Starfield Shattered Space

All Receiver Mods

Here are all Receiver Mods in Starfield. Check out a list of Receiver mod effects and crafting materials!

All Receiver Mods

List of Receiver Mods

Mod Description Materials
Binary Trigger A binary trigger that allows for the weapon to fire on pull and release of the trigger for a faster fire rate. Lubricant x3
Microsecond Regulator x1
Ytterbium x4
Zero Wire x1
Burst Fire Receiver that fires 2 rounds per trigger pull. Titanium x4
Lubricant x3
Ytterbium x2
Fully Automatic Receiver that fires continuously while the trigger is pulled. Sealant x3
Lubricant x4
Microsecond Regulator x1
Semi-Automatic Receiver that fires once per trigger pull. Sealant x2
Titanium x3
Nickel x2
Copper x2

What are Receiver Mods?

Weapon Mods That Change Firing Type

Receiver mods change how your weapon fires its ammo. For example, you can change between fully automatic or semi-automatic which will affect your fire rate and overall damage.

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