Starfield Shattered Space

High Price to Pay Walkthrough and Choices

Starfield - High Price to Pay

High Price to Pay is a main quest in Starfield where you have to choose to defend the Lodge or go to the Eye. See how to unlock High Price to Pay, rewards, all endings, and how to complete it.

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High Price to Pay Rewards and Unlock Condition

How to Unlock and Rewards

Starting Location The Lodge, Jemison
Recommended Level 10
Prerequisites None
Previous Quest No Sudden Moves
Next Quest Unity
Rewards EXP: 800
Credits: 11000

High Price to Pay Walkthrough and Objectives

High Price to Pay Walkthrough
Defend the Lodge Go to the Eye

Main Objectives (Defend the Lodge)

  1. Talk to Noel
  2. Defend the Lodge
  3. Check on Walter
  4. Hold Off the Hunter
  5. Escape the Lodge
  6. Go to Your Ship
  7. Go to the Eye
  8. Find Everyone on the Eye
  9. Return to Noel
  10. Talk to Vladimir
  11. Build the Armillary on Your Ship or Build the Armillary at an Outpost
  12. Return to the Lodge
  13. Talk to Matteo

1-2. Defend the Lodge

Starfield - Stay at the Lodge

Speak to Noel to learn that the Eye has been attacked by the Hunter. Stay at the Lodge to defend the upcoming attack from the Starborn.

3-4. Hold Off the Hunter

Starfield - The Hunter Grabs Walter

The Hunter will appear out of nowhere and grab Walter who is up on the second floor. Head up there and fight off the Hunter. Use your most powerful weapons to damage him and fend off his attacks.

Be cautious when engaging in combat with him as he can create clones of himself!

Combat Tips and Mistakes to Avoid

5. Escape the Lodge

Starfield - The Lodge Basement Entrance

After holding him off for a few minutes, quickly dash for the secret tunnel located in the basement and leave the Lodge.

6. Go to Your Ship

Starfield - Follow Constellation Members Through Alleyway

Follow the rest of the Constellation members in the escape tunnel. Head to the elevator at the end of the alleyway and go up the Spaceport that will lead you to your ship.

The Hunter will still relentlessly pursue you throughout this section so stay on your toes and keep your weapons ready.

7-8. Find Everyone on the Eye

Starfield - Find Everyone on the Eye

Make your way towards the Eye and board it. Once inside, follow the objective markers to check up on everyone. Unfortunately, one of your companions were killed at the hands of the Hunter.

9-10. Return to Noel

Starfield - Return to Noel and Vladimir

Report back to Noel and Vladimir near the airlock. After speaking to them, they will give you the Artifacts for safekeeping.

11. Build the Armillary on Your Ship or Build the Armillary at an Outpost

Starfield - Build the Armillary on Your Ship

Go to the cockpit and access the Armillary Screen, then select ”Build Armillary”. You can either build the Armillary on your ship or at your Outpost.

12-13. Return to the Lodge

Starfield - Talk to Matteo at the Lodge

Travel back to Jemison and return to the Lodge. Speak to Matteo to end the quest and receive 11800 Credits and a Calibrated Constellation Pack.

NOTE: The items and belongings of the companion who died on the Eye can be found in the basement.

Main Objectives (Go to the Eye)

  1. Talk to Noel
  2. Go to the Eye
  3. Find Everyone on The Eye
  4. Go to the Lodge
  5. Find Everyone in the Lodge
  6. Find Noel
  7. Escape to Your Ship
  8. Initiate Take-Off
  9. Go to The Eye
  10. Talk to Vladimir
  11. Build the Armillary on Your Ship or Build the Armillary at an Outpost
  12. Return to the Lodge
  13. Talk to Matteo

1-2. Go to the Eye

Starfield - Go to the Eye

After speaking to Noel, leave the Lodge, head back to your ship, and go to The Eye. Dock at the station and board it.

3. Find Everyone on The Eye

Starfield - Check Up on Everyone on the Eye

Once onboard, check up on everyone by going to the objective markers located in different sections of the station. If you're confused due to the several hallways aboard, use the Hand Scanner to track them down.

4-5. Find Everyone in the Lodge

Starfield - Check Up on Everyone in the Lodge

Return to the Lodge and check up on your injured fellow Constellation members. You'll soon find out that one of your companions were killed off by the Hunter.

6. Find Noel

Starfield - The Lodge Secret Tunnel

Go to the Lodge's basement and enter the secret tunnel ahead to look for Noel. Once you've found her, the Hunter will appear and interrupt your conversation.

7-9. Escape to Your Ship

Starfield - Escape to Your Ship Through the Alleyway

Go up the stairs and through the alleyway until you reach the elevator at the end. Take the lift up the Spaceport and head to your ship, then fly back towards the Eye.

The Hunter will pursue you during this but you can ignore him completely and just make a run for it.

10-11. Build the Armillary on Your Ship or Build the Armillary at an Outpost

Starfield - Build the Armillary on Your Ship

Talk to Vladimir and explain the situation. Noel will then hand the artifacts to you for safekeeping. Go to the Armillary Screen in the cockpit and select Build Artifacts.

You can also choose to build it at your Outpost as an alternative!

12-13. Return to the Lodge

Starfield - Talk to Matteo at the Lodge

Travel back to the Lodge in Jemison. Speak to Matteo in the library to end the quest and receive your rewards.

High Price to Pay Choice Guide

One Companion Will Die Regardless of Choice

Regardless of your choice on whether to defend the Lodge or check up on everyone on The Eye, one of your companions will die.

If you choose to defend the Lodge, the companion you are closest to who is at The Eye will die. Alternatively, if you choose to check up on The Eye, a companion who is left defending the Lodge will die. So either way, you will lose one companion.

This is an unavoidable event in the game as the High Price to Pay quest is a main storyline quest and you'll have no choice but to accept the fate of your fellow companions.

Should You Defend the Lodge or Go to the Eye?

High Price to Pay Previous and Next Quest

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Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Main Quests

List of All Main Quests

All Main Quest Walkthroughs

# Main Quest Unlockables
1 One Small Step ・The Lodge
2 The Old Neighborhood ・Unlock Sarah Morgan as companion
3 The Empty Nest ・Unlock Sam Coe as companion
4 Back to Vectera ・Unlock Barrett as companion
5 Into the Unknown ・Unlock Andreja as companion
・Anti-Gravity Field
6 All That Money Can Buy None
7 Starborn ・Artifact
8 Further Into the Unknown None
9 Short Sighted None
10 No Sudden Moves None
11 High Price to Pay ・Armillary
12 Unity None
13 In Their Footsteps None
14 Final Glimpses ・Artifact
15 Entangled None
16 Unearthed None
17 Missed Beyond Measure None
18 Revelation ・Artifact
19 One Giant Leap ・New Game Plus
20 Among the Stars None
21 Foreknowledge None


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