Starfield Shattered Space

The Stretch Apartment House Location and Price

Starfield - Stretch Apartment
The The Stretch Apartment is an obtainable house that you can purchase in Starfield. Read on to learn The Stretch Apartment's location, its requirements, and its cost!

The Stretch Apartment House Location

The Stretch Apartment is located in Midtown on planet Akila in the Sol star system.

To reach this location, players should take the left path when facing the Coe Monument and walk past the Coe Heritage Museum while following the dirt path as it curves to the right.

Eventually, you will see a set of downards leading stairs to Sinclair's Books. The Stretch Apartment is the building to the left with a For Sale! sign towards the top of the structure.

The Stretch Apartment House Overview

The Stretch Apartment
Price 45,000 credits
No. of Rooms 1
Floor Space Medium

How to Purchase The Stretch Apartment

Where to Buy The Stretch Apartment

Map Location
World View
Ngodup Tate

The Stretch Apartment can be purchased from Ngodup Tate for 45,000 credits. To locate him, take the left set of stairs when facing the entrance to The Rock.

Keep following the path while making sure to keep The Rock on your right side until you reach the back end of the building.

Ngodup Tate should be standing in the front garden of the Core Residence.

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1 Anonymous4 months

This wiki says that Akila is in the Sol star system. WRONG. It is in the Cheyenne system. Can't find how to update this wiki - guess it requires a mod or something. SOL? Come on... ;-)


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