Starfield Shattered Space

The Old Neighborhood Walkthrough and Choices

Starfield - The Old Neighborhood Walkthrough

The Old Neighborhood is a main quest in Starfield where you choose to have Sarah Morgan as your follower. See how to unlock The Old Neighborhood, rewards, how to complete it, how to find clues about Moara, and how to clear Moara's ship of hostiles!

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One Small Step The Empty Nest

The Old Neighborhood Rewards and Unlock Condition

How to Unlock and Rewards

Starting Location The Lodge, Jemison
Recommended Level 1
Prerequisites None
Previous Quest One Small Step
Next Quest The Empty Nest
Rewards EXP: 400
Credits: 8000

Should You Have Sarah Morgan Be Your Follower?

Before the quest starts, Sarah Morgan will give you further instructions for your next quest, to find another piece of the Artifact. The quest will only start if you choose to have her as your follower.

Should You Have Sarah Morgan Be Your Follower?

The Old Neighborhood Walkthrough and Objectives

The Old Neighborhood Objectives ▼
1 Talk to Sarah
2 Talk to Sarah's Contact
3 Ask About Moara in Cydonia
4 Go to Venus
5 Talk to Sarah
6 Examine the Satellite
7 Go to Nova Galactic Staryard
8 Talk to Sarah
9 Dock with Nova Galactic Staryard
10 Find Any Clues About Moara
11 Go to Neptune
12 Approach the Ship
13 Evade Fire
14 Damage Moara's Ship
15 Dock with Moara's Ship
16 Clear Moara's Ship of Hostiles
17 Talk to Moara
18 Take the Artifact
19 Return to the Lodge
20 Add the Artifact
21 Wait for Sarah
22 Talk to Sarah

1-2. Talk to Sarah's Contact

Starfield - UC Vanguard Tuala

Speak to Sarah in the Lodge and head over to the UC Vanguard in the MAST District of Jemison to meet with her contact. Once you're there, talk to Tuala who is standing behind the reception desk.

3. Ask About Moara in Cydonia

Starfield - Talk to Jack in Cydonia

Travel to Cydonia on the planet Mars and enter the Central Hub area. Head over to the bar and talk to Jack the bartender to get the information that Moara was last seen on Venus.

Take note that the bartender won't budge at first and you'll have to persuade him, pay 2500 Credits, or get Sarah Morgan to admit that he's lying before he can share anything about Moara to you.

Cydonia Map, Shops, and Location Guide

4-6. Go to Venus and Examine the Satellite

Starfield - Examine the UC Satellite in Venus

As you arrive in Venus, you'll spot some hostile Va'ruun Zealots flying around in the distance. You'll have to approach the UC Satellite quietly by powering down your ship.

If you have the Serpent's Embrace trait, you can talk to the zealots so they could let you fly around the area peacefully.

7-9. Go to Nova Galactic Staryard

Starfield - Dock Your Ship at Nova Galactic Staryard

Open your Starmap and make your way to Luna where a starstation called the Nova Galactic Staryard can be found. Dock your ship on it and board the station.

How to Dock Your Ship

10. Find Any Clues About Moara

How to Find Clues About Moara

Board the Nova Galactic Staryard

Starfield - Dock with the Nova Galactic Staryard

After docking with the Nova Galactic Staryard, board it and prepare to bring the best weapons in your arsenal and some healing items as you'll be in for a long tough fight.

Kill All Enemies in Each Section of the Ship

Starfield - Kill All Enemies Aboard the Galactic Staryard

The waypoint will take you through various sections of the ship which are swarming with Spacers and Ecliptics. Eliminate each one of them as you progress through each room as you'll have a tough time navigating through the ship's sectors with these enemy combatants firing at you.

Combat Tips and Mistakes to Avoid

Take the Vanguard Moara’s Slate

Starfield - Take the Vanguard Moara’s Slate

As soon as you reach the middle of the ship, jump down below the catwalk to find yourself in a room with the Vanguard Moara’s Slate on top of a table — this is the clue you'll need for the quest and upon listening to it, you'll realize that Moara is in trouble on the planet Neptune. Take the Slate and head back to your ship.

11-15. Go to Neptune and Approach Moara's Ship

Starfield - Damage Moara

Make your way to Neptune and approach Moara's ship. The ship will become hostile as you fly near it as it's been hijacked by mercenaries! Damage it enough with your ship's weapons so you can dock it.

Space Battles Combat Guide

16. Clear Moara's Ship of Hostiles

Enter the Room Behind the Ladder

Starfield - Enter the Room Behind the Ladder

As soon as you enter Moara's ship, turn around and enter the room behind the ladder. Do not enter the room in front of the ladder as this leads to a dead end!

Once inside you'll be greeted by three hostile Ecliptic soldiers, take them out before proceeding.

Exit the Room Through the Left Door

At the end of the room, exit through the door on the left side, then kill the two Ecliptic soldiers that are waiting for you there.

Obtain Moara's Ship Key and Enter the Cockpit

Loot the Moara's Ship Key from one of the dead soldiers and unlock the door leading to the cockpit. You'll find an injured Moara here lying on the ground.

17-18. Talk to Moara and Take the Artifact

Talk to the injured Moara and take the Artifact Beta hanging on the cockpit's window. Leave Moara's ship to enable fast travel to return to The Lodge.

19-20. Return to the Lodge and Add the Artifact

Starfield - The Lodge Artifact Collection

Return to The Lodge to add the Artifact Beta to the collection. Put it together with other artifacts in the middle of the library.

21-22. Talk to Sarah

Starfield - Recruiting Sarah Morgan

Talk to Sarah to receive 8000 Credits and 400 EXP as your reward for completing the quest. You can then hire her as your companion to travel around the universe with you!

How to Romance Sarah Morgan, Likes and Dislikes, and How to Recruit

The Old Neighborhood Skip

Go Straight to Luna After Talking to Sarah's Contact

Starfield - Old Neighborhood Skip

You can skip the part where you have to go to Cydonia to ask about Moara's whereabouts by traveling straight to Luna where the Nova Galactic Staryard is after talking to Sarah's contact.

This also skips the objective in where you have to go to Venus to talk to Sarah.

Nova Galactic Staryard Skip

The Old Neighborhood Previous and Next Quest

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One Small Step The Empty Nest

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Main Quests

List of All Main Quests

All Main Quest Walkthroughs

# Main Quest Unlockables
1 One Small Step ・The Lodge
2 The Old Neighborhood ・Unlock Sarah Morgan as companion
3 The Empty Nest ・Unlock Sam Coe as companion
4 Back to Vectera ・Unlock Barrett as companion
5 Into the Unknown ・Unlock Andreja as companion
・Anti-Gravity Field
6 All That Money Can Buy None
7 Starborn ・Artifact
8 Further Into the Unknown None
9 Short Sighted None
10 No Sudden Moves None
11 High Price to Pay ・Armillary
12 Unity None
13 In Their Footsteps None
14 Final Glimpses ・Artifact
15 Entangled None
16 Unearthed None
17 Missed Beyond Measure None
18 Revelation ・Artifact
19 One Giant Leap ・New Game Plus
20 Among the Stars None
21 Foreknowledge None


2 Anonymous10 months

You can go straight to Neptune instead and it will skip everything

1 Fairwaymarkover 1 year

A glitch after saving moara got kicked now can’t get back in to Moana to finish quest. Happened to a lot of people now can’t continue main story line or get any abilities need to be able to reset old neighborhood can only explore worlds all ads dead no cloths can’t get key to get back in to Moara willing to do whole quest over to continue


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