Starfield Shattered Space

Freestar Rangers Questline

Starfield - Freestar Collective Faction Quest and Location

The Freestar Rangers, also known as Freestar Collective, is a faction of space cowboys located in Akila City in Starfield. Learn all the quests in the Freestar Rangers Questline, the location of Freestar Collective and how to join, the leader and members, and all rewards!

Freestar Rangers Questline

All Main Faction Quests

Quest Details
1. Job Gone Wrong Location: Akila, Cheyenne System
Quest Giver: Sam Coe
EXP: 150 | Credits: 3800
2. Deputized Location: Akila, Cheyenne System
Quest Giver: Sam Coe
EXP: 250 | Credits: 5000
3. Where Hope is Built Location: Akila, Cheyenne System
Quest Giver: Emma Wilcox
EXP: 250 | Credits: 5000
4. Shadows In Neon Location: Volii Alpha, Volii System
Quest Giver: Nia Kalu
EXP: 250 | Credits: 5000
5. Surgical Strike Location: Deepala, Narion System
Quest Giver: Daniel Blake
EXP: 350 | Credits: 5000
6. On The Run Location: Akila, Cheyenne System
Quest Giver: Daniel Blake
EXP: 350 | Credits: 5000
7. First to Fight, First to Die Location: Akila, Cheyenne System
Quest Giver: Alex Shadid
EXP: 250 | Credits: 9600
8. The Hammer Falls Location: Arcturus II, Arcturus
Star Eagle Ship
EXP: 150 | Credits: 12400

Faction Mission Board Quests

Mission Type Reward
Survey Nesoi in Olympus Survey 9500 Credits
Survey Oborum I in Oborum Prime Survey 8500 Credits
Survey Indum II in Indum Survey 8000 Credits
Survey Magnar in Delta Pavonis Survey 8000 Credits
One Riot, One Ranger Special Ranger Assignment 7500 Credits
Supply Chlorosilanes (SIH3CL) to Mars, Sol Supply 3946 Credits
Deliver Specialty Crops to Porrima III Cargo 3476 Credits
Deliver Adaptive Clothing to Porrima II Cargo 3290 Credits
Kill the Outlaw Captain on Cassiopeia IV-B Ranger: Eliminate Outlaw 3200 Credits
Kill the Outlaw Gang Leader on Altair IV-A Ranger: Eliminate Outlaw 3200 Credits
Kill the Pirate Freebooter on Muphrid VIII-B Bounty 3200 Credits
Kill the Spacer Punk on Kapteyn I Bounty 3200 Credits
Kill the Pirate Rover on Belwah Bounty 3200 Credits
Kill the Pirate Marauder o Muphrid III-B Bounty 3200 Credits
Kill the Va'ruun Zealot on Tau Ceti IV-B Bounty 3200 Credits
Destroy the Crimson Fleet Captain at Kryx Ranger: Eliminate Pirate 2650 Credits
Destroy the Crimson Fleet Ghost at Procyon A Bounty 2650 Credits
Destroy the Crimson Fleet Haunt at Sol Bounty 2650 Credits
Destroy the Crimson Fleet Ghost at Sirius Bounty 2650 Credits
Destroy the Crimson Fleet Ghost at Piazzi Bounty 2650 Credits
Destroy the Crimson Fleet Ghost at Maheo Bounty 2650 Credits
Destroy the Crimson Fleet Phantom at Piazzi Bounty 2650 Credits
Deliver Hygiene Products to Gagarin Cargo 2264 Credits
Rescue Hostage at Altair IV-D Ranger: Rescue Captain 2000 Credits
Deliver Reactive Paints to Akila Cargo 1705 Credits
Deliver Parcels and Mail to Polvo Cargo 1685 Credits
Supply Argon (AR) to Jemison, Alpha Centauri Supply 1620 Credits
Transport Scientists to Porrima II-C Passengers 1560 Credits

Mission Board Quests and Rewards

Freestar Rangers Optional Quests

Quest Rewards
1 One Riot, One Ranger Location: Akila, Cheyenne System
Quest Giver: Freestar Rangers Mission Board
EXP: 75

List of All Side Quests and Rewards

How to Join Freestar Rangers and Location

Found in Akila City

Starfield - Freestar Collective Location
The Freestar Rangers faction, or Freestar Collective, can be found in Akila City of the Akila planet in the Cheyenne system. You first head to Akila City during the 3rd main quest The Empty Nest.

Finish the Job Gone Wrong Quest to Join Freestar Collective

Starfield - Freestar Collective How to Join
Finishing the Job Gone Wrong quest will allow you to join the Freestar Ranger faction in the game. You can follow The Empty Nest main quest to unlock and complete the Job Gone Wrong quest.

All Freestar Rangers Exclusive Rewards

List of Exclusive Rewards

Quest All Exclusive Rewards
Job Gone Wrong ・ None
Deputized Deadeye
Where Hope is Built ・ None
Shadows In Neon ・ None
Surgical Strike ・ None
On The Run ・ None
First to Fight, First to Die ・ None
The Hammer Falls Star Eagle Ship

Freestar Rangers Leader and Members

Faction Leader

Marshal Daniel BlakeMarshal Daniel Blake

Faction Members

Alex ShadidAlex Shadid Autumn MacMillanAutumn MacMillan Ben ArmisteadBen Armistead
Diego MonroeDiego Monroe Emma WilcoxEmma Wilcox Helga DubrayHelga Dubray
Jaylen PryceJaylen Pryce Lillian HartLillian Hart Nia KaluNia Kalu

You Won't Become Leader of Freestar Rangers

The Freestar Collective and United Colonies are giant organizations, and the work you do for them is important. But it's not like you gain complete control of those factions at the end of those questlines.
Source: Emil Pagliarulo, Dev Q&A

Developer Emil Pagliarulo hinted that you likely won't end up as the leader of the Freestar Collective, given its one of the biggest factions in Starfield.

Freestar Rangers Faction History

A Faction of Space Cowboys

Starfield - Freestar Collective

Cheyenne is settled by Solomon Coe, who founds its first settlement, Akila City. Coe invited Volii to join Cheyenne in a new alliance - The Freestar Collective. The Freestar Collective is officially formed in 2189.
Source: Starfield Website

The second largest faction in the Settled Systems next to the United Colonies, the Freestar Collective is a group of settled planets who value personal freedom and seek to protect its citizens. It is here the Freestar Rangers operate, who are space-cowboys so to speak.

List of All Factions

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