Starfield Shattered Space

All Outpost Extractors

Extractors are a type of module that you can place in an Outpost in Starfield. Read on to see a list of all Extractors, their types, and their functions!

Best Extractors to Get

Extractor - Helium, Extractor - Beryllium, and Extractor - Aluminum for Starters

Helium, Beryllium, Iron, and Aluminum are four of the most common resources required for crafting. Building your first outpost on planets that have these resources can help you set up your outpost operations fairly quickly since you will essentially have unlimited access to these resources.

Outpost Building Guide: How to Build Outposts

All Outpost Extractors Explained

Mine and Gather Resources

Extractors are outpost modules that lets you mine, produce, and gather Resources passively. Once built, an extractor will begin producing Resources.

You can enhance an outpost's productivity by assigning crew, ranking up the Outpost Engineering skill, or crafting Robots.

Outpost Engineering Skill Rank Up Guide

All Outpost Extractors Types and Functions

Name Function Types
Extractors Gathers resources from resource veins. ・Extractors - Solids
・Extractors - Liquids
・Extractors - Gases

List of All Outpost Extractors

All Known Outpost Extractors

Module Required Power Required Resources
Extractor - Aldumite 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Aldumite - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Aldumite - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Alkanes 5 Power Aluminum x5
Nickel x4
Copper x3
Extractor - Alkanes - Commercial 10 Power Vanadium x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Molecular Sieve x2
Reactive Gauge x2
Extractor - Alkanes - Industrial 20 Power Vanadium x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Reactive Gauge x3
Substrate Molecule Sieve x2
Extractor - Aluminum 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Aluminum - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Aluminum - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Antimony 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Antimony - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Antimony - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Argon 5 Power Aluminum x5
Nickel x4
Copper x3
Extractor - Argon - Commercial 10 Power Vanadium x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Molecular Sieve x2
Reactive Gauge x2
Extractor - Argon - Industrial 20 Power Vanadium x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Reactive Gauge x3
Substrate Molecule Sieve x2
Extractor - Benzene 5 Power Aluminum x5
Nickel x4
Copper x3
Extractor - Benzene - Commercial 10 Power Vanadium x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Molecular Sieve x2
Reactive Gauge x2
Extractor - Benzene - Industrial 20 Power Vanadium x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Reactive Gauge x3
Substrate Molecule Sieve x2
Extractor - Beryllium 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Beryllium - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Beryllium - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Caesium 5 Power Aluminum x5
Iron x3
Nickel x4
Extractor - Caesium - Commercial 10 Power Titanium x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Austenitic Manifold x3
Molecular Sieve x2
Extractor - Caesium - Industrial 20 Power Titanium x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Substrate Molecule Sieve x2
Veryl-Treated Manifold x3
Extractor - Carboxylic Acids 5 Power Aluminum x5
Iron x3
Nickel x4
Extractor - Carboxylic Acids - Commercial 10 Power Titanium x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Austenitic Manifold x3
Molecular Sieve x2
Extractor - Carboxylic Acids - Industrial 20 Power Titanium x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Substrate Molecule Sieve x2
Veryl-Treated Manifold x3
Extractor - Chlorine 5 Power Aluminum x5
Nickel x4
Copper x3
Extractor - Chlorine - Commercial 10 Power Vanadium x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Molecular Sieve x2
Reactive Gauge x2
Extractor - Chlorine - Industrial 20 Power Vanadium x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Reactive Gauge x3
Substrate Molecule Sieve x2
Extractor - Chlorosilanes 5 Power Aluminum x5
Iron x3
Nickel x4
Extractor - Chlorosilanes - Commercial 10 Power Titanium x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Austenitic Manifold x3
Molecular Sieve x2
Extractor - Chlorosilanes - Industrial 20 Power Titanium x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Substrate Molecule Sieve x2
Veryl-Treated Manifold x3
Extractor - Cobalt 5 power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Cobalt - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Cobalt - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Copper 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Copper - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Copper - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Dysprosium 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Dysprosium - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Dysprosium - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Europium 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Europium - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Europium - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Fluorine 5 Power Aluminum x5
Nickel x4
Copper x3
Extractor - Fluorine - Commercial 10 Power Vanadium x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Molecular Sieve x2
Reactive Gauge x2
Extractor - Fluorine - Industrial 20 Power Vanadium x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Reactive Gauge x3
Substrate Molecule Sieve x2
Extractor - Gold 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Gold - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Gold - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Helium-3 5 Power Aluminum x5
Nickel x4
Copper x3
Extractor - Helium-3 - Commercial 10 Power Vanadium x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Molecular Sieve x2
Reactive Gauge x2
Extractor - Helium-3 - Industrial 20 Power Vanadium x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Reactive Gauge x3
Substrate Molecule Sieve x2
Extractor - Indicite 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Indicite - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Indicite - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Ionic Liquids 5 Power Aluminum x5
Iron x3
Nickel x4
Extractor - Ionic Liquids - Commercial 10 Power Titanium x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Austenitic Manifold x3
Molecular Sieve x2
Extractor - Ionic Liquids - Industrial 20 Power Titanium x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Substrate Molecule Sieve x2
Veryl-Treated Manifold x3
Extractor - Iridium 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Iridium - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Iridium - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Iron 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Iron - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Iron - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Lead 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Lead - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Lead - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Lithium 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Lithium - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Lithium - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Mercury 5 Power Aluminum x5
Iron x3
Nickel x4
Extractor - Mercury - Commercial 10 Power Titanium x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Austenitic Manifold x3
Molecular Sieve x2
Extractor - Mercury - Industrial 20 Power Titanium x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Substrate Molecule Sieve x2
Veryl-Treated Manifold x3
Extractor - Neodymium 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Neodymium - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Neodymium- Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Neon 5 Power Aluminum x5
Nickel x4
Copper x3
Extractor - Neon - Commercial 10 Power Vanadium x
Adaptive Frame x
Molecular Sieve x
Reactive Gauge x
Extractor - Neon - Industrial 20 Power Vanadium x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Reactive Gauge x3
Substrate Molecule Sieve x2
Extractor - Nickel 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Nickel - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Nickel - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Palladium 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Palladium - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Palladium - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Platinum 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Platinum - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Platinum- Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Plutonium 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Plutonium - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Plutonium - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Rothicite 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Rothicite - Commercial 01 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Rothicite - Commercial 02 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Silver 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Silver - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Silver - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Tantalum 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Tantalum - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Tantalum - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Tasine 5 Power Aluminum x5
Iron x3
Nickel x4
Extractor - Tasine - Commercial 10 Power Titanium x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Austenitic Manifold x3
Molecular Sieve x2
Extractor - Tasine - Industrial 20 Power Titanium x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Substrate Molecule Sieve x2
Veryl-Treated Manifold x3
Extractor - Tetrafluorides 5 Power Aluminum x5
Iron x3
Nickel x4
Extractor - Tetrafluorides - Commercial 10 Power Titanium x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Austenitic Manifold x3
Molecular Sieve x2
Extractor - Tetrafluorides - Industrial 20 Power Titanium x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Substrate Molecule Sieve x2
Veryl-Treated Manifold x3
Extractor - Titanium 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Titanium - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Titanium - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Tungsten 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Tungsten - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Tungsten - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Uranium 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Uranium - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Uranium - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Vanadium 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Vanadium - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Vanadium - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Veryl 5 Power Aluminum x5
Nickel x4
Copper x3
Extractor - Veryl - Commercial 10 Power Vanadium x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Molecular Sieve x2
Reactive Gauge x2
Extractor - Veryl - Industrial 20 Power Vanadium x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Reactive Gauge x3
Substrate Molecule Sieve x2
Extractor - Vytinium 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Vytinium - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Vytinium - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor - Water 5 Power Aluminum x5
Iron x3
Nickel x4
Extractor - Water - Commercial 10 Power Titanium x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Austenitic Manifold x3
Molecular Sieve x2
Extractor - Water - Industrial 20 Power Titanium x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Substrate Molecule Sieve x2
Veryl-Treated Manifold x3
Extractor - Water Vapor 5 Power Aluminum x5
Benzene x3
Membrane x4
Extractor - Water Vapor - Commercial 5 Power Tantalum x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Austenitic Manifold x1
Semimetal Wafer x2
Extractor - Water Vapor - Industrial 5 Power Tantalum x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Austenitic Manifold x2
Indicite Wafer x2
Extractor - Xenon 5 Power Aluminum x5
Nickel x4
Copper x3
Extractor - Xenon - Commercial 10 Power Vanadium x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Molecular Sieve x2
Reactive Gauge x2
Extractor - Xenon - Industrial 20 Power Vanadium x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Reactive Gauge x3
Substrate Molecule Sieve x2
Extractor - Ytterbium 5 Power Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Ytterbium - Commercial 10 Power Tungsten x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x2
Extractor - Ytterbium - Industrial 20 Power Tungsten x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Aldumite Drilling Rig x1
Isotopic Coolant x4
Extractor (Atmosphere) - Helium-3 5 Power Aluminum x5
Benzene x3
Membrane x4
Extractor (Atmosphere) - Helium-3 - Commercial 5 Power Tantalum x4
Adaptive Frame x3
Austenitic Manifold x1
Semimetal Wafer x2
Extractor (Atmosphere) - Helium-3 - Industrial 5 Power Tantalum x6
Adaptive Frame x5
Austenitic Manifold x2
Indicite Wafer x2

How to Get Outpost Extractors

Build on Resource Veins

Extractors need to be built on veins since their primary function is to mine and gather Resources. Your scanner will mark areas specific colors, depending on the resource you're trying to extract.

Keep in mind that the position of your extractor relative to the resource vein does not affect how much resource your extract can produce. This means that you can place your extractor anywhere, as long as it's within the boundaries of the resource vein.

Craft Them Using Resources

All modules have a required amount of resources to craft them. Once you've acquired these resources, you can store them in your inventory, with your companion, or on your ship and the game will still consider the crafting conditions met.

Take note that some modules also require power while others have a hard limit on how many of those modules you can craft.

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Outposts Structures

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Outpost Building FAQs

Outpost Building FAQs

All Outposts Building FAQs
Best Outpost Locations How to Delete Outposts How to Add Doors to Habs
How to Delete Outpost Links Transfer Container Storage How to Raise Flora
How to Domesticate Fauna How to Craft a Greenhouse Animal Husbandry Facility Guide


2 Anonymousover 1 year


1 Anonymousover 1 year

This website is so stupidly bad and I'm so tired of seeing it. What the hell is the point of listing the buildings if you don't list the cost to build, power consumption, etc? You're just wasting my time for some ad revenue.


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