Starfield Shattered Space

All EM (Non-Lethal) Weapons and Electromagnetic Damage Explained

This page lists all Electromagnetic (EM) weapons in Starfield. Check out our complete list of all Non-Lethal EM weapons and how to use them in this guide!

All Weapon Types
Unique EM Laser Ballistic Particle
Rifle Pistol Shotgun Heavy Melee

All EM (Non-Lethal) Weapons

EM Weapons by Default

There are only two EM weapons by default in Starfield, but you can mod most weapons to deal EM damage with some tweaks on the weapon workbench!

Weapon Stats How to Get
Starfield - Brawler Brawler's Equinox Damage: EM
Ammo: 3KV LZR Cartridge
Weapon ID: 000EC310
Buy from Apex Electronics in The Well
Starfield - Novablast Disruptor Novablast Disruptor Damage: EM
Ammo: Heavy Particle Fuse
Weapon ID: 0026D968
Buy from Laredo Firearms in Akila City

What Are EM (Non-Lethal) Weapons?

Weapons Modded to Deal Electromagnetic Damage

EM weapons are just modded weapons that deal Electromagnetic damage (with the exception of the Novablast Disruptor, which deals EM damage innately). They're used in non-lethal playthroughs to disable enemies instead of killing them.

Tip: you can increase your proficiency with EM weapons by upgrading your Incapication Skill!

EM Weapon Damage Explained

A weapon's overall damage does not scale and does not increase when you level up. Instead, weapon damage depends on its tier and rarity, weapon mods, and your skills.

This means that in order to obtain more powerful weapons, you need to defeat stronger enemies and loot from chests in higher-level zones. Then, you can increase their effectiveness by installing mods at a weapon workbench and leveling up your skills that correspond to the damage type of your weapon.

What is Electromagnetic Damage?

Non-Lethal Damage for Disabling Enemies

EM damage disables enemies without killing them, making non-lethal playthroughs possible. Instead of losing HP, enemies hit with electromagnetic damage spawn a non-lethal takedown gauge above their HP bar. When the gauge is full, the enemy gets knocked out!

What does a non-lethal takedown do?

If you knock an enemy out with electromagnetic damage, you can still talk to them but you can't loot them. However, you can still take their items by Pickpocketing them successfully.

Do downed enemies get back up?

The EM bar of downed enemies gradually deplete over time. When it reaches zero, the enemy will get back up, making it impossible for players to do non-lethal playthroughs.

Lethal damage and failing to pickpocket will also wake them up!

How to Get EM (Non-Lethal) Weapons

Mod Weapons with EM Rounds

You can mod almost any Starfield weapon to deal EM damage, except for the Old Earth Shotgun. Here are the battery mods and materials needed to make EM weapons:

EM Mod Description Materials
Electromagnetic Beams Electromagnetic rounds that can knockout living creatures as well as disable robotic units for a time. Adhesive x2
Beryllium x3
Isocentered Magnet x1
EM-Charged Shot EM-charged ballistic rounds, typically non-lethal. Cobalt x3
Isocentered Magnet x1
Polymer x2

How to Modify Weapons

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Starfield - Weapons

List of All Weapons

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All Weapon Categories
Unique Weapons Rifles Pistols
Shotguns Heavy Weapons Melee Weapons

Other Weapon Lists

Laser Weapons
Rifles Pistols
Ballistic Weapons
Rifles Pistols
Particle Beam Weapons
Rifles Pistols
Electromagnetic Weapons
EM (Non-Lethal) Weapons


4 Anonymous4 months

This page first says that you can use EM weapons, ".. making non-lethal playthroughs possible". Later, it explains that enemies downed with EM weapons eventually get back up, "making non-lethal playthroughs impossible." WHICH IS IT????

3 Anonymousover 1 year

Thats why you give them the old double tap


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