Starfield Shattered Space

All Particle Beam Weapons List

This page lists all Particle Beam Rifles in Starfield. Check out our complete list of all Particle Beam Rifles and how to use them in this guide!

All Weapon Types
Unique EM Laser Ballistic Particle
Rifle Pistol Shotgun Heavy Melee

All Particle Beam Weapons in Starfield

Particle Beam Pistol List

Jump to a Particle Beam Type!
Pistol Rifle Shotgun
Weapon Stats How to Get
Starfield - Novalight Novalight Damage: Phys & Engy
Ammo: Light Particle Fuse
Weapon ID: 0026D967
Buy from select shops in New Atlantis, Akila City, and Neon City
Starfield - Terror Inflictor Terror Inflictor Damage: Phys & Engy
Ammo: Light Particle Fuse
Weapon ID: 0022A90C
Buy from The Trader in New Game Plus
Starfield - The Spacer The Spacer Damage: Phys & Engy
Ammo: Light Particle Fuse
Weapon ID: 001AC6C0
Buy from Arboron in Neon City
Starfield - Va Va'ruun Starshard Damage: Phys & Engy
Ammo: Light Particle Fuse
Weapon ID: 0026D8A4
Buy from Neon Tactical in Neon City and select Trade Authority shops

List of All Pistols

Particle Beam Rifle List

Jump to a Particle Beam Type!
Pistol Rifle Shotgun
Weapon Stats How to Get
Starfield - Eternity Eternity's Gate Damage: Phys & Engy
Ammo: Heavy Particle Fuse
Weapon ID: 329ABB
Defeat The Emissary after siding with The Hunter in the Unearthed main quest
Starfield - Reflection Reflection Damage: Phys & Engy
Ammo: Heavy Particle Fuse
Weapon ID: 0022A90D
Buy from The Trader in New Game Plus
Starfield - Va Va'ruun Inflictor Damage: Phys & Engy
Ammo: Heavy Particle Fuse
Weapon ID: 0026D8A0
Buy from Centaurion Arsenal in New Atlantis

All Rifles

Particle Beam Shotgun List

Jump to a Particle Beam Type!
Pistol Rifle Shotgun
Weapon Stats How to Get
Starfield - Big Bang Big Bang Damage: Phys & Engy
Ammo: Heavy Particle Fuse
Weapon ID: 0026D963
Buy from select shops in New Atlantis, Akila City, and Neon City
Starfield - Jake Jake's Hangover Cure Damage: Phys & Engy
Ammo: Heavy Particle Fuse
Weapon ID: 2BD871
Loot behind Jake's counter in the Well

All Shotguns

What Are Particle Beam Weapons?

Weapons With Mixed Damage Types

Particle Beam Weapons can deal both physical and energy damage, making them capable of dealing with different types of enemies. These weapons all benefit from the Particle Beams skill.

Stat Guide - All Stats Explained

Particle Beam Weapons Weapon Damage Explained

A weapon's overall damage does not scale and does not increase when you level up. Instead, weapon damage depends on its tier and rarity, weapon mods, and your skills.

This means that in order to obtain more powerful weapons, you need to defeat stronger enemies and loot from chests in higher-level zones. Then, you can increase their effectiveness by installing mods at a weapon workbench and leveling up your skills that correspond to the damage type of your weapon.

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Weapons

List of All Weapons

Recommended Weapon Lists

All Weapon Categories
Unique Weapons Rifles Pistols
Shotguns Heavy Weapons Melee Weapons

Other Weapon Lists

Laser Weapons
Rifles Pistols
Ballistic Weapons
Rifles Pistols
Particle Beam Weapons
Rifles Pistols
Electromagnetic Weapons
EM (Non-Lethal) Weapons


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