Liquors Neon Aid (Drinks) and Blend
Meat House Dazra City Aid (Food and Drinks)
MedBay The Well Aid and Healing
Midtown Minerals Akila City Mineral Resources
Mining League Neon Resources and Mining Supplies
Neon Tactical Neon Weapons and Ammo
New Homestead Store New Homestead Armor, Aid, Resources, and Miscellaneous Items
Newill's Goods Neon Gear and Miscellaneous Items
Offworld Eats Neon Underbelly Aid (Food and Drinks)
Osian Salvato The Clinic Aid
Outland New Atlantis Gear
Pauline Keala's Hospital Gagarin Landing Aid
Pit Stop Hopetown Aid (Food and Drinks)
Quikshop Neon Underbelly Aid (Food and Drinks)
Reliant Medical Cydonia Aid
Reliant Medical Neon Aid
Reliant Medical New Atlantis Aid
Rowland Arms Akila City Weapons and Ammo
Ryujin Neon Apparel and Neuroamps for Buffs
Sati Chandra Red Mile Weapons, Ammo, and Aid
Shepherd's General Store Akila City Gear and Miscellaneous Items
Sieghart's Outfitters Neon Armor, resources, and miscellaneous items
Stroud-Eklund Showroom Neon Ship Parts
Taiyo Astroneering Showroom Neon Ships and Ship Parts
TerraBrew Coffee Akila City Aid (Drinks)
TerraBrew Coffee Gagarin Landing Aid (Drinks)
TerraBrew Coffee Neon Aid (Drinks)
TerraBrew Coffee New Atlantis Aid (Drinks)
The Rock Akila City Aid (Food and Drinks)
TK's Tactical Gear The Key Armor
Trade Authority Akila City Gear and Miscellaneous Items
Trade Authority Neon Gear and Miscellaneous Items
Trade Authority The Key Various Goods
Trade Authority The Well Gear and Miscellaneous Items
Trade Authority Outpost Cydonia Gear and Miscellaneous Items
Tranquilitea Neon Aid (Drinks)
Tranquilitea Paradiso Aid (Drinks)
UC Distribution Center New Atlantis Weapons, Ammo, Armor, and More
UC Exchange Cydonia Gear, Resources, and Miscellaneous Items
UC Surplus The Well Weapons and Gear
Vaʼruun Depository Dazra City Gear and Miscellaneous Items
Weapons Shop The Key Weapons and Ammo
Whetstone New Atlantis Aid (Food and Drinks)
Wyatt Earp Crucible Aid, Resources, and Room Rentals
Xenofresh Seafood Neon Underbelly Trawl and Aid (Food)
Zuri's Essentials The Key Weapons, Armor, and Miscellaneous Goods

List of All Bars

Vendor Location Items Sold
Aggie's Akila City Aid (Food and Drinks)
Astral Lounge Neon Aid (Drinks) and Aurora
Brown Horse Tavern New Homestead Aid (Food and Drinks)
Chez Simon Bar Paradiso Aid (Drinks)
Euphorika Ebbside - Neon Aurora and Aid (Drinks)
Lizzy's Bar Gagarin Landing Aid (Drinks)
Madame Sauvage's Place Ebbside - Neon Aid (Food)
Sixth Circle Cydonia Aid (Food and Drinks)
The Broken Spear Cydonia Aid (Drinks)
The Hitching Post Akila City Aid (Drinks)
The Last Nova The Key Aid (Food and Drinks) and Bog's Grog
The Viewport Tavern New Atlantis Aid (Drinks)

Trade Authority

Starfield - Trade Authority

The Trade Authority is an establishment where you can sell items you've collected through legal or illegal means. Vendors of this shop are mostly found in cities.

All Trade Authority Locations

Jemison Mercantile

Starfield - Jemison Mercantile

Jemison Mercantile is a shop where you can buy weapons, armor, and other items like resources and materials. It is located in New Atlantis on planet Jemison in the Alpha Centauri system.

Jemison Mercantile Location and Shop Guide

Where to Find Shops


Starfield - Cities
You can find shops in all of the major cities across the Settled Systems. Although they don't appear in the ingame map, shops generally stand out and have NPCs behind a counter that you can trade with.

All Cities, Maps, and Points of Interest

Trade With Ships

While orbiting planets, you can sometimes hail friendly ships that will be willing to trade just like regular shops. However, their stock and credits are usually limited compared to vendors in cities.

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield Walkthrough and Guides Wiki

Starfield Walkthrough and Guides Wiki

Starfield Wiki
Starfield - Shattered Space DLCShattered Space DLC Starfield - REV-8REV-8
Starfield - Main QuestsMain Quests Starfield - Side QuestsSide Quests
Starfield - FactionsFactions Starfield - Best Weapons PartialBest Weapons
Armor and Gear Partial BannerArmor Starfield - WeaponsWeapons
Starfield - Tips and TricksTips and Tricks Console Commands Partial BannerConsole Commands
Starfield - Ship PartsShip Parts Starfield - Ship ManufacturersShip Manufacturers
Starfield - PlanetsPlanets Starfield - Star SystemsStar Systems
Starfield - Cities and Points of InterestCities and POIs Starfield - Choices and Consequences Partial BannerChoices
Starfield - SkillsSkills Starfield - TraitsTraits
Starfield - ResourcesResources and Materials Starfield - OutpostsOutposts
Starfield - List of Companions and Crew MembersCompanions Starfield - Builds Partial BannerBuilds
Ship DesignsShip Designs Starfield - List of All ShipsShips
Starfield - Starborn PowersStarborn Powers Starfield - CollectiblesCollectibles
Starfield - ShopsShops Starfield - ItemsItems
Starfield - HousesHouses Starfield - Mission BoardMission Board
Starfield - PuzzlesPuzzle Solutions Starfield - BackgroundsBackgrounds
Starfield - EnemiesEnemies Starfield - Research ProjectsResearch Projects
Starfield - List of All AchievementsAchievements Starfield - Bugs and ErrorsBugs
Starfield - Weapon ModsWeapon Mods Starfield - Armor ModsArmor Mods
Starfield - Fauna and Alien CreaturesFauna and Alien Creatures Starfield - Flora and PlantsFlora and Plants
Starfield - News and UpdatesNews and Updates -


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