Starfield Shattered Space

Shattered Space Unique Weapons and Armor

Starfield - Shattered Space Unique Weapons and Armor

Here are lists of all Unique Weapons and Armor in the Starfield Shattered Space DLC. Find out the unique weapons and armor, their stats, and how to get them in the DLC.

Shattered Space Unique Weapons

DLC Unique Weapons

Weapon Stats How to Get
Starfield - The Fang The Fang's Rifle
Damage: Engy
Ammo: 3KV LZR Cartridge
Weapon ID: -
Loot from Maaliya Hajtal in Fang's Armor (After Legacy of the Fang)

Unique weapons are rare or legendary named weapons that are distinct from their base form and typically have unique and powerful modifiers. These can found in specific locations or as rewards for completing quests.

Unique Weapons cannot directly be spawned with Console Commands through normal means since they share their IDs with their base forms, such as The Fang's Rifle using the Va'ruun Longfang's weapon ID. However, you may be able to obtain them if you can spawn NPCs that have them as loot.

Shattered Space Best Weapons

Shattered Space Unique Armor

DLC Unique Armor

Item How to Get

Fang's Helmet
Loot from Maaliya in Fang's Armor
Type: Helmets
Phys: 64
Engy: 64
EM: 0

Fang's Pack
Loot from Maaliya in Fang's Armor
Type: Packs
Phys: 72
Engy: 56
EM: 64

Fang's Spacesuit
Loot from Maaliya in Fang's Armor
Type: Spacesuits
Phys: 144
Engy: 112
EM: 128

Valrak's Battle Helmet
Loot at the Scaled Citadel
Type: Helmets
Phys: 32
Engy: 32
EM: 0

Unique Armor also look distinct from their base armor counterparts. They have pre-determined stats and effects, and you can get unique armor pieces by going to specific locations or by completing quests.

Unlike unique weapons, Unique Armor can be spawned via Console Commands as they will have a distinct Armor ID from their base counterparts.

Shattered Space Best Armor

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