Starfield Shattered Space

Armor Mods List and Guide

Starfield - List of All Armor Mods
Here's a list of Starfield Armor Mods. See how to get weapon mods and how to modify weapons with our guide!

All Armor Mods

All Armor Mod Types
Pack Mods Spacesuit Mods Helmet Mods

Pack Mods

Pack Slot Mods provide a set of upgrades for your Pack. These improvements include Carrying Capacity increase, Damage Resistances, Oxygen capacity increase, and more.

You can only have one mod active for each slot, but you can combine them with mods from other slots.

List of All Pack Mods

Pack Slot 1 Mods List

Pack Slot 1 Mod Description Materials
Extra Capacity Increases carrying capacity by 10 kilograms. Aluminum x3
Sealant x2
Polymer x3
Hazard Protection Increases resistance to Airborne, Thermal, Corrosive, and Radiation hazards. Lead x2
Biosuppressant x2
Isotopic Coolant x1
Molecular Sieve x1
Oxygen Reserve +10% oxygen capacity. Aluminum x1
Sealant x1

Pack Slot 2 Mods List

Pack Slot 2 Mod Description Materials
Emergency Aid Administers emergency aid when health is low. Recharges a short time after use. Sedative x3
Trauma Pack x2
Heart+ x2
Medic Aid items restore additional health and heal more quickly. Analgesic x2
Med Pack x2
Regeneration Slowly regenerate health ouside of combat. Amino Acids x3
Hypercatalyst x3
Positron Battery x1
Emergency Kit x2

List of All Packs

Boost Pack Mods

Boost Pack Mods alter the property of your Boost Pack. Choose one depending on your preference of traversal.

Boost Pack Mod Description Materials
Balanced Boostpack Boostpack with balanced power output. Microsecond Regulator x1
Monopropellant x2
Zero Wire x1
Zero-G Gimbal x1
Basic Boostpack Entry-level boostack. Beryllium x2
Monopropellant x1
Power Boostpack Boostpack with increased power output, ideal for navigating high-gravity environments. Beryllium x3
Monopropellant x3
Tau Grade Rheostat x1
Zero-G Gimbal x1
Skip Capacity Boostpack Boostpack with low-duration, high-intensity output, sacrificing boost height for mobility. Beryllium x2
Monopropellant x2
Zero-G Gimbal x1

How to Use the Jetpack (Boost Pack)

Spacesuit Mods

Spacesuit Mods upgrade your Spacesuit. These upgrades include Damage Resistance increase, Oxygen consumption decrease, and Melee damage increase among others.

Like with Pack mods, you can only have one mod active for each slot, but you can use them together with mods from other slots.

List of All Spacesuit Mods

Spacesuit Slot 1 Mods List

Spacesuit Slot 1 Mod Description Materials
Ballistic Shielding (Spacesuit) Increases Damage Resistance. Fiber x2
Cosmetic x1
EM Shielding (Spacesuit) Increases Electromagnetic Resistance. Copper x2
Cosmetic x2
Polytextile x3
Energy Shielding (Spacesuit) Increases Energy Resistance. Adhesive x2
Polymer x2
Polytextile x3

Spacesuit Slot 2 Mods List

Spacesuit Slot 2 Mod Description Materials
Explosive Shielding (Spacesuit) Reduces damage from explosives. Titanium x2
Adhesive x2
Sterile Nanotubes x2
Optimized Servos Reduces Oxygen cost for sprinting. Microsecond Regulator x1
Positron Battery x2

Spacesuit Slot 3 Mods List

Spacesuit Slot 3 Mod Description Materials
Exo Servos Increases Melee Damage. Titanium x3
Positron Battery x1
Semimetal Wafer x2
Heavy Shielding (Spacesuit) Increases all Damage Resistance. Adhesive x2
Tungsten x2
High-Tensile Spidroin x2
Polymer x1

Spacesuit Slot 4 Mods List

Spacesuit Slot 4 Mod Description Materials
Gravitic Composites (Spacesuit) Reduces detection from enemies. Sealant x1
Fiber x1
Caelumite x3
Pocketed Increases carrying capacity. Sealant x2
Adhesive x1
Polytextile x1

Helmet Mods

Helmet Mods provide upgrades for your Helmet. They provide similar upgrades with the Spacesuit mods above, and only one mod can be active for each slot.

List of All Helmet Mods

Helmet Slot 1 Mods List

Helmet Slot 1 Mod Description Materials
Ballistic Shielding (Helmet) Increases Damage Resistance. Nickel x1
Cosmetic x1
EM Shielding (Helmet) Increases Electromagnetic Resistance. Tungsten x2
Copper x1
Cosmetic x1
Energy Shielding (Helmet) Increases Energy Resistance. Tungsten x2
Cosmetic x1
Polymer x1

Helmet Slot 2 Mods List

Helmet Slot 2 Mod Description Materials
Explosive Shielding (Helmet) Reduces damage from explosives. Titanium x1
Adhesive x2
Sterile Nanotubes x1
Sensor Array Increases the range for enemy detection on the Compass. Adhesive x2
Positron Battery x1
Zero Wire x1

Helmet Slot 3 Mods List

Helmet Slot 3 Mod Description Materials
Heavy Shielding (Helmet) Increases all Damage Resistance. Adhesive x1
Tungsten x1
High-Tensile Spidroin x1
Polymer x1

Helmet Slot 4 Mods List

Helmet Slot 4 Mod Description Materials
Gravitic Composites (Helmet) Reduces detection from enemies. Adhesive x2
Caelumite x3
Microsecond Regulator x1

How to Get Armor Mods

Craft Armor Mods Using the Workbench

Armor Mods are crafted using a Spacesuit Workbench. Choose a Mod Slot to see a list of applicable mods.

Crafting Armor Mods consumes resources and materials, but you'll get a lot of those as you explore the universe!

List of All Resources and Materials

Invest Points in the Research Methods and Spacesuit Design Skills

If you want better mods, it's best to have points Science Skill Tree, specifically in the Research Methods Skill and Spacesuit Design Skill.

Research Methods will save you resources while crafting while Spacesuit Design will unlock more mods with different effects. Keep this skill in mind in your weapon modding adventure!

List of All Science Skills

Obtain from Crates During Exploration

You can also get Armor Mods from crates during exploration. Keep an eye out for them as they may contain extremely helpful Armor Mods!

All Cities Maps, Settlements, and POIs

How to Modify Armors

Use the Workbench to Attach Mods

Starfield - Use the Workbench to Attach Mods
When you have acquired or crafted the mod you want to attach, go to a Spacesuit Workbench and attach the mods to your chosen Spacesuit. This is the part where you spend your resources, so be sure to have enough!

Install One Mod for Every Slot

Starfield - Install One Mod for Every Slot

Your Spacesuit, Helmet, Pack, and Boost Pack have several slots available, but you can only attach one at a time. Make sure you augment your defenses depending on what you plan on tackling ahead!

Where to Find Spacesuit Workbenches

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