Starfield Shattered Space

Sanctum Universum Faction Guide

Sanctum Universum is a religion faction in Starfield. Learn the Sanctum Universum quests, the location of Sanctum Universum and how to join, the leader and members of Sanctum Universum, and all rewards!

Sanctum Universum Faction History

Universals Who Believe That God Exists

The members, called “Universals,” believe that God very much exists somewhere in the universe. That a higher power is guiding us all. Specifically, they believe that humanity’s ability to travel the universe and grav jump is God’s way of saying, “I’m out here. Come find me.”
Source: Emil Pagliarulo, Dev Q&A

Universals of the Sanctum Universum religion believe in the existence of a higher power. They are the most prominent religion in the Settled Systems and are at odds with the atheist group, the Enlightened.

Sanctum Universum has only been around for at least a couple of decades within the Starfield timeline.

All Religions Explained

Sanctum Universum Location and How to Join

Align Yourself With the Religion via Traits

You can choose Raised Universal as a starting trait during character creation to align yourself with the Enlightened religion. Whether this has any bearing on how you interact with the faction is still unknown, but it will exclude you from choosing other religion traits.

List of All Traits

Location Currently Unknown

We are currently investigating the location of the Sanctum Universum faction. If you've discovered their location, please let us know in the comments section!

Recruitment Method Currently Unknown

We are currently investigating how to join the Sanctum Universum faction. If you've discovered how to join them, please let us know in the comments section!

Sanctum Universum Quests and Questline

All Faction Quests

We are currently investigating if this faction has quests.

Sanctum Universum Leader and Members

Faction Leader

The members of this faction are currently unconfirmed. Please check back for updates!

Faction Members

The members of this faction are currently unconfirmed. Please check back for updates!

All Sanctum Universum Exclusive Rewards

List of Exclusive Rewards

The rewards from this faction are currently unconfirmed.

Starfield Related Guides

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Faction Questlines
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All Religions

List of All Religions
The Enlightened House Va'ruun Sanctum Universum


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