Starfield Shattered Space

Best Landing Gear and Landing Gears Explained

Starfield - All Landing Gears

This guide lists the best landing gears and explains the stats of landing gears in Starfield. Read on to learn the best landing gears, where to buy landing gears, as well as to see a list of all landing gears.

Best Landing Gear

Best Landing Gear for Big Ships

Module Value Mass Hull Lander Thrust
NG-20 Landing Gear 1662 4 4 4
Hope 55 Landing Gear 1425 3 3 4

If you're planning to build a massive ship, the NG-20 Landing Gear or Hope 55 Landing Gear will be the most useful to add during ship customization. These landing gears provide the highest lander thrust which allows them to carry ship designs with high mass.

The Hope 55 Landing Gear can be purchased in HopeTown, while the NG-20 Landing Gear can be purchased in New Homestead.

Subjective Based On Aesthetics and Costs

The landing gears are ship parts in Starfield that don't provide a lot of changes to a ship's stats. You can simply choose gears that best fit your ship's look and your current credits.

Best Ship Designs

What are Landing Gears?

Landing Gear Stats Overview

Landing Gear Stats Overview
Lander Thrust Determines the ship mass that the landing gear can carry. 1 lander thrust can carry approximately 200 mass.
Hull Increases your ship's health by the indicated number.

Allows Ship to Land on Planet Surfaces

The Landing Gears allow your ship to land on different planet surfaces and terrain while keeping your ship upright. Ships will not be functional without proper landing gear.

Landing Gear Ship Building Error Explained

Minimum Landing Gear Count

Ship has too few landing gears

In order for a ship design to be acceptable, it has to have enough landing gears to hold the ship upright. The gears' lander thrust stat determines the mass limit of a ship. 1 point of lander thrust can hold approximately 200 mass. If your ship has a total mass of 1000, your landing gears must have a total lander thrust of 5 or more.

Ship Building and Customization Guide

How to Upgrade Landing Gears

Visit Ship Technicians and Purchase Parts

Ship Builder or Upgrade Ship

Visit ship technicians in city spaceports to access the game's ship editor. From the ship editor screen, you can choose to either upgrade parts or fully customize your ship in the shipbuilder mode.

Ship Building and Customization Guide

Where to Buy Landing Gears

City Shops
Akila City ・Ship Technician
Cydonia ・Ship Technician
Deimos Staryard ・Nikau Henderson
Gagarin Landing
・Ship Technician
・Ship Technician
・HopeTech Showroom
Neon ・Ship Technician
・Stroud Eklund Showroom
・Taiyo Astroneering Showroom
New Atlantis ・Ship Technician
(Porrima II)
・Ship Technician
Red Mile ・Lon Anderssen
Stroud-Eklund Staryard ・Havershaw
The Clinic
・Ship Technician
The Den
(Wolf System)
・Ship Technician
The Eleos Retreat
(Ixyll System)
・Ship Technician
The Key ・Ship Services

Better ship parts are locked behind character levels. If a ship part is not appearing in any shops, this means you'll need to level up your character first.

How to Level Up and Farm Skill Points Fast

List of All Landing Gears

Module Value Mass Hull Lander Thrust
Accu-Lander 11 Landing Gear - Port 617 2 1 2
Pinpoint 3G Landing Gear - Port Fore 1235 1 3 1
Hope 5 Landing Gear 712 1 2 1
NG-20 Landing Gear 1662 4 4 4
Pinpoint 4G Landing Gear 1306 3 3 2
Pinpoint 4G Landing Gear - Port 1306 3 3 2
Pinpoint 4G+ Landing Gear 1306 3 3 2
Hope 55 Landing Gear 1425 3 3 4
Hope 6 Landing Gear - Port Fore 712 3 2 2
Hope 6 Landing Gear - Port Mid 712 3 2 2
Hope 6 Landing Gear - Port Aft 712 3 2 2
Pinpoint 3G Landing Gear - Port Mid 1235 1 3 1
Pinpoint 3G Landing Gear - Port Aft 1235 1 3 1
NG-10 Landing Gear - Port Fore 712 2 2 1
NG-10 Landing Gear - Port Aft 712 2 2 1
NG-15 Landing Gear - Port 1662 4 4 2
NG-15 Landing Gear - Port Fore 1662 4 4 2
NG-20 Landing Gear - Fore 1662 4 4 4
220CB Landing Gear - Port 617 3 2 1
NG-20 Landing Gear - Wide 1662 4 4 4
320CB Landing Gear 807 6 4 3

List of All Ship Parts

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Cowling Shield Generator
Docker Fuel Tanks
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Cockpit Cargo Hold
Reactor Landing Bay
Landing Gears Equipment


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