Starfield Shattered Space

How to Get Razorleaf Ship

Starfield - Razorleaf Ship

The Razorleaf ship is a Mantis side quest reward in Starfield. Learn how to get the Razorleaf ship early and an overview of the Razorleaf ship's stats.

How to Get Razorleaf Early

Steps on How to Get Razorleaf Fast
1 Head to the Nova Galactic Staryard
2 Loot the Secret Outpost! note off one of the Spacers there
3 Do the Mantis side quest that triggers and head to Denebola (Recommended Level 30)
4 Complete the Mantis side quest to unlock the Razorleaf

Head to the Nova Galactic Staryard

Starfield - Approach and Target the Nova Galactic Staryard
The fastest way to unlock the Razorleaf is by heading to the Nova Galactic Staryard. This space station is part of the second main quest The Old Neighborhood. You can go straight to it after leaving Jemison during that quest—you don't even need to do the Cydonia part of that mission.

Nova Galactic Staryard Skip

Find Secret Outpost Note to Unlock Mantis Quest

Starfield - Secret Outpost

At the Nova Galactic Staryard, loot the Spacers you kill until you obtain the Secret Outpost! note. This item triggers the Mantis side quest. Afterward, head to the Denebola system for the main part of the quest.

Mantis Quest Reward and Puzzle Solution

Prepare Weapons and Gear Against Level 30 Enemies

Starfield - Level 30 Enemies

The enemies in this system will be around Level 30. Since you'll probably be around Level 5 or even lower at this point, it's recommended to come stocked with ammo and MedPacks. You can buy these in New Atlantis before heading here.

You can set the difficulty level to Very Easy after landing in the planet so your enemies won't be spongy.

How to Level Up and Farm Skill Points Fast

Solve the Floor Puzzle by Stepping on the Letters TYRANNIS

Starfield - Mantis Floor Puzzle

During the Explore the Lair of the Mantis objective, you will find yourself in a room with several corpses, lettered tiles on the ground, and mounted turrets on the far end of the room.

To get past the turrets and solve the puzzle, you must step on the tiles on the floor that spell the word TYRANNIS, allowing you to cross safely.

Board Razorleaf

Razorleaf with Stats

You'll find Razorleaf at the end of the quest along with the Incendiary Mantis Gear. Use the ship to leave the planet. It will default as your current home ship, but you can head to a ship technician if you want to revert back to your previous ship.

The Razorleaf comes with the 100CM Ballast Shielded Cargo Hold installed so you can put contrabands in there with a chance to evade ship scans when traveling to a star system controlled by factions.

How to Smuggle and Sell Contraband

Razorleaf Overview

Razorleaf Stats and Overview

Razorleaf Overview
Value 17393 Mass 572
Fuel 140 Hull 469
Cargo Capacity 420 Shielded Capacity 160
Class/Reactor Class A 18 Crew 2
Jump 16 LY Shield 390
Weapons ・PAR 16
・LAS 6
・MSL 36

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