Starfield Shattered Space

Should You Betray Huan?

Starfield - Should You Betray Huan
You will be prompted to choose between betraying Huan or persuading Vogel during The Best There Is quest. Learn about all the available choices, the consequences of each choice, and which choice is best!

All Betray Huan Choices and Consequences

Persuade Vogel or Betray Huan

Choice Consequences
[Persuade] "I'm one of those new test pilots, actually." You will need to pass a Persuasion check and Huan will retain her cover as a smuggler for the Crimson Fleet.
[Betray Huan] "There is no time. The Captain of the Jade Swan is trying to steal the ComSpike. I need to secure the prototype ship immediately." You will not need to Persuade Vogel, but Huan is furious that you ratted her out.

Starfield - Persuade Vogel or Betray Huan

During The Best There Is, you'll need to persuade Vogel to give you access to the spaceship that has the ComSpike the Crimson Fleet needs.

You'll need to either persuade Vogel that you're a test pilot or betray Huan to provide a distraction to convince Vogel and steal the ship.

How to Build Persuasion Meter

Should You Betray Huan?

Persuade Vogel

Starfield - Persuade Vogel

Persuading Vogel is the more difficult route since you'll need a relatively high persuasion check to convince him that you're the pilot. If you succeed in persuading him, he'll give you the SY-920 Control Center Password and SY-920 Docking Port 8 Keycard to access the prototype ship.

He'll also mention that you'll need a Pilot Uniform to get pass the Ensigns. You can find the Refined SY-920 Pilot Spacesuit in the locker room near his lab.

You'll Get Attacked as You Escape

Starfield - You
You can now either go through the checkpoint or find an alternate path to bypass it to the spaceship. Regardless of your choice, the entire SY-920 space station will realize your plan and they'll try to gun you down as you undock the prototype spaceship.

Fortunately, you can fast travel to The Key even when being pursued by security. Just make sure to quickly open the menu and travel to the Kryx Star System once you undock from the space station.

Talk to Huan at the Last Nova

Starfield - Talk to Huan at the Last Nova

You'll later meet Huan at the Last Nova in The Key. She'll thank you for not ratting her out and will give you a Bog's Grog. Delgado will also praise you when you talk to him later.

This choice will put you in good standing with the Crimson Fleet which is advantageous whether you decide to side with them or with the UC SysDef later on.

Betray Huan

Starfield - Betray Huan

If you decide to betray Huan, Vogel will alert the entire space station. He'll then give you access to the prototype spaceship, and you don't need to go trough any checkpoints since the entire crew will focus their attention to Huan.

Huan Will Be Angry and Suspicious

Starfield - Huan Will Be Angry and Suspicious

Once you return to The Key, Huan will confront you about betraying her. She'll mention that she and to an extent, the Crimson Fleet, has now lost their most lucrative route.

Although you can try to placate her, she'll tell you that she doesn't trust you and will mention that finding the Kryx's Legacy is the Crimson Fleet's only hope.

If you betray Huan, she will not be present during Legacy's End helping defend the Key. This can work out in your favor if sidding with UC Sysdef, but can make the last mission more difficult if siding with the Crimson Fleet.

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1 Fiushiover 1 year

Before leaving the station, pay a visit to the flight control and authorize your flight for departure. It's close to the docking area. Then they'll notice their mistake only after you've left. Probably.


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