Starfield Shattered Space

Piloting Skill Rank Up Guide

Piloting is a Novice Tech skill in Starfield that allows you to pilot ships. Read on to learn the effects of the Piloting skill, how to unlock and rank up the Piloting skill, and the backgrounds that know it.

Piloting How to Unlock and Overview

Piloting Skill Overview

Piloting Skill
Starfield - Piloting Skill Skill Tree:
As more people journey into space, the number of those certified to effectively pilot various types of spacecraft has increased dramatically.

How to Unlock Piloting

Spend a Skill Point to Unlock Skill

As Piloting is a Novice skill, it can be learned without having to spend skill points on other skills in the Tech skill tree. You just need to spend a skill point on Piloting to learn it.

Backgrounds with the Piloting Skill

The Piloting skill is automatically learned by the following backgrounds:

[FILE NOT FOUND] Bounty Hunter Long Hauler
Space Scoundrel

List of All Backgrounds

Allows the Piloting of Class B and Class C Ships

Class B and C Ships Are Better, Faster, Stronger

Starfield Ship Class
A ship's class indicates how powerful the parts it can have. The ship's class is determined by the ship's Reactor class. A ship with a Class C reactor would have access to the best Ship Parts compared to the lower classes of ships.

Higher ranks of Piloting will allow you to pilot the various Class B and C ships that can be collected in the game. More ships will be unlocked at Space Technicians as you level up.

Likewise, a higher rank in this skill will allow you to install a higher class reactor on your ships during ship customization, giving you access to better ship parts. Better ship parts will be available through Space Technicians as you level up.

Ship Classes Explained

Level Up Starship Design Skill

Skill Brief Description
Starfield -  Starship Design Skill
Starship Design
Starship Design lets you install higher tier ship modules while you customize or build ships.

To maximize the effect of the Piloting Skill, it is recommended to rank up the Starship Design Skill as well. This Tech Skill allows players to install higher-class ship parts when customizing their ship.

Starship Design Skill Rank Up Guide

How to Rank Up Piloting Skill

All Rank Challenges and Effects

Rank Challenge Effects
1 - You can now utilize ship thrusters.
2 Destroy 5 ships. Increased ship turning rate and maneuverability.
3 Destroy 15 ships. Unlock the ability to pilot Class B ships.
4 Destroy 30 ships. Unlock the ability to pilot Class C ships.

Fight Digital Enemy Ships in the UC Piloting Simulator

Starfield - Fight the Digital Enemy Ships in the UC Piloting Simulator
The fastest method to complete the Piloting Rank Up Challenge is to farm the UC Vanguard Piloting Exam. This exam is part of the UC Vanguard Faction Quest Supra Et Ultra. This exam involves you destroying various digital ships within the simulation. Destroying these ships count towards completing the skill challenge for Piloting.

To complete the Vanguard Simulation, you have to complete the first three tiers of enemies. You can stand up and reset the simulation at any time by holding the E key to stand up from the cockpit seat and then leaving the simulation room.

This ship combat simulation is repeatable and thus the best method to complete the challenge, which skips the trouble of finding hostile ships to destroy.

How to Complete the Vanguard Simulation

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