Starfield Shattered Space

All Puzzle Solutions

Starfield - All Puzzle Solutions
Solving puzzles allows you to progress through Starfield or obtain certain items and collectibles. Find out all puzzle locations, solutions, and rewards in this guide.

All Starfield Puzzle Solutions

Mantis Puzzle

Mantis Puzzle Solutions
1 Starfield - Mantis Floor Puzzle
Spell TYRANNIS on the floor puzzle to not activate the turrets.
Hack the computer to the right of the puzzle room entrance.
Requirement: Master-level (Rank 3) Security Skill

This puzzle is encountered during the Mantis side quest. You must pass through the Mantis puzzle to acquire the Razorleaf Ship, Mantis Spacesuit, Mantis Space Helmet, and Mantis Pack.

Mantis Puzzle Solution and Walkthrough

Glyph Puzzle

Use the glyph to move the beam of light. Interacting with the circles on the four sides of the glyph will move the light in that direction.
Point the beam of light directly at the last star of the constellation displayed on the floor.

The Glyph Puzzle is main story puzzle during the Unity Quest, where you will have to find the Scorpion's Sting.

Glyph Puzzle Solution

Digipick Puzzles

There are locked containers that contain valuable items all throughout Starfield. These locks can be picked by slotting the correct Digipick keys into the gaps of the puzzle.

You must simply choose the right key shape, slot the key into the correct spaces, and repeat the process until the lock opens.

Digipick Guide and How to Pick Locks

Generator Power Puzzle

Starting Generator Power
Generator A 50 kW
Generator B 90 kW
Generator C 40 kW

Generator Power Solution Steps in Order

  1. Transfer 20 kW from B to C
  2. Transfer 20 kW from B to A
  3. Transfer 30 kW from A to B
  4. Transfer 20 kW from B to A

Follow the order above to solve the Generator Power Puzzle. However, this solution is only available for players with the same starting generator power.

Generator Power Puzzle Solution

All Puzzle Guides

List of All Puzzles

List of Puzzles
Mantis Puzzle Glyph Puzzle
Generator Power Puzzle -

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