Starfield Shattered Space

Targeting Control Systems Skill Rank Up Guide

Targeting Control Systems is a Novice Tech skill that improves your ship's targeting control in Starfield. Read on to learn the effects of the Targeting Control Systems skill, how to unlock and rank up the Targeting Control Systems skill, and the backgrounds that know it.

Targeting Control Systems How to Unlock and Overview

Targeting Control Systems Skill Overview

Targeting Control Systems Skill
Starfield - Targeting Control Systems Skill Skill Tree:
Missile weapons are favored because they can lock onto an enemy ship, but an intimate knowledge of tracking systems can make them even more effective.

How to Unlock Targeting Control Systems

Spend a Skill Point to Unlock Skill

As Targeting Control Systems is a Novice skill, it can be learned without having to spend skill points on other skills in the Tech skill tree. You just need to spend a skill point on Targeting Control Systems to learn it.

Backgrounds with the Targeting Control Systems Skill

The Targeting Control Systems skill is automatically learned by the following backgrounds:

Bounty Hunter

List of All Backgrounds

How to Rank Up Targeting Control Systems Skill

All Rank Challenges and Effects

Rank Challenge Effects
1 - Unlocks ship targeting functionality.
2 Destroy 5 enemy ships while in targeting mode. Time to lock onto enemy ships is reduced by 15%. Target-locked ships fire at you 25% slower.
3 Destroy 15 enemy ships while in targeting mode. Time to lock onto enemy ships is reduced by 30%. You have a 10% increased chance of critically hitting a target-locked ship.
4 Destroy 30 enemy ships while in targeting mode. Time to lock onto enemy ships is reduced by 60%. Deal 20% increased system damage in targeting mode.

Use the Ship Targeting Function to Complete the Challenge

Starfield - Use the Ship Targeting Function to Complete the Challenge
Ship Targeting is a new function you unlock for your ship for having the Targeting Control Systems Skill. This skill allows you to slow down time and aim a specific part of an enemy ship to target your weapons to.

Lock-on to Enemy Ships to Engage Ship Targeting

Starfield - Lock-on to Enemy Ships to Engage Ship Targeting
To start the Ship Targeting function, you must be locked onto an enemy ship first. When you lock on to an enemy ship, there would be a "Target Lock" prompt. Entering that prompt engages the Ship Targeting function.

Target Individual Ship Parts to Disable Them

Starfield - Target Individual Ship Parts to Disable Them
Once you've engaged Ship Targeting, you can switch between the different parts of the enemy ship to target your weapons to. After targeting a ship part, those parts will be highlighted on your HUD, and all your weapons will be targeted toward that part.

If a target is selected, you can fire your weapons as usual without aiming them to destroy those parts of the targeted ship.

Fight Digital Enemy Ships in the UC Piloting Simulator

Starfield - Fight the Digital Enemy Ships in the UC Piloting Simulator
The fastest method to complete the Targeting Control Systems Rank Up Challenge is to farm the UC Vanguard Piloting Exam. This exam is part of the UC Vanguard Faction Quest Supra Et Ultra. This exam involves you destroying various digital ships within the simulation. Destroy these ships while in Ship Targeting mode complete the skill challenge.

To complete the Vanguard Simulation, you must complete the first three tiers of enemies. You can stand up and reset the simulation at any time by holding the E key to stand up from the cockpit seat and then leaving the simulation room.

This ship combat simulation is repeatable and thus the best method to complete the challenge, which skips the trouble of finding hostile ships to destroy.

How to Complete the Vanguard Simulation

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